WWC snapshot of http://stats.bls.gov/complevl.htm taken on Sat Jun 10 19:48:39 1995

Compensation Levels and Trends

BLS conducts an extensive program of occupational wage surveys under the Occupational Compensation Survey Program. Nonwage compensation is covered in a survey of the incidence and characteristics of employee benefit plans. Trends in employee compensation are measured by the Employment Cost Index. The index covers the total private nonfarm economy and State and local governments. In addition to meeting general statutory requirements assigned to the Bureau (29 U.S.C. 1 and 2), data produced by this office meet some specific requirements. These include the Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act of 1990, which requires that the Bureau conduct surveys of rates of pay for use by the President's Pay Agent. For additional information on these programs, call (202) 606-6302.

Current news releases

Historical time series available via gopher

Occupational Compensation Surveys

These annual or biennial surveys provide information on average weekly or hourly earnings for selected occupations, and related benefits data for white- and blue-collar workers. There are two area-related, cross-industry wage programs: The regular program of approximately 100 metropolitan areas and 70 nonmetropolitan counties and the Federal Service Contract Act (SCA) program of approximately 110 metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas.

Data available


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Forms of publication


Employee Benefits Survey

This survey provides comprehensive data on the incidence and incidence and characteristics of employee benefit plans in private industry and State and local governments.

Data available


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Forms of publication


Employment Cost Index

Data available


Source of data

Reference period

Forms of publication

Major research in progress

Employer Costs for Employee Compensation

This annual series, based on data collected in the Employment Cost Index survey, measures the level and structure of employer costs for wages and salaries and employee benefits.

Data available


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Forms of publication


Major research in progress

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