NetWare Connections Option

To display current NetWare resources, select NetWare Connections from the Red N menu.

NetWare Connections displays information about your current connections. It also indicates the current server and current tree, and allows you to change them.

NetWare Connections Notes

NetWare Connection Information

What It Means


The names of the servers and trees you are connected to.

User Name

Your username for each connection. For Directory Services (NDS*) connections, the username is prefixed by "CN=" (CN denotes common name).

Conn No.

Your connection number on the server.

Authentication State

Shows whether the connection is a Directory Services (NDS) or bindery connection.

NDS Tree

The NDS tree for each connection to a server that is running NetWare* 4* or later.

Trans Type

The transit protocol being used between the server and the workstation.


The internal address of the server.


Removes your connection to the selected server or tree.

Set Primary

Novell Client uses the primary server or tree to obtain lists of other servers or trees on the network.



Server your workstation is attached to but not authenticated to.