The Virgin and Saints (Duccio) The Virgin and Child before a Firescreen (Campin) The Arnolfini Marriage (van Eyck) The Baptism of Christ (Piero della Francesca) The Battle of San Romano (Uccello) Venus and Mars (Botticelli) The Virgin of the Rocks (Leonardo) Pope Julius II (Raphael) Bacchus and Ariadne (Titian) The Ambassadors (Holbein) St George and the Dragon (Tintoretto) The Supper at Emmaus (Caravaggio) Young Man Holding a Skull (Hals) 'Peace and War' (Rubens) A Boy and a Girl with a Cat and an Eel (Leyster) The Triumph of Pan (Poussin) Equestrian Portrait of Charles I (van Dyck) Self-Portrait at the Age of 34 (Rembrandt) Seaport with the Embarkation of St Ursula (Claude) The Rokeby Venus (Velazquez) Young Woman Standing at a Virginal (Vermeer) 'The Stonemason's Yard' (Canaletto) The House of Cards (Chardin) The Graham Children (Hogarth) The Painter's Daughters Chasing a Butterfly (Gainsborough) An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump (Wright) The Milbanke and Melbourne Families (Stubbs) Portrait of Jacobus Blauw (David) The Duke of Wellington (Goya) The Hay Wain (Constable) The Fighting Temeraire (Turner) Madame Moitessier (Ingres) Bathers at La Grenouillere (Monet) Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando (Degas) Summer's Day (Morisot) The Umbrellas (Renoir) Bathers at Asnieres (Seurat) Sunflowers (van Gogh) Tiger in a Tropical Storm (Rousseau) Bathers (Cezanne)