WWC snapshot of http://macwww.db.erau.edu/www_virtual_lib/comment.links.html taken on Fri Jun 9 21:22:54 1995
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World Wide Web Virtual Library

Aviaton/Aerospace Link Request Form

These pages maintained by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

What is your Name:                  
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Please select which Library Department you would like your link request forwarded to:

Aerospace Virtual Library

The Aerospace Virtual Library contains information related to space, aerospace engineering, aeronautics, universities, etc.
Aviation Virtual Library
The Aviation Virtual Library contains information related to general aviation, airlines, travel, weather, etc.

Enter the URL of the service you wish to edit:

Enter a brief description of the content provided:

Do you wish this URL to be added, deleted, or edited, in the Virtual Library?

If you answered "EDITED," enter the new URL here:

Please enter any special comments you may have in the space provided:
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Clear my comment and start over:

Interactive form programming by Brian Gamage

Inquiries and additions