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Visual Languages and Visual Programming - On-line Technical Reports

This page is maintained by Bertrand Ibrahim <bertrand@cui.unige.ch>, Visual Programming and Software engineering group, University of Geneva.

Most recent update: March 31, 1995
Note: if you are aware of technical reports pertaining to visual languages or visual programming, that are available on-line and that are not listed here, please let me know, so that I can add them to this list.


University of Colorado, Boulder, CS Department, Ph.D. thesis
Characterization, Specification and Generation of Visual Language Applications
Jeffrey D. McWhirter; 1995, 169 pages.

Leiden University, CS Department, TR 95-05
A Parsing Algorithm for Context-Sensitive Graph Grammars
J. Rekers, A. Schürr; January 1995 43 pages.

MRC Applied Psychology Unit
Noddy's Guide to Visual Programming ,
T.R.G. Green; 1995, 5 pages.

MRC Applied Psychology Unit
Programming Plans, Imagery, and Visual Programming ,
T.R.G. Green, R. Navarro; 6 pages, submitted to INTERACT'95.


DIGITAL Systems Research Center, vis94.ps.Z (warning: huge 35Mb. Postscript file)
A Library for Visualizing Combinatorial Structures
Marc A. Najork, Marc H. Brown;
also appeared in IEEE Visualization '94, Washington, DC, 1994, pp 164-171

DIGITAL Systems Research Center, SRC-126 (3.5Mb Postscript file)
The 1993 SRC Algorithm Animation Festival
Marc H. Brown; August 1994, 31 pages.

Leiden University, CS Department, TR 94-11
On the use of Graph Grammars for defining the Syntax of Graphical Languages
J. Rekers; 1994, 9 pages.

MRC Applied Psychology Unit
Usability Analysis of Visual Programming Environments ,
T.R.G. Green, M. Petre; 23 pages.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, UIUCDCS-R-93-1838 (PhD Thesis)
Programming in Three Dimensions,
Marc-Alexander Najork, 1994, 155 pages.

Carnegie Mellon University, CS-94-156
Extending Programming by Demonstration with Hierarchical Event Histories,
David S. Kosbie, Brad A. Myers; May 94, 16 pages.

University of Colorado, VOOP-VIPR, (alternate place)
The Design of a Completely Visual Object-Oriented Programming Language
Wayne Citrin, Michael Doherty, Benjamin Zorn;
To appear in "Visual Object-Oriented Programming: Concepts and Environments", Margaret Burnett, Adele Goldberg, Ted Lewis, Editors, 1994.

University of Aachen, AIB 94-11
PROGRES, A Visual Language and Environment for PROgramming with Graph REwriting Systems,
Andy Schürr. 1994, 21 pages.

University of Aachen, AIB 94-12
Specification of Graph Translators with Triple Graph Grammars,
Andy Schürr. 1994, 17 pages.

Carnegie Mellon University, CS-94-109
Pursuit: Visual Programming in a Visual Domain,
Francesmary Modugno, Brad A. Myers; Jan. 1994, 23 pages.

University of Tokyo, uist94
Interactive Generation of Graphical User Interfaces by Multiple Visual Examples,
Ken Miyashita, Satoshi Matsuoka, Shin Takahashi, Akinori Yonezawa;
to appear in Proceedings of UIST'94.


University of Colorado, Boulder, CS Department, CU-CS-655-93
Building Visual Language Applications with Escalante,
Jeffrey D. McWhirter, Zulah K. F. Eckert, Gary J. Nutt; Oct. 93, 78 pages.

Oregon State University, internal report ( compressed version, uncompressed version)
OOPSLA '93 Visual Object-Oriented Programming Workshop,
Margaret M. Burnett.

University of Colorado, VL93.ps.Z
Requirements for Graphical Front Ends for Visual Languages,
Waine Citrin;
also appeared in Proceedings of the IEEE 1993 Symposium on Visual Languages Bergen, Norway, August 1993.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, vl93.ps.Z (146Kb. Postscript file)
Specifying Visual Languages with Conditional Set Rewrite Systems
Mark A. Najork, Simon M. Kaplan;
also appeared in IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages, Bergen, Norway, 1993, pp 12-18.

Leiden University, CS Department, TR 93-15
A Hybrid Query Language for the Extended Entity-Relationship Model
Marc Andries, Gregor Engels; 1993, TR 93-15, 18 pages.

Oregon State University, T.R. 93-60-14
A Classification System For Visual Programming Languages,
Margaret M. Burnett, Marla J. Baker; 1993.

University of Sussex, School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences, csrp273
Towards a Visual Notation, and Editor, for User Interface Design
Ian Rogers, Jonathan Cunningham, Aaron Sloman; 52 pages.

DIGITAL Systems Research Center, SRC-110a (2.2Mb. Postscript file - abstract available)
Algorithm Animation Using 3D Interactive Graphics
Marc H. Brown, Marc A. Najork;
also appeared in ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Atlanta, GA, 1993, pp. 93 - 100.

DIGITAL Systems Research Center, SRC-98 (2.7 Mb. Postscript file - abstract available)
The 1992 SRC Algorithm Animation Festival
Marc H. Brown; March 1993, 12 pages.

University of Exeter, Department of Computer Science, vl93
Interacting Visual Abstractions of Programs
Lindsey Ford, Daniel Tallis; 1993, 5 pages.

Carnegie Mellon University, CMU-CS-93-133
Visual Representations as Feedback in a Programmable Visual Shell
Francesmary Modugno, Brad A. Myers;
March 1993, 8 pages

Carnegie Mellon University, CMU-CS-93-134
Typed Output and Programming in the Interface
Francesmary Modugno, Brad A. Myers
March 1993, 10 pages

University of Tennessee & Carnegie Mellon University, lapidary.ps
The Lapidary Graphical Interface Design Tool
Brad Vander Zanden, Brad A. Myers;

Carnegie Mellon University, marquiseCHI93.ps
Marquise: Creating complete user interfaces by demonstration
Brad Myers, Richard G. McDaniel, David S. Kosbie;
In Proceedings of InterCHI'93, 1993, pp 293-300.

University of Alberta CS TR93-04
Program Design and Animation in the Enterprise Parallel Programming Environment
Greg Lobe, Duane Szafron and Jonathan Schaeffer.

Stanford University, reprint
Animation: From Cartoons to the User Interface
Bay-Wei Chang, David Ungar;
UIST'93: User Interface Software and Technology, Atlanta, GA, Nov. 3-5, 1993, pp 45-55.

University of Colorado, CS-673-93, alternate place)
A Formal Definition of Control Semantics in a Completely Visual Language
Wayne Citrin, Michael Doherty, Benjamin Zorn; 1993.

University of Colorado, CS-672-93,
Control Constructs in a Completely Visual Imperative Programming Language
Wayne Citrin, Michael Doherty, Benjamin Zorn; 1993.

University of Leeds, Computer Based Learning Unit, Internal report,
Constructing object-oriented software in interactive graphical progrmming environments: An anthology.
Nikos Drakos; March 1993.

Yale University, CS dep., MS thesis,
The Visual Programming Environment
Elisabeth Freeman; April 1993.

Georgia Institute of Technology, Graphics, Visualization, and Usability Center, GIT-GVU-93-20
An Enhanced Spreadsheet Model for User Interface Specification
Scott Hudson; 1993.


Carnegie Mellon University, ooprogOOPSLA.ps
Declarative Programming in a Prototype-Instance System: Object-Oriented Programming Without Writing Methods
Brad A. Myers, Dario A. Giuse, Brad Vander Zanden;
In Proceedings OOPSLA'92: ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, October 18-22, 1992. Vancouver, BC, Canada. SIGPLAN Notices, vol. 27, no. 10. pp. 184-200.

MRC Applied Psychology Unit
When Visual Programs are Harder to Read than Textual Programs ,
T.R.G. Green, M. Petre; 1992, 13 pages.

University of Colorado, VL92.ps.Z
An International Visual Language,
K.A. Suleiman, Waine Citrin;
also appeared in Proceedings of the IEEE 1992 Workshop on Visual Languages Seattle, September 1992.

Carnegie Mellon University, CMU-CS-92-113
Survey on User Interface Programming
Brad A. Myers, Mary Beth Rosson; February 1992

Carnegie Mellon University, CMU-CS-92-114
State of the Art in User Interface Software Tools
Brad A. Myers; February 1992

Open University, Petre-notPainting-EWHCI92.ps.Z (86K)
Why a Computer Interface is Not Like a Painting: the user as a deliberate reader
Marian Petre, Blaine A. Price.
East-West HCI'92: The St. Petersburg International Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction, Juri Gornostaev, Ed., 1992, pp 217-224.

Federal Instute of Technology in Lausanne, avi92.ps.Z (58K)
Database Visual Environments Based on Advanced Data Models
Advanced Visual Interfaces, T.Catarci, M.F.Costabile, S.Levialdi (Eds.), World Scientific, 1992, pp.156-170.

Federal Instute of Technology in Lausanne, er92.ps.Z (54K)
SUPER - Visual Interaction with an Object-based ER Model
Annamaria Auddino, Yves Dennebouy, Yann Dupont, Edi Fontana, Stefano Spaccapietra, Zahir Tari.
Entity- Relationship Approach - ER'92, G.Pernul, A.M. Tjoa (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1992, pp.340-356.

Brown University, CS-92-34
A Framework for Dynamic Graph Drawing
R.F. Cohen, G. Di Battista, R. Tamassia, I.G. Tollis; 1992, 38 pages.

Indiana University CS TR349
Merging interactive, modular and object-oriented programming
Sho-Huan Simon Tung.
[Ph.D. Dissertation] (Mar. 1992). 143pgs

CWI, Centre for M&CS (Netherlands) CS-R9256
The ABC structure editor. Structure-based editing for the ABC programming environment
L.G.L.T. Meertens, S. Pemberton, and G. van Rossum.

CWI, Centre for M&CS (Netherlands) CS-R9257
The Views application environment
Steven Pemberton.

CWI, Centre for M&CS (Netherlands) CS-R9258
The ergonomics of computer interfaces
Lambert Meertens, Steven Pemberton.

CWI, Centre for M&CS (Netherlands) CS-R9259
Programming aspects of Views. An open-architecture application environment
S. Pemberton.

CWI, Centre for M&CS (Netherlands) CS-R9260
Graphics in the Views system
Lon Barfield.

CWI, Centre for M&CS (Netherlands) CS-R9261
Modelling interaction tools in the Views architecture
Eddy Boeve..

CWI, Centre for M&CS (Netherlands) CS-R9262
Maintaining presentation invariants in the Views system
Job Ganzevoort.

CWI, Centre for M&CS (Netherlands) CS-R9263
Multimedia in Views
Monica Bordegoni.

CWI, Centre for M&CS (Netherlands) CS-R9264
Editing tree structures
Lon Barfield.

CWI, Centre for M&CS (Netherlands) CS-R9265
The MUSA design methodology
Steven Pemberton, Lon Barfield.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, vl92.ps.Z (1Mb. Postscript file)
A Prototype Implementation of the CUBE Language
Mark A. Najork, Simon M. Kaplan;
also appeared in IEEE Workshop on Visual Languages, Seattle, WA, 1992, pp 270-272.

DIGITAL Systems Research Center, SRC-75 (1Mb. Postscript file - abstract available)
Zeus: A System for Algorithm Animation and Multi-view Editing
Marc H. Brown; February 1992, 21 pages.


DIGITAL Systems Research Center, SRC-76a (abstract available)
Color and Sound in Algorithm Animation
Marc H. Brown, John Hershberger; August 1991, 44 pages.

Carnegie Mellon University, CMU-CS-91-112
(figures are "iffy" for some printers)
A Formal Specification of a Visual Language Editor
Jeannette M. Wing, Amy Moormann Zaremski.
February 1991 [This is really a paper on the Miro language].

University of Alberta CS TR91-17
Enterprise: an Interactive Graphical Programming Environment for Distributed Software Development
Enoch Chan, Paul Lu, Jimmy Mohsin, Jonathan Schaeffer, Carol Smith, Duane Szafron and Pok Sze Wong.
1991, Keywords: distributed computing, parallel programming, programming environments, message passing, software engineering.


Brown University, CS-89-09 (abstract)
Algorithms For Drawing Graphs: An Anotated Bibliography
Peter Eades, Roberto Tamassia;
An excellent overview of graph drawing algorithms.

Brown University, CS-89-06, abstract
Parsing in a Visual Language Environment
Eric J. Golin, Steven P. Reiss;
(only abstract is available on-line)

Stanford University, unidraw.ps.Z
Unidraw: A Framework for Building Domain-Specific Graphical Editors
John M. Vlissides, Mark A. Linton;
in Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, October 1989.

Columbia University, CUCS-421-89
A Visual Language for Browsing, Undoing, and Redoing Graphical Interface Commands
David Kurlander, Steve Feiner;
February 1989, 18 pages.

If you would like to comment on or give us some suggestions about the information we're providing, or if you are aware of on-line documents pertaining to visual languages or visual programming that are not mentioned here, please tell us by following this link .

Bertrand Ibrahim  (CUI)