WWC snapshot of http://cc.usu.edu/~slq9v/cslewis/workshop.html taken on Sat Jun 10 21:03:13 1995

Workshop Announcement

Understanding C. S. Lewis

English 470/586

A One-Credit Hour, Three Day Graduate/Undergraduate Workshop
(Also available for Continuing Education Noncredit)
Bowling Green State University
Thursday-Saturday, June 8-10, 1995

Dr. Bruce L. Edwards Professor of English and Director of Graduate Studies

How would you like to spend three days with C. S. Lewis and a few of his friends?

This workshop may be the next best thing! Understanding C. S. Lewis is designed to be a comprehensive introduction to one of the 20th Century's most versatile and engaging thinkers and writers: Clive Staples Lewis (1898-1963). General readers, aspiring writers, teachers, pastors, and other professionals will gain insights into Lewis's prowess as a literary scholar, science-fiction novelist, Christian apologist, and children's fantasist. Participants earn one hour of graduate or undergraduate credit, or may enroll as a non-credit, continuing education student.

Workshop Leader:

The workshop is taught by Professor Bruce L. Edwards, the author of two books and numerous articles on the life and work of Lewis. Dr. Edwards, an ordained minister, is Director of BGSU's graduate program in English and wrote his doctoral dissertation on Lewis at the University of Texas at Austin (1981). He is thoroughly familiar with Lewis's varied career, and has lectured widely on Lewis's life and times at universities and churches across the U. S. and Australia. Dr. Edwards regularly features Lewis's works in his undergraduate and graduate classes at BGSU.

Workshop Topics:

Who should enroll in this workshop?


For more information, write or call:

Dr. Bruce L. Edwards
Professor of English
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH 43403
e-mail: edwards@bgnet.bgsu.edu