Much of the information in this document comes from the scientific
analysis of fisheries data to develop stock assessments. In general
terms, a stock assessment includes an estimation of the amount or
abundance of the resource, an estimation of the rate at which it is
being removed due to harvesting and other causes, and one or more
reference levels of harvesting rate and/or abundance at which the
stock can maintain itself in the long term. Such assessments often
also contain short-term (1-5 years, typically) projections or
prognoses for the stock under a number of different management
scenarios. This information on resource status is used by policy
makers and managers to determine what actions are needed to promote
the best use of our marine resources.
	Stock assessment analyses rely on various sources of information to
estimate resource abundance and population trends. The principal
information comes from the commercial and recreational fishery
harvests themselves. For example, the amount of fish caught, the
individual sizes of the fish caught and their biological
characteristics (e.g., age, maturity, sex), and the ratio of fish
caught to the time spent fishing (catch per unit of effort) are the
basic data for stock assessments. In addition, NMFS conducts dozens
of resource surveys with specialized research vessels or chartered
fishing vessels every year. These surveys, sometimes done in
cooperation with state marine resource agencies, universities,
international scientific organizations, or even with the fisheries
agencies of other nations, produce an index of the resource
	Research surveys are very different from commercial fishing. While
commercial operations seek out the greatest aggregations of fish
and concentrate on them to obtain the largest or most valuable
catch, research surveys fish in a standardized manner over a wide
range of locations within the waters inhabited by the stocks to
provide a consistent population abundance and distribution index
year after year. The survey results are then used in conjunction
with commercial and recreational catch data to assess the resource
base. The final critical data comes from studies on the basic
biology of the animals of the sea. Understanding the natural
history of the harvested species and the other species with which
they interact is crucial to understanding overall resource status.
@BODY TEXT NH = Fish abundance or population size can be expressed
as either the estimated number of fish or the estimated total fish
weight (or  biomass ). Increases in the amount of fish are
determined by body growth of individual fish in the population, and
the addition or recruitment of new generations of young fish (i.e.,
 recruits ). Those gains must then be balanced against the
proportion of the population removed by harvesting (called fishing
mortality) and other losses due, for example, to predation,
starvation, or disease (called natural mortality). In stock
assessment work, removals of fish from the population are commonly
expressed in terms of rates within a time period. The fishing
mortality rate is a function of fishing effort, which includes the
amount, type, and effectiveness of fishing gear and the time spent
	Surplus production (or just  production ) is the total weight of
fish that can be removed by fishing without changing the size of
the population. It is calculated as the sum of the growth in weight
of individuals in a population, plus the addition of biomass from
new recruits, minus the biomass of animals lost to natural
	The production rate is expressed as a proportion of the population
size or biomass. The production rate is highly variable owing to
environmental fluctuations, predation and other biological
interactions with other populations. On average, production
decreases at low and high population sizes. Thus, surplus
production tends to be low at the extremes of population size (i.e.
where biomass or production rate is low). It is more likely to be
high at some intermediate level of population biomass. But, on
average, biomass decreases as the amount of fishing effort
increases (Fig. 2, dashed line). This means there is a relationship
between average production and fishing effort. This relationship is
known as the production function (Fig. 2, solid line). Production
functions are the basis for certain important concepts used in this
report: Long-term Potential Yield (LTPY), Current Potential Yield
(CPY), and Recent Average Yield (RAY). In addition, the term Stock
Level is employed as a biological reference for determining
resource status relative to the stock level which would on average
support the LTPY. Recent Average Yield is also reported in order to
allow comparison of the current situation to the long-term


	LTPY, or  long-term potential yield,  is the maximum long-term
average yield that can be achieved through conscientious
stewardship, by controlling the fishing mortality rate through
regulating fishing effort or total catch. LTPY is a reference point
for judging the potential of the resource. However, it is not
necessarily the goal of management to always take the maximum
yield. Other factors may influence the choice of a management
objective, such as socioeconomic considerations or conservation
concerns for other resources indirectly affected by the fishery
harvest.  LTPY is difficult to estimate. Nevertheless, NMFS
scientists have used their best professional judgment to provide
these figures whenever possible.


	CPY, the  current potential yield  (or catch) that can be taken,
depends on the current abundance of fish and the prevailing
production rate. It is usually estimated by applying the fishing
mortality rate associated with LTPY (e.g., target fishing effort)
to the current population size. This yield may be either greater
than or less than LTPY. CPY is the amount of catch that will
maintain the present population level (biomass) or, for
overutilized stocks, stimulate a trend toward recovery to a
population size that will produce the LTPY. For underutilized
stocks at high biomass levels, the CPY may be larger than the LTPY.
In this circumstance a large fishery harvest would not be
sustainable in the long run, but it would bring the stock down to
the level supporting LTPY.  CPY is also difficult to estimate, and
NMFS scientists have used their best professional judgment here as


	To document the actual fishery catches, this report employs the
term  recent average yield.  This is the reported fishery landings
averaged for the most recent three-year period, 1990-92.


	To further clarify resource status, stock level (i.e., abundance)
in 1992 is compared with the level of abundance which on average
would support the LTPY harvest. This is expressed as Near, Below,
or Above the LTPY stock level. In some cases, heavy fishing in the
past reduced a stock to a low abundance, and even if the stock is
currently only lightly harvested, it may take many years for it to


	To evaluate the level of use of a fishery resource (i.e.,
underutilized, overutilized, or fully utilized), we must see how
the existing fishing effort and stock abundance compares with those
levels necessary to achieve LTPY.
	For many stocks, LTPY or CPY may be unknown. For the purpose of
reporting total LTPY and CPY across resources within the various
fishery units and for the Nation as a whole, if CPY were unknown
RAY was substituted when calculating a unit, regional, or national
total CPY. If LTPY were unknown CPY was substituted, or, failing
that, RAY was substituted in calculating totals.
	In this report, the classification of fisheries as underutilized,
fully utilized or overutilized is made by comparing recent fishing
mortality to the level associated with LTPY. This differs from the
evaluation of a fishery required under the MFCMA and the
accompanying guidelines for preparations of Fishery Management
Plans. Each management plan contains a specific definition of
overfishing which is used for management purposes. The MFCMA
national standards require management plans to be designed to give
the highest continuing yield possible as modified by social and
economic factors. In practice, this means each management plan may
have different goals and hence different definitions of
overfishing. As this report is intended to provide a broad overview
across all fisheries, we use the more comparable measures of
fishery conditions described below. These characterizations with
respect to recent stock levels and fishing effort are in no way
intended to supplant the specific definitions used to trigger
management actions contained in fishery management plans.
	A fishery resource is defined as fully utilized when the amount of
fishing effort used is about equal to the amount needed to achieve
LTPY and where the resource is near its LTPY stock level (e.g.,
menhaden and butterfish in Unit 10). For fully utilized fisheries,
the RAY and CPY are usually about equal. In most cases, LTPY and
CPY are also about equal, but they may differ as a result of
production variability. A fishery resource is considered overutil-
ized when more fishing effort is employed than is necessary to
achieve LTPY. When RAY is greater than CPY, and CPY is less than
LTPY, overutilization is indicated. If stock abundance is near the
level that on average produces LTPY, RAY may be greater than LTPY
for an overutilized stock, implying that recent landings levels
cannot be sustained (e.g., Atlantic cod in Unit 1). If stock
abundance is below the level associated with LTPY, RAY will likely
be less than LTPY (e.g., Gulf red snapper in Unit 8.
	Additionally, it is possible for RAY, CPY, and LTPY to be about
equal while the fishery resource is overutilized (e.g., Gulf shrimp
in Unit 11). This occurs when reducing fishing effort would have
little effect on the amount of catch realized. In such cases,
overutilization may not have an apparent adverse effect on
production, but it further reduces the size of the population, it
wastes effort and economic resources, and imposes other deleterious
consequences (e.g., excessive bycatch, gear interactions).  
	A fishery resource is classified as underutilized when more fishing
effort is required to achieve LTPY. This situation is generally
indicated when RAY is less than CPY and CPY is greater than LTPY
while stock level is above the reference level that on average
produces LTPY (e.g., Atlantic mackerel in Unit 2). But there may be
exceptions. For example, RAY may be held below CPY and LTPY by
management to compensate for uncertainty in population estimates
(e.g., most Bering Sea groundfish in Unit 19).
	These are the major factors NMFS considers for determining the
status of resource utilization for this report, but they do not
give a complete picture. In cases where knowledge about the stock
is incomplete or when comparing LTPY, CPY, RAY, and stock level
gives ambiguous results, the classification of a fishery's status
is based on the best scientific judgment of the NMFS staff that
conducts research on the stock in question. 
	In many of the fishery units, a dollar figure is given for the
ex-vessel revenue generated by the commercial fishery on a given
stock or group of stocks. Ex-vessel revenue is defined as the
quantity of fish landed by commercial fishermen multiplied by the
average price received by them at the first point of sale. As such,
ex-vessel revenue captures the immediate value of the commercial
harvest, but does not reflect subsequent revenues earned by seafood
processors, distributors, or retailers. However, when ex-vessel
revenue is multiplied with population LTPY, it is possible to
generate estimates of Long-term Potential Revenue (LTPR) for a
fishery on a national or regional basis.   The estimates of LTPR
discussed later are not a true measure of other components such as
the  economic value  of the recreational catch, which is difficult
to derive.  Although LTPR takes both recreational and commercial
catches and multiplies them by an average commercial price estimate
to arrive at a baseline (relative measure) of economic significance
among various user groups, it will underestimate those fisheries
where there is a large recreational component. Nevertheless, LTPR
serves as a useful gauge of the economic benefit generated over
many disparate stocks, fisheries, and regions.
	This document also reports on marine mammals and sea turtles. The
same scientific principles apply to the population dynamics of
these protected species, but the terminology of underutilized,
fully utilized, and overutilized does not apply. Instead, marine
mammals are referred to as Depleted when their population size is
below the level of maximum net production. This is often referred
to as their  optimum sustainable population level  (in the MMPA
this is defined as a population size between the largest
supportable within the ecosystem and the level where productivity
is at a maximum, i.e. to the right of the maximum on Figure 2).
	Protected marine mammals and turtles may also be classified as
threatened or endangered under the ESA. A species is considered
threatened if it is likely to become an endangered species in the
foreseeable future throughout a significant portion of its range.
A species is considered endangered if it is in danger of extinction
throughout a significant portion of its range. In addition to some
marine mammals and all sea turtles, several Pacific salmon stocks
are now listed as threatened or endangered under the ESA (e.g.,
Sacramento River winter run chinook salmon are threatened and Snake
River sockeye salmon are endangered, Unit 12).