WWC snapshot of http://ipm_www.ncsu.edu/cernag/international.html taken on Wed Apr 19 20:20:43 1995

International Sites


CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research

IPM Bulletins of the European IPM Working Group This is a WEB posting of IPM information for and involving developing nations.

Third World Academy of Sciences
TWAS supports research and technologists in developing countries and development international collaborative initiatives to enhance the science base for sustainable development.

Center for Tropical Pest Management


University of Western Sydney - Hawkesbury Schools of Agriculture and Horticulture
University of Western Sydney - Hawkesbury School of Food Sciences
University of Western Sydney - Hawkesbury School of Applied and Environmental Sciences
Environmental Resources Information Network
National Botanic Gardens Biodiversity Server
Australian National University Bioinformatics
IOPI International Organization for Plant Information


BDT Base de Dados Tropical (Tropical Data Base)


Advanced Forest Technologies Program
CLRnet: Centre for Landscape Research NETWORK
Nova Scotia Agricultural College Department of Agriculture and Marketing
Nova Scotia Agricultural College Plant Industry Branch
Integrated Pest Management Information System - British Columbia, Canada Ministry of Environment, Lands, and Parks


Beijing Agricultural University


Danish Informatics Network in Agriculture Sciencs (DINA)


Forest Research Institute (METLA)
Biodiversity Information Network


INRA Server


Institute of Soil Sciences
University of Kassel - Faculty of Agriculture, Int. Rural Development and Environmental Protection
University of Kassel - Department of Rural Engineering and Natural Resource Protection Munich University of Technology - Department of Agriculture and Horticulture


Agricultural Biotechnology Center
Agricultural Biotechnology Center Institute for Plant Sciences
Agricultural Biotechnology Center Institute for Animal Sciences


National Institutes of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Japanese Dairy Cattle Improvement Program
National Institiute of Agro-Environmental Sciences


Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute

The Netherlands

AGRALINa gateway to agricultural information in the Netherlands, from Wageningen DLO-NL -- Agricultural research organization of the Netherlands
Wageningen Agricultural University
Wageningen NMR Centre, Wageningen Agricultural University

New Zealand

New Zealand Institute for Crop and Food Research Ltd.
Taranaki Polytech Pukeiti Rhododendron Trust

South Africa

Institute for Commercial Forestry Research
Forestry Virtual Library


Department of Radioecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala.
Environment, Health and Safety in Agriculture University of Agricultural Sciences, Lund/Alnarp, Sweden


National Taiwan University Agricultural Engineering
WETNet An Experimental Virtual Water Resource

United Kingdom

University of Aberdeen Centre for Computer-based Learning in Land Use and Environmental Sciences (CLUES)
Aberdeen University Department Of Agriculture
World Agriculture Resources Page, Providing links to Agriculture Resources in Aberdeen, and around the World.
De Montfort University Department of Textiles and Fashion
Edinburgh University The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Institute of Arable Crops Research - IACR
International Organization of Paleobotany
Rothamsted Experimental Station Institute of Arable Crops Resear Forest Genetics
Rothamsted Experimental Station Plant Pathology Department
Natural Environment Research Council
Oxford University Oxford Forestry Institute
United Kingdom Ministry of Agriculture

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