6 Click on "Install Now" to run the self-extractor 10 Run the self-extracting file to install the software it contains. 26 Search the help system for a specified topic 29 View results of last archive operation (if any) 31 Select all files in %s 32 Reverse which files are selected and which are not 34 View files in %s 35 Install the software in %s 39 Enter WinZip registration information 40 Select files by file name 43 Close %s 45 Set configuration options 46 Set location of external programs 47 Exit WinZip 50 Configure Internet Browser Support Add-On 51 Configure Internet Browser Support &Add-On... 52 Display License Agreement 63 Create icons for files in %s 65 Create self-extracting archive file from %s 66 Virus scan files in %s 70 Edit %s file comment 71 Print a list of files in %s 76 Try to use existing window when WinZip is started 77 Display usage tips 78 Display the Tip of the Day 79 Check for the availability of a WinZip update 83 Display information about %s 84 Save WinZip settings on exit 85 Move %s to another drive or folder 86 Test %s 87 Copy %s to another drive or folder 88 Rename %s 89 Delete %s 90 Open the selected file 91 Open files in %s using a program you specify 92 View files in %s using WinZip's internal viewer 93 View files in %s using an external file viewer 100 Set default folders for Extract, Add, and Start-Up 101 Mail entire archive 106 Toggle "Always On Top" attribute 108 Describe how to create, open, and work with archives 109 How to order WinZip 110 Configure WinZip Explorer Interface 111 Activate the WinZip Wizard 112 Create a desktop shortcut for %s 113 UUencode %s 114 List contents of Favorite Zip Folders 116 View Frequently Asked Questions 117 Visit the WinZip home page 125 Sort files by name 126 Sort files by type (extension) 127 Sort files by date 128 Sort files by uncompressed size 129 Sort files by compression ratio 130 Sort files by compressed size 131 Sort files by CRC 132 Sort files by attribute 133 Sort files by path (folder) 134 Sort files in original order 140 Display details about the selected file 143 Show button selection dialog 151 Use large toolbar buttons 152 Flat toolbar buttons 153 Show button text 154 Show toolbar button tips 155 Show toolbar background 156 Use high color toolbar buttons when possible 181 Paste files from the clipboard 182 Copy files to the clipboard 188 Use Gray toolbar buttons 190 Explorer Style Buttons 192 Split %s 198 Encrypt files in %s 301 Dropped files are not accepted while the Drop dialog box is active 302 Do you want to delete the CheckOut folder %s, all its files and subfolders, and the program group "%s"? 303 Insufficient memory to drop file(s). 304 To create self-extracting archives use the Actions "Make Exe" menu entry 305 Invalid file name: %s 306 %s is a folder 307 Could not open %Fs.\n\nProbable cause: file sharing or file permissions problem 308 List Box Full 309 The file name you entered is too long. Please re-enter a shorter name. 310 Encrypt files in the archive 311 WinZip 312 Could not change to %s - closing %s 313 Cannot start WinZip! Required file %s was not found in same folder as WinZip 314 File "%s" not found 315 File %s not found in your path 316 Incomplete file name. If either a drive letter or a folder is specified then both must be specified 317 Could not create temp files on drive %c 318 %s not installed in Options/Configuration/Program Locations dialog box 319 Windows error %d running %s 320 WinZip is waiting for %s to finish.\nClick on OK to activate %s\nor Cancel to stop waiting 321 File %s has been changed since it was extracted to a temporary folder.\n\nDelete the temporarily extracted copy of this file? 322 File %s has been changed since it was extracted.\n\nUpdate archive with this file? 323 Delete %s? 324 File dropped: %s 325 Files dropped: %d 326 Cannot create or add to ARC, TAR, CAB, gzip, BinHex, Mime, or .z and .gz files. You can UUencode Zip files and other archives with the UUencode entry in the Actions menu 328 No files selected in list box 329 Add files selected in listbox? 334 Out of memory 335 File does not appear to be a valid ARJ archive 336 View Last Output 337 Text truncated at first binary zero. Double click on this file in the main listbox to view the file with the associated program. 338 Text successfully copied to clipboard 339 Error opening file for viewing 340 Not enough memory to hold file for viewing 341 Error reading file for viewing 342 View: 343 The file: %s already exists. \n \nShould WinZip overwrite it so that the file in the archive can be viewed? 344 WinZip does not work with the old LHARC program, it requires the newer LHA program 345 in drop-down list 348 Filename must be %s. Drive and folder are optional 349 Are you sure you want to delete the entire archive %s? 351 Extract 352 Open Archive 353 New Archive 354 Cannot create new ARC, TAR, CAB, WMZ, WSZ, YFS, gzip or Microsoft compressed files 355 Archive &Name: 356 List files of &type: 357 Wildcards not allowed in file name %s 358 Could not create temp folder 359 Error building BAT file 360 DOS commands 361 Error deleting files in %s 362 IO Error 363 File does not appear to be a self-extracting archive 364 Invalid or non-existing folder name: %s 366 Bad file name or file specification 367 Error in Zip file 368 No files found for specified action 369 File not found 370 Disk full 371 Zip file is read-only and can not be modified 372 Bad or illegal parameters specified 373 Too many files 376 CRC error, insufficient disk space, or files already exists 377 Fatal error. Process terminated without transactions 378 Failed to write temporary files in the archive 379 Warning: e.g. file not found, negative answer to prompt 380 Fatal error. 381 Incorrect password or CRC error (header or file CRC error) 382 ARJ-SECURITY error or attempt to update an ARJ-SECURED archive 383 Disk full or write error 384 Cannot open archive or file 385 Simple user error (bad parameters) 386 Unknown error %d 387 Error %u: \n%s 388 Unrecognized error 390 DOS commands 391 The maximum number of icons allowed is %d 392 No folder specified 393 Windows error %d running "%s". 394 \nPossible cause: the "Better Windows than Windows" support in the initial release of OS/2 2.0 does not allow Windows programs to run DOS programs.\n 395 DOS command too long:\n%s 396 WinZip running %s 397 the %s command 398 An unexpected system error occurred while running %s 399 Error opening output file name 400 Error reading file for viewing 401 Terminating operation - WinZip requires ARJ version 2.5 or later 402 Could not create temp files in root of drive %c:. Use WZTMP= to specify a different drive 403 Error communicating with Program Manager 404 ARC extraction 405 Could not find the folder "%s" 406 Error extracting 407 Bad header 408 Cannot read file or unexpected end of file 409 Header CRC error 410 Cannot open file: it does not appear to be a valid archive.\n\nIf you downloaded this file, try downloading the file again. 411 This is the first disk in a backup set. Insert the last disk of the backup set (required by Zip file format) and try again 414 Could not open file 415 Searching ... 417 Invalid CheckOut folder. Cannot specify current folder, temp folder, Windows folder, or root folder 418 This operation will REPLACE all files in %s (you cannot update a Zip file while using disk spanning).\n\nContinue? 419 Caution 421 Press ESC to exit menu mode 422 You must open an archive before using this menu entry 430 Choose "New" to create or "Open" to open an archive 432 Default association (in Program Locations dialog box) 433 No file selected for viewing 434 &Associated program 435 None (prompt when necessary) 436 Open the selected archive 437 Could not create folder %s 438 Add With Password 439 No file name specified 440 CheckOut group "%s" cannot be deleted now. You must close WinZip before closing Windows to delete the CheckOut group. \n \nContinue closing Windows? 441 Error getting attributes of file %s - probable cause: file no longer exists 442 The red light on the right of the WinZip status line is on when WinZip is busy (for example, while busy archiving files). The green light is on when WinZip is not busy. 443 Creating CheckOut group ... 445 Spaces are not allowed in passwords when working with ARJ files 446 I/O error for file %s. Possible causes include disk full and a read-only or locked disk 447 Registration information from previous version of WinZip saved. \nWinZip installation continues ... 448 Terminating operation. Temporary drive %c is almost full. 449 Virus scanning operation complete.\n 450 WinZip encountered problems during this operation.\n\nWould you like to view the detailed results of the last operation showing the specific error(s) encountered? 451 Incorrect version of %s in use. Verify the correct version of %s is installed, exit Windows, and try again 452 When working with %s files the "%s" operation requires the %s external program. This program is not installed or improperly installed 454 Another instance of WinZip is busy zipping or unzipping. Please wait until this task is complete and re-try the operation 455 Browse 456 No files in the open archive match the specified files 457 File added to archive without folder information. 458 This password may cause compatibility problems under MS-DOS or other operating systems. For maximum compatibility, use only the English language letters A-Z, numerals, and standard punctuation marks such as #, *, and !. 459 Could not delete %s 460 Multiple files were dropped, and one or more is an archive.\n\nAdd files to archive? 461 Adding file: %s 462 Adding %d files 463 Cannot open %s. File does not exist. Create new file? 464 Cannot create %s. File already exists. Open existing file? 465 You must add files before using this menu entry 466 No programs, documents, or special files; no icons created 467 Due to Windows limitations some selected filenames may be ignored 468 &Always On Top Shift+Y 469 Skipping %Fs. This file is in use by the system and cannot be safely extracted at this time. 473 Could not create folder %s\n A file with same name already exists 475 Default association must be specified 477 WinZip is waiting for %s to finish. 478 &Activate %s 480 Uninstall complete.\n\nThe file %s and associated files will be automatically deleted when you next start Windows. 481 Cannot uninstall - file %s is in use by another process. 482 WinZip is already running. It must be closed before uninstalling. 483 The "Uninstall WinZip" procedure will:\n\n* Remove WinZip Program Files from the %s folder\n* Remove the WinZip program group\n* Remove WinZip registry and INI entries\n* Remove WinZip files\n\nDo you want to continue? 484 Error loading %s 490 The Install feature cannot be used to install WinZip. Please see the README.TXT file for installation instructions 491 WinZip will extract all files to a temporary folder and run the %s program 492 Important: for an easy uninstall be sure to run only the programs being installed before you continue working with WinZip. 494 WinZip's UNINSTALL feature tracks ALL changes made by any program. As a result, only one task should track install changes at one time. Another WinZip task is currently tracking install changes 495 When %s completes and you have tried the software click on OK. 496 When %s completes click on OK to return to WinZip. 497 %s is still running and must be closed before uninstalling. Click on OK to continue waiting or Cancel to stop waiting. If you Cancel you will not be able to uninstall. 498 Extracting to temporary folder %s 499 %s is not a Windows program so an uninstall will not be possible. Continue install? 500 Could not create folder 501 Could not make specified folder the current working folder 502 Invalid archive directory 503 Unknown archive format. Please use extension (e.g. .ZIP) 504 Properties 505 &%s to: 506 Filenames are the same 507 Invalid file name. File name cannot include folder or drive information or a file type 508 Archive does not contain an install program 509 No filename specified 510 yes 511 no 512 ARC (or compatible) 515 Temp folder must contain a fully qualified path (including a drive and folder) 516 Could not create temporary file in temp folder 518 WINZIP32.EXE damaged, please reload from distribution disk 519 File %s is in use by another process.\n Cannot delete folder %s 520 bad date 521 Error copying file 522 Copy 523 Move 524 %s complete 525 bytes 526 KB 527 Rename failed 528 WinZip is busy or has an open dialog. Do you want to start another instance of WinZip? 529 Filename of archive is not complete. Be sure to specify a valid filename 530 Current Folder %s 531 "Install From" folder is %s 532 Cannot make self-extracting file out of an archive that spans disks or is split into multiple parts 533 You are about to uninstall WinZip.\n\nIn order to run WinZip again, you will have to re-install the program.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue? 534 \n\nFolder %s contains files that are not part of the WinZip distribution package and which therefore were not deleted. 535 Uninstall of WinZip canceled 536 You cannot exit WinZip because a dialog box is active.\nSwitch to WinZip first and close the dialog box. 537 M&ail Archive... Shift+M 538 Copying ... 539 Moving ... 540 Mailing ... 543 Files in folder %s were not deleted 544 Folder %s already exists. If you continue all files in this folder and all its subfolders will be deleted. 545 Group %s already exists. If you continue all icons in this group will be deleted. 546 Do you want to continue? 547 Replace current option and folder settings with the original distribution default settings? 548 "File not found" error running "%s". Probable causes include: file was moved, file was deleted, or a required DLL or other component is missing. 549 Could not save configuration info for possible uninstall. Continue Install? 550 %s no longer exists ... closing archive 551 Caution 552 At the time WinZip was released %s did not support automatic scanning. Continue anyway? 555 Folder name contains a space character 556 This dialog box does not support UNC names in this operating environment 557 Cannot add files - current folder does not match folder in dialog box - check for conflict with COMMDLG.DLL extension utilities 558 Could not start required thread 559 Problem creating process 560 WinZip internal error in file %s line %d 561 error loading resource: %s \n 562 \n*** Truncated at 32K by WinZip *** 566 Add (and replace) files 567 Freshen existing files 568 Update (and add) files 569 &Add 570 Fr&eshen 571 &Move 572 &Update 573 Normal 574 Size 575 Speed 576 (removable media only) 577 Auto 578 Maximum (portable) 580 Fast 581 Super fast 582 None 583 No spanning 584 Span: no format or erase 585 Span: wipe disk (erase files) 587 Span: full format (hi density) 589 Span: full format (low density) 590 (not available) 591 Extracting to "%Fs" 592 Use Path: %s Overlay Files: %s 593 Testing ... 594 Action: 595 Deleting 596 Delete 597 Include subfolders: %s Save full path: %s 598 I/O error on header 599 Invalid header 600 Cannot process an ARC containing folders 601 Unknown archive type. Please use New or Open buttons, set a default archive type in the Configuration dialog box, or use a standard extension (e.g. ".zip") 602 This archive contains files with long filenames, but you are using an external archiver that does not support long filenames. Therefore, some operations involving external programs may not work on this archive 603 Quote character not allowed in Add dialog box. Use the drag and drop interface to add filenames that include spaces 605 Cannot Install: SETUP or INSTALL program filename contains folder information. Use Actions/CheckOut instead 608 This archive contains files with long filenames, but the self-extracting executable will not properly support long filenames. 609 Self-extracting archive %s created 610 Archive name shortened to "%s" to work with an external utility that does not support long names 611 Maximum (bzip2 method) 612 Maximum (enhanced deflate) 613 Caution: your specified "Multiple Disk Spanning" option will remove all files on target drive.\n\nContinue? 614 Unknown 615 Archive contains one file:\n\n%s\n\nShould WinZip decompress it to a temporary folder and open it? 616 Either this file is corrupted or you need a newer version of LZEXPAND.DLL to handle this file 617 TAR file not successfully decompressed and opened 618 Unknown gzip compression method 619 Cannot open encrypted gzip file 620 Cannot open multi-part gzip file 621 Cannot open gzip file with reserved bytes 622 Cannot open file: even though it ends with an underscore this file does not appear to be a Microsoft Compress format file 624 Express Setup in progress 625 Norton AntiVirus is already running. Please close it and try again 626 Another program has exclusive access to this file. Please try again later. 627 If you close Windows now some files will be left in your temp folder. If you close WinZip before closing Windows they will be automatically deleted. \n \nContinue closing Windows? 628 Reading Directory 629 Move (and replace) files 631 Please enter the full name of the file contained within the archive %s.%s. For example, if the contents is a DOC file, a recommended filename is %s.DOC. 632 Please specify the name of a file contained in %s, not the name of %s. 633 &Add dialog 634 Create &in: 635 Files of &type: 636 OK 637 Registration number 638 32-bit 640 &Buy Now 641 &Quit 642 error removing %s 643 File size 0: %s 644 WinZip parameter validation error 645 corrupted input -- file name too large 649 Uninstall WinZip 650 Help Manual 651 What's New 652 Could not find %s 653 WinZip Add-Ons cannot be removed while WinZip is running. Close WinZip and try uninstalling again. 654 Incomplete or incorrect information 655 For full access to WinZip's shell interface, WinZip must be properly associated with Zip files. 656 However, a different copy of WinZip in a different folder or with a different filename is associated with Zip files. 657 However, WinZip is not currently associated with Zip files. 659 \n\nAssociate WinZip with Zip files now? 660 Diagnostic information:\n\nFull filename of current WinZip: %s\nCurrent .ZIP Association: %s\nCurrent Registry value for .ZIP key: %s 662 Some of WinZip's most useful features require that WinZip is associated with Zip files and other archives. Are you sure you want to turn this option off? 663 Add with &wildcards 664 Freshen with &wildcards 665 Move with &wildcards 666 Update with &wildcards 667 L&ook in: 668 Add 669 Selected %u file%s, %s 670 s 671 Total %u file%s, %s 672 s 673 All Rights Reserved 675 %s %s?\n\n(Use the "%s" button to avoid this message) 678 &Register 679 WinZip File 680 Extract To 681 %s is still running. It must be closed if you want WinZip to clean up temporary files. Click on OK to continue waiting or Cancel to stop waiting. 682 INI file is corrupt. Please close WinZip, then delete WINZIP.INI or WINZIP32.INI from your Windows directory. 685 WinZip found %d folders named "download" or "dnload" and %d folders with %Fs. 686 There is a limit of 200 Favorite Zip Folders. 687 &Add %d "download" folders to Favorite Zip Folders 688 A&lso add %d folders containing %Fs 689 A&lso add first %d folders containing %Fs. 690 You cannot update this Zip file because it spans disks or is split into parts. The Zip file format does not permit updating spanned/split Zip files. (You can replace this Zip file by deleting it first with Windows Explorer) 691 Split/Spanned 692 You cannot create an encoded file this way. You can UUencode existing Zip files and other archives with the Actions UUEncode menu entry 693 WinZip can automatically search for %Fs, or, if you want to search for a file yourself, click on "Let me find it". 694 Changing the display to list %Fs may take a few moments. Do you want to do this now? 695 Search for files of &type: 696 You can view the order form on the WinZip web site or in the help file. You can place a credit card order directly from the web site. 698 You can view the most recent Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the WinZip web site, or view the FAQs in the help file. 700 This option requires a high color display 701 This option requires Comctl32.dll version 4.70 or higher 770 &WinZip Home Page 772 Your Favorite Zip Folders do not contain any files of the selected type: %Fs\n\nYou can add and remove folders from this list by clicking on "Options".\n\nYou can search for files by clicking on "Search" 773 Ok to overwrite "%s"? 774 Encoding %s 775 Archive encoded as "%s.uue". 776 Another copy of WinZip is encoding or decoding now. Please wait till it completes, then try again. 777 Scanning 778 Extracting %s 779 Skipping 780 Error decoding %s: %s 781 Could not load %s: %s\n\n 782 WinZip cannot open this file. It does not appear to be a Zip file.\n\nIf this is a self-extracting file it is either not in the standard Zip file format or it is corrupt.\n\nWould you like to run this executable file? 783 &Please reenter your password: 784 The passwords you typed do not match; please try again 785 Dll: %s - %s %s 786 WinZip Version %s\n 787 If this file is part of a Zip format backup set, insert the last disk of the backup set and try again 788 Encoded file 790 %s does not have a corresponding OEM file name and will not be added to the Zip file. Would you like to continue anyway? 791 %s does not have a corresponding OEM file name and will not be added to the Zip file. 792 \n \nOutput truncated due to Windows limitations 793 WinZip Self-Extractor Personal Edition 794 Archive is greater than 4 gigabytes 795 Include system and hidden files: yes 796 Include files with archive attribute only: yes 797 Reset archive attribute when done zipping: yes 798 WinZip no longer supports Win32s 799 CABARC.EXE, the optional add-on to create self-extracting CAB files, is not installed. 800 !Installing any Explorer Extension under Windows NT requires you to be 801 !logged on with administrator privileges. You are not logged on with 802 !these privileges, so the WinZip Explorer Extension cannot be installed.\n\n 803 !For details on obtaining Administrator privileges, please contact your 804 !network administrator.\n\nClick on OK to skip this feature and continue your 805 installation. Click on Cancel to end the installation. 806 Error processing multi-part CAB file 807 Reading CAB directory 808 Extracting Files 809 Extract Complete 810 New 811 Open 812 Favorites 813 Add 814 Extract 815 View 816 Install 817 CheckOut 818 Wizard 819 Print 820 Comment 821 Copy 822 Paste 823 Close 824 Split 826 Encrypt 830 Create a new archive 831 Open an existing archive 832 Add files to the archive 833 List archives in your Favorite Zip Folders 834 Extract files from the archive 835 View files inside the archive 836 Install the software in the archive 837 Create icons for files in the archive 838 Activate the WinZip Wizard 839 File is not a CAB file 840 Error returned from CABINET.DLL 841 This file appears to be an "InstallShield" self-extracting installer. 842 This file appears to be an "InstallShield" Package for the Web. 843 This file appears to be a "WISE" self-extracting installer. 844 Copy files to the clipboard 845 Paste files from the clipboard 846 Close archive 847 Split archive 850 Name 851 &Type 852 &Modified 853 S&ize 854 &Ratio 855 Pac&ked 856 Pat&h 857 %s File 858 This file is an self extracting CAB install file.\n\nWould you like to run this install file? 859 File 860 Unable to extract file, the first file in the cabinet is a \ncontinuation of a file from a multi-part CAB 861 This archive is continued on disk %s\n\nPlease insert the disk containing the file\n %s\n\nin drive %s 862 Extract canceled by user 863 Application 864 View System Information 865 Attri&butes 866 &CRC 867 Install Application 868 Readme Document 870 Help 871 Test 872 Properties 873 Delete 874 Rename 876 Move 877 Config 878 Erase 879 UUencode 880 History 881 Make Exe 882 Scan 883 Mail 884 Exit 885 Display the help contents 886 Test archive integrity 887 Display archive properties 888 Delete files in the archive 889 Rename the archive 891 Move the archive 892 Set configuration options 893 Erase the archive 894 UUencode the archive 895 View history list of recently opened archives 896 Create a self-extracting archive 897 Virus scan files 898 Mail Archive 899 Exit WinZip 900 Invalid button name: %s 901 Invalid column format 902 This feature is not available for this type of archive 903 You must open an archive before using this button 904 Invalid date in archive 905 This feature requires a MAPI compliant mail system, which is not installed. 906 You need to configure WinZip to use a virus scanner before you can use this feature.\n\nWould you like to open the "Program Locations" dialog box to configure a virus scanner now? 907 Toolbar customization requires version 4.71 or later of the Windows Common Control library. This library is part of Windows 98, Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0, and is currently available as a separate download from Microsoft.\n\nPlease press F1 for more information on obtaining this update. 908 Nothing in the clipboard to paste 910 Run self-extracting archive %s 911 High color buttons are only available if your "Color Palette" setting in the Control Panel's "Display Properties" is greater than 256 colors. 912 comparing... 913 Select Buttons 914 Configuration 915 Mouse selection settings require version 4.71 or later of the Windows Common Control Library. Click on Help for details 916 Uncheck "Use current system folder settings" to change WinZip settings without changing desktop settings 917 Not installed 918 Loading the list 919 Print a list of files in the open archive 920 Create, modify, delete, or view the Zip comment 921 %s is not a CAB file 922 %s%s is not %s File name %d 923 CAB file %s is compressed with an unsupported compression format 924 CAB file %s is corrupt 925 The filename you entered\n\n %s\n\nand the path found in the registry\n\n %s\n\ndo not match.\n\nResetting the field to registered location. 926 WinZip cannot open %s because it is not in the standard Microsoft CAB format (as defined in mid-1998). The "signature bytes" required by the Microsoft CAB specification are missing. 927 The version of the Common Control Library installed on your system may not be able to properly display WinZip's flat toolbar. Click on Help for details. 928 A portion of this file is in the Zip format, but a substantial portion is not in the Zip format.\n\nIf you want to access the portion of the file that is in Zip format, rename the file to have an extension of .zip, then re-run WinZip.\n\nWould you like to run this executable file? 929 %s\n\nIt is not in the Zip format or in any other format that WinZip can process, and cannot be opened by WinZip.\n\nWould you like to run this executable file? 930 Out of resources error, unable to continue 931 Your system is very low on resources, WinZip may have problems updating the screen 932 You can not repaste files back into WinZip 933 You copied files to the clipboard. \nDo you want to leave these temp files in the clipboard? 934 The clipboard does not contain any files to paste 935 File to move: %s 936 Files to move: %d 937 Paste 938 Paste with Password 940 Could not delete temporary folder %s 941 Unknown file %s in temporary folder %s,\nfile and folder will not be deleted 942 Paste 943 Unable to send file\n\n%s\n\nto the Recycle Bin 944 File %s has been changed since it was extracted.\n\nSend this file to the Recycle Bin? 945 You have canceled the checking for files you have updated. This may leave files in the WinZip temp folder.\nDo you want to move the last file and any remaining files you have modified to the Recycle Bin? 946 An error occurred while updating the archive. 947 Do you want to send file\n\n%s\n\nto the Recycle Bin? 948 File %s is in WinZip's temporary directory. It is most likely from leaving files in the clipboard when exiting WinZip.\n\nDo you want to delete this file? 949 File %s is in WinZip's temporary directory. It is most likely from leaving files in the clipboard when exiting WinZip.\n\nDo you want to send this file to the Recycle Bin? 950 Do you want to delete file %s? 951 You have canceled the checking for files you have updated. This may leave files in the WinZip temp folder.\nDo you want to delete the last file and any remaining files you have modified? 952 If you close Windows the files you copied to the clipboard will be left in your temp folder. \n \nContinue closing Windows? 955 ExploreWClass,Progman, CabinetWClass 956 Encry&pt added files 957 Encry&pt freshened files 958 Encry&pt moved files 959 Encry&pt updated files 1001 Could not open source file %s: %s 1002 Could not open target file %s for writing: %s 1003 Could not open file %s: %s 1004 Could not stat file %s: %s 1005 Read error on source file: %s 1006 Error reading from %s: %s 1007 I/O error on target file %s: %s 1009 Write error on target file %s: %s 1010 Write error on temp file: %s 1011 Could not remove temp file %s: %s (ignored) 1012 Out of memory allocating %d bytes 1013 Target file %s exists and overwriting is not allowed 1014 Could not change name of %s to %s 1015 Error while encoding %s: %s 1016 Could not stat input, encoding to one part only 1017 Parameter check failed in %s 1018 BinHex encoded file %s ended prematurely (%ld bytes left) 1019 Loaded from %s: '%s' (%s): %s part %d %s %s %s 1020 No encoded data found in %s 1021 Oops, could not find decoded file? 1022 Stripped setuid/setgid bits from target file %s mode %d 1024 Data looks suspicious. Decoded file might be corrupt. 1025 Could not get name for temporary file 1026 BinHex file: data/resource fork sizes %ld/%ld 1029 BinHex file: both forks non-empty, decoding data fork 1030 Parts of '%s' merged with parts of '%s' (%d) 1031 Multipart message without boundary ignored 1032 Boundary expected on Multipart message but found EOF 1033 Multipart message nested too deep 1034 Handling partial multipart message as plain text 1035 OK 1037 Not Enough Memory 1038 Illegal Value 1039 No Data found 1040 Unexpected End of File 1041 Unsupported function 1042 File exists 1043 Continue -- no error 1044 1045 UUdata 1046 Base64 1047 XXdata 1048 Binhex 1049 Text 1052 Note: 1053 Warning: 1054 ERROR: 1055 FATAL ERROR: 1056 PANIC: 1057 File I/O Error 1058 Decode operation cancelled 1059 Encode operation cancelled 1060 Scanning cancelled 1061 Operation cancelled 1062 Could not open target file %s for writing: invalid name 1063 Could not write target file %s because it is located on or is a device type that is unknown to Windows.\n\nIf you feel that this is incorrect, please contact WinZip's technical support (support@winzip.com), specifying the filename and device. Our support staff will use this information to provide you with a method for bypassing this condition. 1196 !WinZip cannot write to the "Approved" registry key 1197 !and thus cannot install the WinZip shell extension.\n\n 1198 !Click on OK to continue installing WinZip without the shell 1199 extension or click on Cancel to stop the install. 1239 Drag and Drop 1240 Drag and Drop with Password 1243 Internet Browser support lets you download and open archives with one click. There is no need to "Save to disk" and to switch to WinZip or the Explorer to find and open the files you download. Press F1 for more information. 1244 A file with the name "%s" already exists.\n\nThis is the name currently selected as your Internet Browser download folder. Would you like to select a different folder? 1245 Could not create the folder "%s". Would you like to select a different folder? 1246 !You have chosen NOT to move the archive\n\n "%s"\n\n to your download folder. WinZip will try to open the archive in its current location.\n\n 1247 Note: your browser may try to delete the file when you close the browser. To save the archive, use the File->Manage Archive->Move menu entry in WinZip's "classic" interface. 1248 "%s" is a read only, system, or hidden file.\n\nAre you sure you want to overwrite it? 1249 Unexpected Win32 API Failure: %s\nFile:%s\nLine:%d 1250 Internal error detected 1251 You have selected the "Handle Internet Downloads from Microsoft Internet Explorer" option, but WinZip is not associated with archives. Would you like to associate WinZip with archives now? 1252 WinZip cannot automatically handle Internet downloads from %s because the plug-in\n\n %s\n\nis installed. To use WinZip to automatically handle Internet downloads, uninstall the plug-in or rename the file\n\n %s.\n\nThen re-install WinZip's Internet Browser Support Add-On. 1254 (new files only) 1255 Automatic 1256 Automatic + wipe first disk prompt 1257 !Your version of WinZip's Internet Browser Support requires a newer version of WinZip.\n\nAn upgrade is recommended.\n\nFor information on obtaining an updated copy of WinZip, visit the WinZip web site at http://www.winzip.com 1258 \n\nTo avoid this message when starting WinZip, either uninstall the WinZip Internet Browser Support via the Control Panel Add/Remove Programs applet, or upgrade your copy of WinZip. 1259 !Your version of the WinZip Internet Browser Support Add-On will not work with this version of WinZip.\n\n 1260 !To use Internet Browser Support with this version of WinZip, please download and install the latest add-on from the web page http://www.winzip.com/ibrowser.cgi\n\n 1261 If you prefer not to use WinZip Internet Browser Support, you can uninstall it via the Control Panel Add/Remove Programs applet. 1262 Uninstall Internet Browser Support 1263 Uninstall complete. 1265 Netscape Navigator/Communicator options were changed.\n\nThese changes will not take effect until running instances of Navigator/Communicator are closed. 1266 The TAR file contains filenames longer than those allowed by Windows and cannot be opened. 1267 !Netscape Navigator registry entries indicate that WinZip's Internet Browser support is installed in the folder\n\n %s\n\nbut you are installing WinZip to\n\n %s\n\n 1268 !Please be sure to RE-INSTALL WinZip Internet Browser Support after installing WinZip to ensure it works properly. 1269 \n\nThe latest version of WinZip's Internet Browser Support can be downloaded from the web page http://www.winzip.com/ibrowser.cgi 1270 Internet Browser Support Configuration 1271 Could not install shell extension: the following registry key does not exist:\nHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved 1272 Your system date is set to the year\n\n %d\n\nThis version of WinZip will not work properly after the year 2099. 1273 Install operation is not complete. If you shutdown now, temporary files may not be cleaned up.\n\nContinue with system shutdown? 1274 WinZip is busy and cannot shut down now. Please wait for the operation to complete. 1275 History list is empty. 1276 CAB file is continued on disk %s as %s in drive %s 1277 !For an easy uninstall, it is important that you run only the programs being installed before you continue working with WinZip.\n\n 1278 Click on Help for answers to common questions about the Install/Uninstall feature. 1279 !It does not look like your system is configured to properly view this file. 1280 !You can continue, but the file you are trying to view may look "wrong". 1281 Click on "Help" for information on viewing this file properly. 1282 Customize Toolbar 1400 Warning: the file date of your copy of ARJ.EXE does not match the version number reported by ARJ, possibly resulting in errors.\n\nPlease re-install ARJ to ensure that WinZip processes ARJ files correctly. 1401 WinZip was unable to extract '%s', terminating operation 1403 Updating comment 1404 Warning: this version of WinZip supports the release versions of ARJ 2.50 and 2.60. It does not support earlier versions, and has not been tested with subsequent versions 1405 This archive will be named '%s.%s' (can't change archive extension).\n\nIs that what you want to do? 1406 The comment has been modified. Do you want to save it in your Zip file? 1407 Sorry, you have reached the comment length limit of about %d characters. 1408 Sorry, the Zip file comment is too large to view. 1409 Enter &Registration Code... 1410 Page 1411 file(s) 1413 Never show tips at startup 1414 Show tips at startup if not opening an archive 1415 Always show tips at startup 1416 Sorry, unable to complete this action with a file in the CheckOut group. Close the CheckOut, extract the file, and then try again. 1417 Sorry, files can't be added to this type of archive. 1418 Windows has reported that there is insufficient memory available to complete this operation. Your comment may have been damaged or truncated. 1419 Opening this document may cause new data to be merged into your system registry. Improper merges may cause damage to your registry, lost associations, etc. Please be careful. 1420 &Open 1421 &Edit 1422 &Print 1423 &Explore 1424 Sorry, the page width is too narrow to print the archive listing. Please select a larger paper size. 1425 Sorry, this operation cannot be performed while a dialog box is active 1426 The filename you specified is too long. Please specify a shorter name. 1427 Comments are not supported for multidisk archives 1428 Tip: you can "print" your archive listing to a text file on disk. Click on Help to learn how. 1429 You are about to delete all files from the archive. In most cases this will not delete the archive file itself. If you want to delete the archive, click on Cancel and then choose Delete on the Manage Archive menu under the File menu. To delete all files from the archive, click on OK. 1430 To create a uuencoded file, first open or create a Zip file, then use the UUencode entry in the Actions menu 1431 Multivolume ARJ files cannot be updated. (You can replace this archive by deleting it first) 1432 The file\n\n %s\n\nwas altered, but because of prior errors in this operation, WinZip cannot update the copy of this file in the original archive. You can manually add the file to the archive using the Add dialog after correcting the error. 1433 This archive contains only a partial file that can't be extracted and won't be listed in the WinZip window. It is probably part of a multi-volume archive. To use this archive, open a previous volume. 1434 This archive has an invalid directory, is empty, or contains only a partial file continued from a previous volume. If it is a multi-volume archive, open the previous volume. 1435 Tip: WinZip prints the currently displayed columns. To change columns, click on Cancel; choose Configuration from the Options menu; then click on the View tab. 1436 The file\n\n %s\n\nwas altered, but WinZip cannot update the copy of this file in the original archive because the archive appears to have been deleted or moved. 4752 Create a new archive 4753 Open an existing archive 4754 Display version number and copyright notice 4756 Add files to %s 4757 Delete files from %s 4758 Extract files from %s 4765 Select font 4766 Save WinZip settings immediately 4767 Set options to original installation values 4768 Specify a password for subsequent archive operations 4770 Describe how to use the help system 4771 Display the help contents 5701 Zip files|*.zip| 5702 All archives|*.zip;*.z;*.gz;*.tz;*.taz;*.tgz;*.lzh;*.arj;*.arc;*.tar;*.cab;*.wmz;*.yfs;*.wsz| 5703 Encoded files|*.uu;*.uue;*.xxe;*.bhx;*.b64;*.hqx;*.mim| 5704 Archives and .exe files|*.zip;*.z;*.gz;*.tz;*.taz;*.tgz;*.lzh;*.arj;*.arc;*.tar;*.cab;*.wmz;*.yfs;*.wsz;*.exe| 5705 Archives, encoded, and .exe files|*.zip;*.z;*.gz;*.tz;*.taz;*.tgz;*.lzh;*.arj;*.arc;*.tar;*.cab;*.wmz;*.yfs;*.wsz;*.exe;*.uu*;*.xxe;*.bhx;*.b64;*.hqx;*.mim| 5706 All files (*.*)|*.*| 8001 No Zip file selected 8002 No Folder set 8003 Do you want to add the folder %s to your Favorite Zip Folders? 8004 WinZip Wizard 8005 Selected file is not a valid Zip file 8006 The temporary files have been removed. 8007 Searching for Zip files... 8008 Click on "Install Now" to install the software in\n%s 8009 Install &Now 8013 &Next > 8014 Unzip &Now 8023 No Zip files were found in your Favorite Zip Folders.\n\nPlease choose from the search options below. 8024 The wizard will now unzip files in %Fs to the folder specified below. To unzip files to a different folder, click on "Select different folder". 8025 This archive is not in the "Zip" format. This version of the Wizard only works with Zip files. 8026 This Zip file is password protected. This version of the Wizard does not handle password protected Zip files. 8027 This Zip file spans multiple disks or is split into parts. This version of the Wizard does not handle spanning or splitting. 8028 This Zip file is empty. This version of the Wizard does not handle empty Zip files. 8029 Please click on "Back" to select another archive or "WinZip Classic" to work with this archive. 8030 This Zip file contains a setup or install program. Select "Unzip only" to unzip the files to a folder of your choice. Select "Unzip and install" if you want to run the install program.\n\n 8031 Caution: You should not install software received from untrusted sources, or in attachments to suspicious e-mail messages. 8032 The WinZip Wizard does not support the type of archive that is currently open. The archive will be closed if you proceed to the Wizard. \n \nDo you want to start the Wizard anyway? 8033 The WinZip Wizard cannot open an archive of this type. \n \nWould you like to open it using WinZip's Classic interface? 8034 While in the WinZip Wizard, you can only use "Add to Zip" if you are creating or updating a Zip file and you are in the Select Files panel. 9000 Setup is not complete. Are you sure you want to terminate the installation? 9001 WinZip Setup 9002 You can only drop one file at a time on the Wizard 9003 You cannot drop files while WinZip is busy. Please wait for this operation to complete, then drop the file again. 9004 You cannot open files with the Wizard now. Please finish working with this Zip file, then open the file again. 9005 %s appears to contain a copy of WinZip. 9006 %s contains a setup program. 9008 Click on "Next" to prepare to unzip %s. 9009 Click on "Next" to prepare to install %s. 9010 Stop 9011 Close 9012 WinZip Wizard - Install 9013 Click on "Install Now" to run the installation program. 9014 The unzip operation is complete. WinZip will now run the installation program. Later, when the Installation program completes, return to the Wizard and it will clean up any temporary files. 9015 Install &Now 9016 Please wait for the installation program to complete. 9017 When the installation program is complete click on "Restart" to work with another Zip file, or "Finish" to leave the WinZip Wizard. In both cases the Wizard will remove any temporary files. 9019 WinZip Wizard - Unzip Complete 9020 The unzip operation is complete. 9021 The WinZip Wizard has opened an Explorer Window showing the unzipped files.\n\n 9022 Click on "Restart" to work with another Zip file, or click on "Finish" to leave the WinZip Wizard. 9023 WinZip Classic Required 9024 WinZip Classic is required for this archive. 9025 Select Folder 9026 Searched %d folders, %d files found 9027 Searching %s 9028 Stop searching? 9029 Searched %d folders 9030 WinZip Wizard - Select Zip File 9031 WinZip Options 9032 Floppy drives are not allowed in the Favorite Zip Folders 9033 Thank you for installing WinZip! 9034 Please choose whether you want to start with the Classic or Wizard interface. 9035 For a list of new features in this release, please see the "What's New" section of the help file or press F1 now.\n \n Click on "Finish" to start WinZip. 9036 Thank you for installing this free upgrade. 9037 Thank you for installing this evaluation version. 9038 Installation is complete. 9039 Finish 9040 The Wizard will list all Zip files in your "Favorite Zip Folders" by date, so you can quickly find your new Zip files.\n\n\n\nClick on "Next" to continue. 9041 %d folder(s) added to your "Favorite Zip Folders" 9042 Click on "Next" to start the WinZip Wizard, or "Close" to exit. 9043 WinZip Wizard Setup is complete 9044 You have configured WinZip to start with the %s interface but you are now using the %s interface. Please choose one of the following: 9045 Wizard 9046 Classic 9047 The Wizard is busy. Please try again in a moment. 9048 You have 100 Favorite Zip Folders. Keep searching? 9049 Zip files (*.ZIP) 9050 Note: you can uninstall this program by selecting Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel\n\n 9051 Preparing to remove temporary files... 9052 Removing temporary files... 9053 Name 9054 Modified 9055 Folder 9057 Cannot access drive 9058 Sorting... 9059 WinZip Wizard - Select Zip File 9060 Search results sorted by 9061 &Files in Favorite Zip Folders sorted by 9062 Selected Zip files sorted by 9063 date: 9064 name: 9065 folder: 9091 System memory is low 9092 File access is restricted 9093 Recent (&History) 9097 Files were unzipped to:\n%s\n\n 9098 Zip files in Favorite Zip Folders sorted by 10000 !The "Tip of the Day" dialog can be set to display automatically 10001 !when you start WinZip. To turn this feature on, 10002 !choose "Tip of the Day" from WinZip's Help menu, then 10003 choose from the combo box at the bottom of the dialog. 10010 !When you are adding files that you want to be encrypted, it is more 10011 !efficient to encrypt them while adding than to encrypt them later 10012 with the Encrypt menu item. 10020 !If you forget to encrypt files when you add them, you can encrypt 10021 them later by choosing Encrypt from the Actions menu. 10030 !If you are new to Zip files, you can use the Wizard 10031 !interface to walk you through the process of zipping and unzipping 10032 !or installing software from Zip files, MIME files, and other encoded files.\n\n 10033 Choose "Wizard" from the WinZip File menu to activate the Wizard. 10040 !You can add, remove, or reorder buttons on the WinZip 10041 !toolbar by right clicking on the toolbar and choosing 10042 "Select Buttons". 10050 !?HC 10051 !WinZip's toolbar buttons look much better if your 10052 !display is in high- or true-color mode.\n\n 10053 !Choose "Control Panel" in the Start menu's Settings option. 10054 !Double-click "Display" and click on the Settings tab. 10055 !Choose "High Color" or "True Color" mode for Color Palette 10056 (under Windows NT 4.0 choose 65536). 10060 !@5 10061 !For some quick lessons on how to use WinZip's main features, 10062 choose "Brief Tutorial" from the Help menu or press F1 now. 10070 !For quick zipping and unzipping, you can right click on a 10071 !file listed in Windows Explorer and choose "Add to Zip file" or 10072 "Extract to" from Windows Explorer's context menu. 10080 !@15012 10081 !The WinZip QuickPick taskbar tray icon provides instant 10082 !access to recently used archives, your Favorite Zip Folders, 10083 !WinZip help, and WinZip itself. Press F1 now for information 10084 about enabling and using QuickPick. 10090 !You can extract from multiple Zip files in one operation. 10091 !Simply select two or more Zip files in a Windows Explorer 10092 !or My Computer window, right click one of the files, and choose 10093 !one of the "Extract" entries in the WinZip context menu. 10094 !The best choices for this operation are usually "Extract to" or 10095 !"Extract to here using filenames for folders" because both of these 10096 entries allow you to use a separate folder for each Zip file. 10100 !@217 10101 !For answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), choose 10102 !"Frequently Asked Questions" from WinZip's Help menu 10103 or press F1 now. 10110 !You can unzip all files from a Zip file without leaving 10111 !Windows Explorer. Use the right mouse button to drag 10112 !and drop a Zip file from an Explorer window to any 10113 !folder, then choose "Extract to" from the 10114 !context menu. Be sure to use the right mouse 10115 button while dragging. 10120 !You can create Zip files in Windows Explorer: right 10121 !click in the Contents pane, then choose "New" and 10122 !"WinZip File". An empty Zip file will be created 10123 in the current folder. 10130 !If you usually use the same folders when opening, 10131 !extracting, or adding files, choose "Configuration" 10132 !from WinZip's Options menu and specify the folders in 10133 the "Folders" tab. 10140 !You can run your virus scanner on the files inside 10141 !downloaded Zip files. Choose "Virus Scan" from 10142 WinZip's Actions menu. 10150 !If you need to send files to users who may not 10151 !have an unzip utility, try "WinZip Self-Extractor 10152 !Personal Edition" (included with WinZip). The 10153 !self-extractor makes files that unzip 10154 !themselves.\n\n 10155 !First create a Zip file, then choose 10156 "Make .Exe File" from the WinZip Actions menu. 10160 !To change the default WinZip window size and 10161 !position to the current window size and position, 10162 choose "Save Settings Now" from the Options menu. 10170 !To display details about the open Zip file (for example, 10171 !the date the Zip file was last modified or the name of the 10172 !folder containing the Zip file), click on the WinZip status line 10173 or choose "Properties" from the WinZip File menu. 10180 !You can make a Zip file that spans multiple disks. 10181 !Simply create a Zip file on a removable disk, then 10182 !add to the Zip file as you normally would. If 10183 !the disk fills up while files are being added, you will be 10184 !prompted for another disk. Just insert the next 10185 disk and click the OK button. 10190 !The file listing in the main WinZip window can be quickly sorted by any 10191 !of the fields displayed in the file listing. Just click on 10192 any column title to sort on it. 10200 !You can quickly extract files from a Zip file by dragging 10201 !the files from WinZip to any folder or Windows Explorer window 10202 (or even to the desktop). 10210 !You can quickly add files to a Zip file by dragging 10211 the files from any folder or Windows Explorer window to WinZip. 10220 !@252 10221 !WinZip has many features that make it easy to work with files downloaded 10222 !from the Internet and online services like America Online. 10223 For a list of hints for working with downloaded files, press F1 now. 10230 !Besides Zip files, WinZip processes many other formats, 10231 !including TAR, Z, GZ, TGZ, CAB, UUencode, BinHex, 10232 and MIME. 10240 !If you can't remember where you put your Zip files, 10241 !you can use the Favorite Zip Folders feature to find them. 10242 Choose "Favorite Zip Folders" from the WinZip File menu. 10250 !You can easily view files in a Zip file by dragging them 10251 to an application or a shortcut to an application. 10260 !You can easily print files by dragging them to a printer 10261 !icon or a shortcut to a printer.\n\n 10262 (To print a list of files in a Zip file, choose "Print" from WinZip's File menu.) 10270 !Zip files opened with WinZip are added to the 10271 !Start menu's Documents list. To quickly open Zip files 10272 !that you have recently worked with, choose "Documents" 10273 !from the Start menu. Note: Windows XP does not display Zip files 10274 !in the Documents menu. You can use the WinZip Quick Pick taskbar 10275 tray feature to open recently used archives. 10280 !You can add selected files to a Zip file directly from 10281 !Windows Explorer with complete control over the 10282 !options.\n\nRight click on any file (or selected 10283 !group of files) and choose "Add to Zip" from the 10284 context menu. 10290 !?MA 10291 !Mailing your Zip files is easy! If you are using a MAPI-compatible 10292 !mail system, you can mail Zip files using the Mail Archive entry 10293 !in the WinZip File menu. Or, use the Zip and E-Mail or Zip and 10294 !E-Mail Plus features from Windows Explorer's context menu to 10295 quickly zip and e-mail any file. 10300 !WinZip can install software, desktop themes, and screen savers contained in 10301 !Zip files. To use this feature, simply open a Zip file 10302 !containing a software installation (SETUP.EXE or INSTALL.EXE), theme, 10303 or screen saver and click Install. 10310 !To open or view multiple files in an archive 10311 !contents list, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking the files. 10312 !Then click the View button on the toolbar to view the files or right click on 10313 any selected file to display the context menu. 10320 !WinZip displays useful information about Zip files you select 10321 !in Windows Explorer. The information appears in a tooltip or, if "View 10322 !as Web Page" is enabled, in the description area of the web page. 10323 !The Windows Desktop Update (Active Desktop) must be installed and 10324 WinZip shell extensions enabled in order to use this feature. 10330 !Most of WinZip's major dialogs have "What's This?" help. 10331 !Click on the question mark in the dialog's title bar, then 10332 click on a control for quick information about how it's used. 10340 !WinZip can automatically display the Zip comment when you open 10341 !a Zip file that contains a comment. And, when the open Zip file 10342 !has a comment, you can click on the comment icon on the status 10343 bar to view and edit the comment. 10350 !If you like the look of Internet Explorer's toolbar, you can have 10351 !the same look in WinZip. Choose "Configuration" from WinZip's 10352 !"Options" menu, click the "Toolbar" tab, and check 10353 !"Use Explorer-style toolbar buttons" and "Use Flat toolbar buttons". 10354 Uncheck "Use large toolbar buttons" if you'd also prefer smaller buttons. 10360 !For a complete Tip of the Day list, press F1 now, 10361 or choose "Hints and Tips" from the WinZip's Help menu. 20000 MS Sans Serif 20001 8 21000 Testing 21001 Extracting 21002 Cannot open %s - the file has been deleted or moved. 22000 X 23001 No association found for .Theme files, unable to continue. Click on Help or press F1 for more information. 23002 Install theme 23003 Unable to open theme file '%s' after extraction, can't continue 23004 screen saver 23005 pointer 23006 image 23007 sound file 23008 icon 23009 %s (%d file) 23010 %s (%d files) 23011 %s contains a desktop theme. 23012 Theme/screen saver installer is disabled in Configuration 23013 Install screen saver 23014 !WinZip was unable to find a valid "install" association found for .Scr (screen saver) files in the system 23015 registry and can't install your screen saver. Please contact your system administrator for assistance 23016 !All files extracted successfully. WinZip will now start the screen saver installer to complete installation. \n \n 23017 !If you decide not to use the new screen saver, simply select a different one from the installer's listbox before 23018 leaving the installer. 23019 %s contains a screen saver. 23020 Open with... 23021 !Due to external archiver limitations, this drag and drop operation will archive all occurrences of files you dropped found in any subfolder of the folders containing them. 23022 To avoid this, drop files separately from folders. 23023 !Although you have not agreed to the WinZip registered version license agreement, you are still bound 23024 !by the evaluation version license to which you previously agreed. To see this agreement, click on the Help button 23025 below, or choose License Agreement from the WinZip Help menu 23026 You can only drop Zip files and encoded files on this Wizard panel 23027 One or more of the files you selected do not have an associated program to perform the '%s' action. These files will be skipped. 23028 WinZip was unable to find a valid association for Open With in the system registry and cannot perform this action. 23029 !The archive you are about to modify looks like it may be a self-extracting file. Some types of self-extracting archives will not run any more if they are changed. 23030 \n \nDo you want to modify the archive anyway? 23031 CabView 23032 &Yes 23033 &No 23034 You have selected too many files at one time to be processed successfully. Please try again, selecting fewer files. 23035 An error has occurred in your Windows printer driver. WinZip cannot print to this printer. Select a different printer if one is available, or restart Windows and then try again. If you continue to get this message your printer driver may need to be updated either from Microsoft or your printer manufacturer. 23036 The Windows limit on the total length of dropped filenames has been exceeded. You can continue, but some of the files you dropped will not be processed. Click on Help or press F1 for more information. \n \nDo you want to continue with the operation? 23037 !All files extracted successfully. WinZip will now start the system theme installer to complete installation. \n \n 23038 NOTE: under some versions of Windows you may need to select the new theme in the theme installer's "Theme" dropdown list. 23039 !Microsoft has not documented theme support under Windows 2000, and themes may not install correctly due to 23040 incompatibilities with earlier versions of Windows. Click on Help or press F1 for additional important information. 23041 !This self-extracting Zip file will no longer operate correctly after modifications. It can be used, however, as a standard Zip file. \n \n 23042 Would you like to change the filename extension to .Zip? 23043 A file with the following name already existed: \n \n %s \n \nThe self-extracting Zip file was renamed to: \n \n %s 23044 http://www.winzip.com/nohtmlhelp.htm 23045 winzip.chm 23046 wzwizard.chm 23047 wzinst.chm 23048 wzpopup.hlp 23049 day 23050 week 23051 month 23052 it could not establish an Internet connection [%d] 23053 it was unable to connect to the WinZip web site [%d] 23054 the WinZip server returned an error [%d] 23055 the WinZip server returned invalid data 23056 This version of WinZip was installed %d day(s) ago. \nWould you like to check for the availability of an update? 23057 It has been %d day(s) since you checked for a WinZip update. \nWould you like to check for the availability of an update? 23059 A newer version of WinZip is available, but you have previously chosen to skip this update. 23060 Your version of WinZip is up to date. 23061 You have chosen to skip the current WinZip update. \n \nAlthough you will no longer be notified about this update, remember that you can always download the current version of WinZip from the WinZip web site (http://www.winzip.com). 23062 You have chosen to disable WinZip's "Check for Updates" feature, which means that you may not be notified of new and possibly significant WinZip updates. \n \nTo enable this feature, choose Configuration from the Options menu, open the Miscellaneous tab, and choose the desired option from the Check for Updates group. 23063 You have chosen to disable WinZip's "Check for Updates" feature, which means that you may not be notified of new and possibly significant WinZip updates. \n \nTo enable this feature after installation, choose Configuration from the Options menu, open the Miscellaneous tab, and choose the desired option from the Check for Updates group. 23064 In the future, WinZip will automatically check for updates about every %s, and the Check for WinZip Update dialog will no longer be displayed. \n \nYou can restore the dialog by choosing Configuration from the Options menu, opening the Miscellaneous tab, and choosing the desired option from the Check for Updates group. 23065 You have chosen to disable WinZip's "Check for Updates" feature, which means that you may not be notified of new and possibly significant WinZip updates. \n \nTo enable this feature, click the Options button in the first Wizard panel, open the Updates tab, and choose the desired option. 23066 In the future, WinZip will automatically check for updates about every %s, and the Check for WinZip Update dialog will no longer be displayed. \n \nYou can restore the dialog by clicking the Options button in the first Wizard panel, opening the Updates tab, and choosing the desired option. 23067 Open Wit&h 23068 Open Wit&h... 23069 &Choose Program... 23070 (Empty) 23071 Invalid or unsupported ARJ file.\n\nThis file has invalid headers or contains file or path names that are not supported in this version of WinZip. 24010 The file %s%s%s uses ".." (parent folder) as part of its folder information.\n\nThe use of ".." is very unusual in Zip files and can produce undesirable results, including the overwriting of important system files. You may wish to review the contents of the Zip file carefully before extracting, especially if you are uncertain about the Zip file's source. 24011 \n\nThis file will extract to:\n %s 24012 \n\nAre you sure you want to extract this file? 24013 "%s" is not a valid file name. 24014 "%s" contains either drive or UNC resource information. Please enter a file name without any drive or UNC resource specified. 24015 "%s" contains path information. Please enter a file name without any path information specified. 24016 WinZip is unable to continue with the current add operation.\n\nThe name of a folder that contains files to be added has characters in its name that are not supported by the current code page. WinZip cannot access that folder. 24017 WinZip detected a problem in the command to open Zip files.\n\nThe problem has been corrected. After closing WinZip please try opening your file again. 24018 WinZip detected a problem in the command to open Zip files.\n\nWinZip was unable to correct the problem. Please try uninstalling and then reinstalling WinZip. If the problem continues, please contact WinZip technical support. 24019 WinZip is unable to continue with the current add operation.\n\nWinZip is unable to change to the specified directory and as a result cannot access any files in that folder. 24020 The following invalid filename was encountered in the archive: "%s"\n\nThis file will not appear in the main WinZip window, but you may still be able to extract it by choosing "All files" in the Extract dialog. For more information, click on Help or press F1. 24021 Warning: One or more of the files in this archive uses ".." (parent folder) as part of its folder information.\n\nThis is very unusual in archives and can produce undesirable and potentially dangerous results, including the overwriting of important system files. You should carefully review the contents of the archive in WinZip's classic mode before extracting, especially if you are uncertain about the archive's source.\n\nDo you want to open this archive? 24022 No Extract To folder specified 24023 WinZip is unable to continue with the current add operation.\n\nA folder that contains files to be added cannot be accessed. It's possible that the folder has characters in its name that are not supported by the current code page. 24025 Unsupported Zip file format encountered - WinZip cannot open the file.\nPlease see www.winzip.com/zip62.htm for more information. 25000 X 25001 WinZip is unable to update file %s because it is being used by another application. 25002 Click here to display the Zip file comment 25003 This status light is green when WinZip is not busy 25004 This status light is red when WinZip is busy 25005 The final command string is too large to fit in the buffer 25006 This file appears to be a self-extracting installer. 25007 Only one file can be selected for file properties 25008 Cannot open file %Fs. This file may be open in another application or a read-only copy of the file already exists. If the file is in use, close the open file and try viewing it again. 25009 The folder "%s" is not valid or may contain invalid characters. 25012 You can only add folders to Zip files 25019 Display the name column 25020 Display the type column 25021 Display the modified column 25022 Display the size column 25023 Display the ratio column 25024 Display the packed column 25025 Display the CRC column 25026 Display the attribute column 25027 Display the path column 25028 WinZip Extract 25029 WinZip encountered problems during this operation with file %s. Please choose one of the following actions. 25031 WinZip - Confirm File Overwrite with file from: %s.%s 25032 WinZip - Password for file: %s.%s 25033 Are you sure you want to quit? 25034 Done 25035 Errors occurred while extracting.\n\nDo you want to view the last output? 25036 WinZip - Processing file: %s.%s 25037 No files to process 25038 Checkout Canceled 25039 Creating shortcut to %s 25040 Your specified limit of %d icons in the program group has been reached. No additional files will be given icons. You can change the limit in the future by entering a larger number for "Maximum Icons" in the Checkout dialog up to a maximum of %d. 25041 ReadMe.txt 25042 ReadMe.txt 25043 WinZip 25044 WinZip.chm 25045 WhatsNew.txt 25046 Extracting file: %s 25047 WinZip no longer supports versions of NT less than 3.51 25048 WinZip - Confirm File Replacement with file from: %s.%s 25049 Entry %ld was empty, it was skipped 25050 Do you want to install this Windows Media Player 7 skin? 25051 CabinetWClass 25052 Home Edition 25053 Professional 25054 Domain Controller 25055 Server 25056 Advanced Server 25057 DataCenter Server 25058 Small Business Server 25059 Small Business Server Restricted 25060 BackOffice Server 25061 Terminal Server 25062 \nSuite: 25063 Windows %s 2003 64-bit 25064 Windows %s 2003 25065 Windows XP %s 64-bit 25066 Windows XP %s 25067 Windows 2000 %s 25068 %s %ld.%ld build %d %s 25069 Windows Me 25070 Windows NT 25071 Windows 98 25072 Windows 95 25073 You must add files before using this feature 25074 The operation you requested cannot be completed. A system temporary folder is required and cannot be found. For more information, click on Help or press F1. 25075 Old Explorer-Style Buttons 25076 Use old &Explorer-style toolbar buttons 25077 Loading the viewer 25078 The viewer output is very large and the process is %u%% complete, do you want to continue? 25079 WinZip cannot complete the installation. It must be installed by a user with administrative privileges.\n\nPlease contact your system administrator. 25080 WinZip cannot be uninstalled. WinZip must be uninstalled by a user with administrative privileges.\n\nPlease contact your system administrator. 25081 The file type was determined to be of a malicious variety 25082 Your ID does not have sufficient privileges to install software. Also, WinZip was not properly installed by a user with administrative privileges.\n\nPlease contact your system administrator and ask them to reinstall WinZip. 25083 NOTE: Administrative privileges are required to modify these properties 25084 This Zip file cannot be made into a .EXE File. It uses one or more of the following features:\n Unsupported compressions (enhanced deflate or bzip2)\n Advanced encryption\n Large file extensions\n\n(Large file extensions are used when the Zip file contains one or more files greater than 4GB,\nthe Zip file is greater than 4GB, or the Zip file contains more than 65535 files in it.) 25085 The folder name you entered already exists 25086 Warning: File %s has ".." as part of its folder information.\n\nThis file will not be displayed in the current view mode, but you may still be able to extract it by choosing "All files/folders in archive" in the Extract dialog 25087 Warning: A folder containing ".." has been found.\n\nThis folder will not be displayed in the current view mode 25088 This feature is only available in Windows XP or later 25089 This feature is not available in Windows XP or later 25090 Some of the files in this archive are encrypted and some are not. If you want all the files in this archive encrypted, choose "Encrypt" from the "Actions" menu 25091 An encrypted file was extracted to the temporary filename listed below and cannot be deleted at this time because it is in use by another application.\n\n%s\n\nIf you want WinZip to delete this file, close the application using this file and then click on "Try Again". To leave the unencrypted copy of the file on your disk click on "Continue". To return to WinZip, click on "Cancel". 25092 Some of the files in this archive are encrypted and some are not. If you want all the files in this archive encrypted, please change to "WinZip Classic" mode and choose "Encrypt" from the "Actions" menu 25093 This feature is not available in Flat Mode 25094 You must be in a sub-folder to use this feature 25095 This feature is not available in Windows XP 25096 This feature only available in Windows XP 25097 SHGetFileInfo error using <%s>\nPlease fix the PlacesBar registry entries 25098 Windows Unknown Release 25099 Enterprise Edition 25100 Web Edition 25102 No matches found 26000 !For best operation, WinZip should be "associated" with the types of archives you use. This 26001 !allows WinZip to be started automatically when you open archives from My Computer, Windows 26002 !Explorer, most e-mail programs, etc.\n\n 26003 !WinZip is normally used to open Zip archives, and you will probably want it to open other archive types 26004 !as well. However, if there are any archive types that you do NOT want WinZip to open, simply 26005 uncheck them in the list below. 26006 no association 26007 Extract from, create, or modify Zip files by using WinZip. 26008 The selected virus scanner is not supported by WinZip; please choose another virus scanner.\n\nThe latest information on WinZip's support for virus scanners is available on our Web site at\nhttp://www.winzip.com/xvirus.htm 26009 Please look in the Nico Mak Computing section for WinZip keys, values, and settings. 26010 The command line option used is unsupported by WinZip. 26011 The virus scan cannot be completed because one or more of the files in the Zip file has an unusual parent folder reference. 26012 One or more of the files in the Zip file\nuse ".." (parent folder) as part of its\nfolder information. The use of ".." is\nvery unusual in Zip files. 26013 Open with &WinZip 26014 The following file(s) do not have Explorer "Print" menu commands and cannot be printed by WinZip. 26015 There are more selections in the list of files than in the "File name" field. WinZip will only add the files shown in the "File name" field. For more information click on "Help"\n\nContinue adding only the files in the "File name" field? 26016 There are selections in the list of files and in the "File name" field. WinZip will only add the files shown in the "File name" field. For more information click on "Help"\n\nContinue adding only the files in the "File name" field? 26017 The file %s is missing. Would you like to skip it and continue?\n\nClick on "Yes" to skip this file and continue.\nClick on "No" to cancel. 26018 WinZip Quick Pick 26019 Quick Pick cannot be enabled because the file wzqkpick.exe is not in your WinZip folder 26020 WinZip only supports the 16-bit version of ARJ. WinZip 26021 cannot determine if problems occurred when the 32-bit version of ARJ is used. 26022 WinZip only supports the 16-bit version of LHA. WinZip 26023 cannot determine if problems occurred when the 32-bit version of LHA is used. 26024 No folder was selected, please select a folder 26025 This feature is not available for a Split/Spanned Archive 26026 View the Zip comment 26027 &Undo Ctrl-Z 26028 Cu&t Ctrl-X 26029 &Copy Ctrl-C 26030 &Paste Ctrl-V 26031 &Delete Del 26032 &Select All Ctrl-A 26033 Are you sure you want to access this file? The full filename was not displayed.\n\nFile type is: %s\n\nFilename starts with: %s 26034 You should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the various encryption methods before using this feature. Please click on Help for more information, particularly if this is the first time you are using encryption. 26035 All caution dialogs have been turned back on and will display.\n\nTo turn off a caution dialog box, check its "Do not display \nthis dialog in the future" checkbox. 26036 WinZip is running. It must be closed before uninstalling the Internet Browser Support Add-On. 26037 Restart 26038 Fi&nish 26039 Close 26040 The name chosen for the group name is not a valid group name. Please enter a new group name. 26041 Maximum (bzip2 method) compression is not compatible with older versions of WinZip and other compression programs.\n\nClick on "Yes" to continue or "No" to change compression. 26042 Password Incorrect 26043 Folder: 26044 For best results, it is recommended that the length of the password for the chosen encryption method be at least %d characters long.\n\nShould WinZip use the current password to encrypt the files? 26045 An Explorer window displaying the folder you extracted into cannot be displayed. Windows Explorer cannot be found. 26046 Warning: skipping "%s" because it is located on a device type that is unknown to Windows.\n\nIf you feel that this is incorrect, please contact WinZip's technical support (support@winzip.com), specifying the filename and device. Our support staff will use this information to provide you with a method for bypassing this condition. 26047 Maximum (Enhanced Deflate) compression may not be compatible with some older versions of WinZip and other compression programs.\n\nClick on "Yes" to continue or "No" to change compression. 26050 001 Add to Zip... 26051 002 Add to .zip 26052 003 Add to recently used Zip file 26053 004 Extract to... 26054 005 Extract to here 26055 006 Extract to 26056 007 Extract to here using file names for folders 26057 017 Extract to folder 26058 010 Open unassociated archives with WinZip 26059 011 Create Self-Extractor (.EXE) 26060 013 Zip and E-Mail 26061 014 Zip and E-Mail Plus... 26062 015 E-Mail 26063 018 Encrypt 26100 Caution: You should not install themes received from untrusted sources, or in attachments to unexpected or suspicious e-mail messages.\n\nDo you want to install this theme? 26101 Caution: You should not install screen savers received from untrusted sources, or in attachments to unexpected or suspicious e-mail messages.\n\nDo you want to install this screen saver? 26102 Caution: You should not install software received from untrusted sources, or in attachments to unexpected or suspicious e-mail messages.\n\nDo you want to install this software? 26103 &Do not display this dialog box in the future when opening .%s files. 26104 This file has a potentially unsafe file type of .%s: 27000 X 27500 X 27504 Could not send installation file to Recycle Bin. 27505 !Some WinZip features require optional external programs. You can configure these program locations now by clicking on Program Locations, or 27506 wait until you need them and choose "Configuration" from the "Options" menu and then click the "Program Locations" tab. 28000 !This Zip file contains one or more desktop themes. 28001 !Choose "Unzip only" to unzip the files to a folder of your choice. 28002 !Choose "Unzip and install desktop theme" if you want WinZip to help you install the theme.\n\n 28003 Caution: You should not install themes received from untrusted sources, or in attachments to unexpected or suspicious e-mail messages. 28500 X 28501 Your system is very low on free memory! 28502 WinZip has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please re-start WinZip and try again. 28503 WinZip has encountered a problem with Windows and needs to close. Please re-start Windows and try again. 28504 The file %s was created.\n 28505 !To help solve this problem, please send this file by e-mail to\n 28506 support@winzip.com.\n\n 28507 !Please include as detailed as possible a description of what you\n 28508 !were doing before the problem occurred, so we can try to reproduce\n 28509 !the problem here. In particular, please tell us what steps led to\n 28510 !the problem, and whether it occurs always or sometimes after these\n 28511 steps are followed.\n\n 28512 Thank you\n\n 29000 X 29001 Programs|*.exe| 29009 !This Zip file contains one or more screen savers. 29010 !Choose "Unzip only" to unzip the files to a folder of your choice. 29011 !Choose "Unzip and install screen saver" if you want WinZip to help you install the screen saver.\n\n 29012 Caution: You should not install screen savers received from untrusted sources, or in attachments to unexpected or suspicious e-mail messages. 29014 !The Wizard has extracted all components of your screen saver. It will now 29015 !start the system screen saver installer to complete installation. \n \n 29016 !If you decide not to use the new screen saver, simply select a different one from the listbox before leaving the installer. \n \n 29017 Click on "Next" to start the screen saver installer, or "Close" to close WinZip without completing installation. 29018 &Unzip or install from "%s" 29019 U&pdate "%s" 29020 unzipping 29021 zipping and unzipping 29022 &Close 29023 Zip files (.zip)|*.zip| 29024 Sorry, adding a Zip file to itself is not possible 29025 All files (*.*)|*.*| 29026 No compression 29027 Very fast compression 29028 Fast compression 29029 Normal compression 29030 Maximum (portable) compression 29031 You must specify at least one file to be stored in your Zip file before clicking on Zip Now 29032 Zip &Now 29033 You must specify a name for your new Zip before clicking on Next 29034 The WinZip Wizard can only create Zip files; for other archive types, use WinZip Classic. 29035 File "%s" already exists, can't create it. Do you want to update the existing Zip? 29036 Maximum (bzip2 method) compression 29037 Maximum (enhanced deflate) compression 29038 &Add 29039 This Wizard automates the most common tasks involving Zip files.\nIt features:\n\n* Fast access to Zip files in your Favorite Zip Folders\n* Automatic installation of software distributed in Zip files\n* Fast and easy %s\n* Additional support for decoding MIM and UUE files 29040 Add Files 29041 Add Folder 29042 \nClick on "WinZip Classic" if you'd like to examine a list of the files in your new or updated archive. 29043 WinZip could not find any theme components in the theme definition file, which may be defective. \n \nClick on OK to continue installation or Cancel to stop. 29044 Select items to add, then click on "Zip Now" to zip 29045 Zip and encoded files|*.zip;*.mim;*.uu;*.uue;*.xxe;*.bhx;*.b64;*.hqx| 29046 The WinZip Wizard cannot create or update encoded files. You can UUencode existing archives by switching to the Classic interface, opening the archive, and choosing UUencode from the Actions menu. 29047 Unzip or &install theme from "%s" 29048 Unzip or &install screen saver from "%s" 29049 The Wizard has detected an error while zipping your files or folders. Please read the following panel carefully. 29050 !* Click on "Back" if you want to try again after correcting the cause of the error or changing your file selections. \n 29051 !* Click on "Next" if you want to ignore the error and work with another Zip file. \n 29052 !* Click on "Close" if you want to ignore the error and close WinZip. \n 29053 * Click on "Help" for additional information. 29054 &Unzip or install from an existing Zip file 29055 U&pdate an existing Zip file 29056 The WinZip Wizard cannot open this file; it does not appear to be a valid archive. If you downloaded this file, try downloading it again. If you want to add the file to an archive, first create or open the archive, then drop the file again. 29057 Please complete WinZip installation before trying to open an archive. 29058 The name you have entered is a folder name or an invalid filename, or it refers to a folder that does not exist. Please enter another name. 29059 Sorry, it is not possible to add a self-extracting Zip file to itself 29060 Sorry, the Zip file format does not allow updating Zip files that span disks or are split into parts. 29061 !This Zip file contains a desktop theme, but WinZip does not officially support theme installation under Windows 2000.\n\nMicrosoft has not documented Windows 2000's theme support, and themes may not install correctly due to incompatibilities with earlier versions of Windows.\n\n 29062 * Click on "Help" or press F1 for more important information\n* Click on "Next" to continue with theme installation\n* Click on "Back" to work with a different Zip file\n* Click on "Unzip" to unzip without installing the theme 30000 X 30001 A virus scanner has not been specified.\n\nYou need to configure WinZip to use a virus scanner before you can use this feature. 30002 I agree to the WinZip Computing License Agreement 30003 An error occurred accessing or reading the AUTOINST.TXT file.\n\nPlease contact your system administrator. 30004 The content of the AUTOINST.TXT file is incorrect.\n\nPlease contact your system administrator. 30005 WCI Product file information follows... 30006 WCI Product ID: %s 30007 Path: %s 30008 Date: 30009 (invalid date) 30010 Encryption can only be applied to Zip files 30011 Build: %d 30012 Build: None 30013 Not Found: %s 30014 WCI Product file information retrieval failed. 30015 Ver: %s 30016 The Zip and E-Mail library could not be loaded. 30017 The Quick Start document was not found in the WinZip directory! 30018 Printing Failed! 30019 Note: the password will be used to encrypt files now and for other files added to or extracted from the current archive, and will be automatically cleared when the archive is closed. 30020 An error occurred trying to print the Quick Start document. It was not printed. 30021 Tip: you can print any WinZip help topic. While in Windows Help, click on the "Print" icon. 30022 .5 30023 .5 30024 .65 30025 1.0 30026 Execution failed. No more information available. 30027 Tip: WinZip has a helpful tutorial for new users of the Classic interface. Choose "Brief Tutorial" from the Help menu. 30028 unused message number 30029 The Zip and E-Mail function could not be found. 30033 Windows is unable to read drive %s. Make sure the drive door is closed and that the disk is formatted and free of errors. 30034 WinZip Add-On Supported E-mail Product info: 30035 No WinZip Add-On Supported E-mail Products found 30036 Default mail client location info... 30037 Mail client name from 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail' is: 30038 Default mail client specifies MAPI DLL as: 30039 ... and this file exists. 30040 ... and this file does not exist. 30041 Default mail client specifies unqualified DLL name as: 30042 No entry found for 'DLLPath' for default mail client 30043 Setting for MAIL->CMCDLLName32 in WIN.INI is 30044 No entry for MAIL->CMCDLLName32 in WIN.INI: defaulting to MAPI32.DLL 30045 *** Specified MAPI DLL and path exceeds system name length limit 30046 Full path for specified MAPI DLL is: 30047 Specified MAPI DLL not found in system directory. 30048 No Default mail client DLL can be located. 30049 Specify location for part %s of the archive. 30050 Don't split 30051 Other size 30052 &Split Zip file: 30053 &Span disks: 30054 Invalid split size specified - minimum is 65,536 bytes (64KB). 30055 One or more parts of the split Zip file could not found. 30056 &Span/Split: 30057 The location specified does not appear to have enough space for the Zip file part. Please choose another location. 30058 Existing Zip file is smaller than split size chosen - no splitting will be done. 30059 The split file will be in Zip format regardless of extension. Proceed with splitting? 30060 Split 30061 Only Zip files can be split. 30062 Splitting not available for this archive. 30063 You cannot create a split Zip file with the same name as the current open Zip file. Please choose a different name for the split Zip file or rename the open Zip file first. 30064 Zip 100 Disk (100MB) 30065 CD-ROM (650MB) 30066 CD-ROM (700MB) 30067 This is already a split/spanned archive 30070 Cannot update a split/spanned archive 30071 Cannot Make .Exe from a split/spanned archive 30072 Cannot UUEncode a split/spanned archive 30073 Cannot Mail a split/spanned archive 30074 Zip file split completed. 30075 Invalid split size specified - maximum is 4,294,967,295 (4GB) 30076 Split size must be a valid whole number greater than zero. 30077 View %s file comment 30078 Zip file split completed.\n\nNote: the split Zip file format is an extension of Zip file spanning. Some Zip utility programs may not be able to open split Zip files. Click on Help or press F1 for more information.\n 30079 All parts of the Zip file are not in a single directory. 30080 Multi-part Zip file %s (%d parts) 30081 The folder you selected already contains a Zip file or parts of a Zip file called %s. If you continue, WinZip will remove the Zip file and all its parts from this folder. Do you wish to continue? 30082 WinZip cannot create split parts in the same location as the Zip file being split when the Zip file being split and split Zip file have the same name. Please choose another folder. 30083 The location specified does not appear to have enough space for the smallest allowable Zip file part. Please choose another location. 30084 This Zip file is already smaller than the minimum split size of %d bytes and cannot be split. 30085 Zip 250 Disk (250MB) 30086 Invalid split size specified - maximum is 999,999,999,999,999,999 30087 WinZip could not encrypt all files as you specified.\n\nWould you like to view the detailed results of the last operation showing the specific error(s) encountered? 30088 All files in the Zip were already encrypted as specified. The Zip file is unchanged. 30089 Enter password 30090 This file is encrypted with a different password. To encrypt it with \nyour new password, please provide the original password: 30091 The file "%s" appears to be part of a spanned or split archive.\n\nMulti-part archives cannot be updated or encrypted. 30092 The file "%s" is not a Zip archive.\n\nWinZip can only encrypt Zip archives. 30093 %s for file: %s.%s 30094 Errors occurred while encrypting.\n\nDo you want to view the last output? 30095 Bytes 30096 KB 30097 MB 30098 Encrypting canceled by user 30099 Encrypting files in 30100 Encrypting files in zip 30106 Invalid or unsupported LZH file.\n\nThis file has invalid headers or contains file or path names that are not supported in this version of WinZip. 30107 This archive will be processed by a legacy DOS archiver program that may have security exposures.\n\nDo you want to proceed? 30108 Invalid or unsupported ARC file.\n\nThis file has invalid headers or contains file or path names that are not supported in this version of WinZip. 31000 Current date/time 31001 compiled 31002 Module name 31003 Command line 31004 Memory in use 31005 Total physical memory 31006 Physical memory available 31007 Total virtual memory 31008 Virtual memory available 31009 Country code 31010 Language 31011 Code-page 31012 Font 31013 are in the system approved list 31014 are NOT in the system approved list 31015 is ON 31016 is OFF 31017 \nSystem desktop theme installer: 31018 Installer name: %s 31019 Installer version: %d.%d.%d.%d 31020 Theme base folder: %s 31021 Not found 61440 Resize the WinZip window 61456 Reposition the WinZip window 61472 Minimize the WinZip window to an icon 61488 Maximize the WinZip window to the size of the screen 61536 Close WinZip 61728 Return the window to the size and location prior to maximizing or minimizing 61744 Display the Task List 61746 Reading Header for %s 61747 No file specified 61748 Invalid file specification: unbalanced double quotes 61749 The requested operation cannot be performed on multi-volume archives 61751 Program not found: %s\n\nThe virus scan operation was not performed. 61752 Virus scan was not successfully completed. 61753 RichEdit 2.0 is not installed 61754 \nRichEdit 1.0 is not installed 61755 Compression: Maximum 61756 Compression: Normal 61757 Compression: Fast 61758 Compression: Super Fast 61759 Compression: None 61760 Storing filenames in 8.3 format 61761 Warnings were issued - see below for details\n 61762 Errors were detected -- see below for details\n 61763 Interrupted 61765 others