WWC snapshot of http://stats.bls.gov/intlcomp.htm taken on Sat Jun 10 19:48:40 1995

International Comparisons

The Bureau's comparative research in international economic data covers labor force and unemployment, hourly compensation costs, and various other economic indicators, in addition to productivity comparisons.

Current news release

Historical time series available via gopher

Productivity and Unit Labor Costs

This program develops comparisons of productivity and unit labor costs to assess U.S. economic performance relative to other countries.

Data available


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Major research in progress

Labor Force and Unemployment

Data available


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Forms of publication


Major research in progress

Hourly Compensation Costs

This program develops comparisons of compensation costs per hour worked for production workers in manufacturing industries.

Data available


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Forms of publication


Major research in progress

Other Economic Indicators

This program covers comparisons of consumer prices, indicators relating to the Family union membership, industrial disputes, and other economic indicators.

Data available


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