WWC snapshot of http://cuiwww.unige.ch/eao/www/documentation.html taken on Sat Jun 10 16:11:00 1995
VP-SE Research Group (C)

Documentation for the Visual Programming/Software Engineering group

IDEAL Visual Programming environment

Synchronous Editor
script editor user guide (uncompressed version, compressed version)
synchronous editor user guide (uncompressed version, compressed version)
releases information
Diagrammatic representation of Data in the Script Editor
Proposition de Christian Blanvillain pour revoir le mécanisme de placement de noeuds lors de l'insertion ou de la supression de noeuds
Automatic code generator
user guide
releases information
Introduction to Programming in the IDEAL environment (uncompressed version, compressed version)
translation manager
rapport de stage (written in French)
Project overview tool
user guide

Tcl and Tk man pages (if your viewer doesn't do automatic decompression, use this link)

Scientific Reasoning Series, Translation Effort (access restricted by password to the members of the group)

Target environment

Answer Analysis
Keyed Files
Coding directives for Pascal
Ports-based Toolkit
Ports-based Widget set
Chained strings
Chained integers
Ports based Text Editor
ETC's documentation archive
ETC/CUI support library

Friendly Mailer implementation

Modifications récentes apportés aux modules de ~eao/Pascal ainsi qu'aux modules *TC.IMP du Friendly Mailer
Recommandations sur la façon de programmer un nouveau script.
Symbol definitions and use over all scripts
Packages sous la leçon: FRIENDLY MAILER
System dependent code
String parameters in various implementations
Novice level scripts
Intermediate level scripts

If you would like to comment on or give us some suggestions about the information we're providing, you can do so by following this link .

Bertrand Ibrahim  (CUI)