--------------------------------------------------- SunGard Pentamation Display Client Installer --------------------------------------------------- Version: 1.33.1d Updated: 09/04/2006 Support OS: Windows 2000, XP I - Features and requirements of the Display Client I - 1) Features, what the Display Client can show you I - 2) Requirements for using the Display Client I - 3) Files II - Install, Setup and Use of the Display Client III - Advanced Installation Options IV - About the author, license and support I - FEATURES AND REQUIREMENTS ------------------------------------ I - 1) Features Genero builds upon the foundation of Business Development Suite by architecting an abstract presentation layer in XML. By raising the level of abstraction using XML, the developer is afforded flexibility in interface development that few tools today can provide. Developers no longer need to learn, digest and master complex heterogeneous GUI programming interfaces to support multiple clients. By providing a flexible and dynamic abstract ‘meta’ language, interfaces such as Swing and Windows are accessed in a uniform grammar that leaves developers to focus on the business logic. Business logic after all, is what delivers value and competitive advantage to your enterprise. The SunGard Pentamation Display Client Installer has taken the default Genero Client and enhanced the users ability to create Windows Desktop Shortcuts with Software specific Target Parameters. The Sungard Pentamation Installer also creates a Customer Specific (config.xml) file that is required to run all the SunGard Pentamation Applications. This version also contains installation parameters that will allow sites to create an UNATTENDED Windows Installation. (See Details Below.) I - 2) Requirements * Windows 2000 * Windows XP I - 3) Files Directories: Description: \bin - Executable directory \etc - Configuration directory \pdf - PDF directory \pics - SunGard Pentamation Image directory \release - Display Client Release Notes II - INSTALL, SETUP AND USE SUNGARD PENTAMATION DISPLAY CLIENT ---------------------------------------------------------------- Installing the SunGard Pentamation Display Client: ********* * NOTE: * You are NOT required to UNINSTALL any prior SunGard Pemtamation Display Clients, before ********* installing this client version. Step #1. Copy the Genero installation file, from CD-ROM or the ftp site, to your pc, and extract (.exe file) or unzip (.zip file) Default directory - C:\tmp\GDC (Note: Winzip software for extracting and unzipping files can be downloaded from www.winzip.com) Step #2. Go into the C:\tmp\GDC folder and double-click on setup.exe. Screen 1 - SUNGARD Pentamation Display Client. Accept the default destination folder of C:\GDC\1.XX.X - by clicking on Next to continue. Screen 2 - Accept the default Program Folder of Sungard Pentamation by clicking on Next to continue. Screen 3 - Type in the ip address of the unix server and username for the connection, then click on Next. Screen 4 - Check the appropriate icons you wish to create on the desktop, then click on Next. Screen 5 - The Screen Settings will be summarized; click on Next. Screen 6 -Installation will begin at this point and you will be asked to re-boot the pc to complete the Installation. Running SunGard Pentamation PLUS Series Software. * Select the appropriate desktop icon for SunGard Pentamation application startup, i.e., FinancePLUS LIVE, StudentPLUS TEST, or CommunityPLUS, etc . * The software will start up and you will be prompted for your password. * The graphical screen will open to the SunGard Pentamation PLUS Series application menu. * When you exit the menu, both the application window and the Genero Graphical server will close. * NOTE: The Genero Client Version 1.33.x series has as additional security measure on the Genero Server. (The GDC Shortcuts are READ_ONLY by default). IMPORTANT: To ADD/MODIFY you must use the gdc.exe (-a) option (or) use the WINDOWS: START/Programs/SunGard Pentamation/Genero Display Client ICON. III - ADVANCED INSTALLATION OPTIONS: -------------------------------------------- For Unattended Installations use the install.ini found with the installation files. Parameter: Description: IPADDRESS=xx.x.x.x (required) Set default IP Address for UNIX HOST DESKTOP=1 (default) Select Desktop ICONS STUDESK=0 (default) Create StudentPLUS desktop ICONS FINDESK=0 (default) Create FinancePLUS desktop ICONS REVDESK=0 (default) Create CommunityPLUS desktop ICONS PATH=C:\GDC\1.xx.x (default) Set default Installation Directory FOLDER=Sungard Pentamation (default) Set default Folder Name PORT=6402 (default) Set default PORT (Needed for older versions) VERSION=1.xx.x (default) Set default Display Server Version PROFILE=.profile (default) Set default shell profile (Linux=.bash_profile) UNATTENDED=0 (default) Set Unattended Installation (1) (NOTE: Please set IPADDRESS, Desktop ICONS, etc.) ********* * NOTE: * If the Windows Shortcuts are somehow removed from the Users Desktop, please re-run ********* the SunGard Pentamation Display Client Installer, with the same options. IV - ABOUT THE AUTHOR, LICENSE AND SUPPORT --------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 2005 - SunGard Pentamation, Inc. Written By: Jonathan Ensmenger If you have not received a copy of this file along with this program, write to: SunGard Pentamation, Inc. 3 West Broad Street, Suite 1 Bethlehem, PA 18015, USA.