Can I encrypt the files in a Zip file?

Yes, WinZip supports both Zip 2.0 and the more advanced AES 128- and 256-bit encryption. You can use this feature to encrypt files in your Zip files so that they can only be extracted by someone who knows the correct password.

Encryption, however, is supported only by the WinZip Classic interface, not by the WinZip Wizard. Using the Classic interface, you can easily encrypt files as they are added, which is the most efficient way to do it.

Alternatively, you can create or update your Zip file using the Wizard and then encrypt the files using the Classic interface:

  1. Create or update your Zip file using the Wizard as usual.
  2. At the Wizard's "Zip operation is complete" panel, switch to the Classic interface by clicking the WinZip Classic button.
  3. Choose Encrypt from the Actions menu.
  4. In the Encrypt dialog, select the encryption method, specify a password, and click OK. All of the files in your Zip file will be encrypted.
  5. When encryption is complete, you can return to the Wizard by clicking the Wizard toolbar button.
Before using encryption, please read about encryption in the Classic interface help.