WWC snapshot of http://cuiwww.unige.ch/eao/www/TclTk.html taken on Sat Jun 10 16:08:06 1995
[Virtual Library] Virtual Library [Virtual Library] Computer Programming Languages

Tcl and Tk

Last update: June 6, 1995 (a list of changes is available now)
Note: The registration deadline for the Third Annual Tcl/Tk Workshop is June 1, 1995.

Various information sources

The official distribution site is now ftp://ftp.aud.alcatel.com/tcl. It is mirrored in Europe at ftp://ftp.ibp.fr/pub/tcl. These sites hold the sources, some additional documentation (quick reference guide, Frequently Asked Questions, ...) and some extensions.

Tcl 7.4b3 and Tk 4.0b3 are available via ftp at ftp.cs.berkeley.edu:/ucb/tcl/ as tcl7.4b3.tar.Z and tk4.0b3.tar.Z (see release information).

John Ousterhout's book and the latest version of Tcl and Tk can be found at ftp://ftp.cs.berkeley.edu/ucb/tcl . John Ousterhout's book is also available from CICA, Indiana University.

Another book available online is Brent Welch's Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk (~700Kb for the gzip-ed Postscript version), to be soon published by Prentice Hall.

A nice hypertext version of the FAQ can be found at http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/tcl-faq/top.html and is mirrored (with online Man pages and other goodies) at http://www.sco.com/Technology/tcl/Tcl.html .

Mike Hopkirk's TCL WWW Info has very extensive info about Tcl (check its Tcl/TK Resources entry (alternate path to these resources), under the Other Tcl Info Collations heading). Mike Hopkirk's TCL WWW Info page is mirrored at http://www.x.co.uk/of_interest/tcl/Tcl.html, http://www.isu.edu/tcl/Tcl.html and http://ita.tutkie.tut.ac.jp/tcl/Tcl.html

Online help is available again from Fermilab, at http://www-sdss.fnal.gov:8000/ftcl/extended/tcllib/help.

Have a peek at John Ousterhout's home page and Release Information for Tk 4.0b3 and Tcl 7.4b3

Nat Pryce has put up an Index to Itcl Widget Documentation

Kevin B. Kenny has an interesting document analyzing Dynamic Loading for Tcl .

David Martland has written an intoduction to Tcl/Tk. This document is still under development.

Wayne Christopher has collected some News articles comparing Tcl with other systems.

The Web of Wonder has an entry for Tcl/Tk

FTP sites that hold Tcl/Tk tools/programs


For those interested in networking, Tcl-DP (Tcl-Distributed Processing) version 3.2 is available from ftp.aud.alcatel.com, in the /tcl/extensions directory.

For those interested in turning character-based interactive programs into batch ones, have a look at Expect (there is an alternate site, in France).

TIX is a set of compound widgets, including a Combobox, a Motif style FileSelectbox, a PanedWindow widget, a Notebook widget and many more, built on top of TK. It is written completely in TCL and requires no extension to the C source of TK. I personally like its pop-up menu facility. The author of TIX has his Home Page on the web.

Pacco is a set of widgets that extends the toolkit Tk to supply object visualization.

Interfaces to other languages

An Ada interface to Tcl is available from the Arcadia project.

A Prolog interface to the Tcl/Tk toolkit is available from the "European Computer-Industry Research Centre" (ECRC), in Germany.

Object Tcl is a Tcl extension package that makes it possible to use object oriented programming concepts in Tcl and use/reuse C++ classes.

A portable interface for Tk (PortTk) has been developed by Filip Karlemo (fkarlemo@snakemail.hut.fi), Ari Kiviluoma (akiviluo@snakemail.hut.fi) and Kimmo Joki-Korpela (kjk@snakemail.hut.fi) as a project course at Helsinki University of Technology. (There is an alternate path to this information)

Ports to other environments

Tk for Windows NT (Tk3.6 release 4), with support for Tcl-DP, is available from ftp://mm-ftp.cs.berkeley.edu/pub/multimedia/winnt/, thanks to Gordon Chaffee and Lawrence A. Rowe, Computer Science Division-EECS, University of California at Berkeley. It is also mirrored at ftp://ftp.ibp.fr/pub/tcl/winnt/. ftp://ftp.aud.alcatel.com/tcl/distrib/ has an older version (release 2).

Tk for Windows is available from ftp://ftp.ms.uky.edu/pub/tk-win/ (University of Kentucky). Look at their FAQ file for more info. Mirror sites are: ftp://ftp.ibp.fr/pub/tcl/tk-win/, ftp://mrrl.lut.ac.uk/tcl-tk/tk-win/ and ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/languages/tcl/tk-win/

Another Tk for Windows is available from ftp://ftp.sra.co.jp/pub/lang/tcl (Software Research Associates, Inc., in Japan), in files tkwine*. "exec" and "send" are not supported! See file twinebin.doc for a list of characteristics and limitations.

Tcl 7.3, TclX7.3a, Tk3.6 for MSDOS & Desqview/X can be found at ftp://harbor.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/tcl/distrib/, in files mstcl73s.zip (sources) and mstcl73e.zip (executables). They are mirrored at ftp://ftp.germany.eu.net/pub/programming/tools/tcl/distrib/.

MacTcl 7.3 (partial port to the Macintosh) can be found at ftp://ftp.germany.eu.net/pub/programming/tools/tcl/distrib/ in MacTcl7.3.sea.hqx (see the README file).

Tcl/Tk based tools

Sean Halliday <halliday@BanffCentre.AB.CA> wrote a GUI builder that is quite easy to use. The latest release is available from ftp://grizzly.banffcentre.ab.ca/TclGUI/. As of June 6, 1995, the current release is v0.94, while v0.95 is considered highly experimental.

Liem Bahneman <roland@cac.washington.edu> has announced tkHTML-2.0 , a tcl/tk-based HTML document editor for X11. It has almost all the standard editing features of a word processor, as well as special functions for editing HTML documents. TkHTML also has WYSIWYG previewing.

Jay Sekora has put in the public domain a set of tools (text editor, directory browser, hypertext help-file viewer, etc. ) named jstools, archived on ftp://ftp.aud.alcatel.com/tcl/code/

CUI's local copy of HTML-ized MAN pages (compressed version, uncompressed version) Please, use the compressed version to save network bandwidth if your WWW viewer supports automatic decompression (e.g. Mosaic for X)

If you want your own local copy of the man pages with the cgi-bin scripts to HTML-ize them, plus the FAQ pages, you can get them in the following tar file: ftp://ftp.aud.alcatel.com/tcl/docs/tclhtml.tar.gz. I have made some slight changes to the cgi-bin scripts to enhance the man->HTML conversion. You can peek at my tkman and tk2html files, if you want.
Note: although it is not necessarily your domain of interest, you might still be interested in having a look at the WWW Virtual Library page that I maintain about Visual Languages and Visual Programming. My research group uses Tcl/Tk to implement the user interface of our visual programming tools.
If you would like to comment on or give us some suggestions about the information we're providing, you can do so by following this link .

Bertrand Ibrahim  (CUI)