1 VeRsIoN=3.2.3 ZENworks Application Management Library for Windows 32-bit (20031014) 2 CoPyRiGhT=Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Novell, Inc. All rights reserved. U.S. Patent No. 5,692,129 and other Patents Pending. 5 System Memory \n 6 Size: %ld MB \n 7 Disk size: %s 8 Disk Size \n 9 Drive: %s \n 11 Processor type: %s 12 Processor Type \n 13 Type: %s \n 14 OS version: %s 15 OS Version \n 16 Version: %ld.%ld \n 17 Version: %ld.x \n 18 Version: %ld.%ld.%ld \n 19 Version: %ld.%ld.x \n 20 Version: %ld.x.x \n 21 Version: %ld.%ld.%ld.%ld \n 22 Version: %ld.%ld.%ld.x \n 23 Version: %ld.%ld.x.x \n 24 Version: %ld.x.x.x \n 26 File exists: %s 27 File Exists \n 28 File: %s \n 29 File version: %s 30 File Version \n 31 File date: %s 32 File Date \n 33 Date: %s \n 34 Environment name: %s 35 Environment Name \n 36 Name: %s \n 37 Environment value: %s 38 Environment Value \n 39 Value: %s \n 40 Registry key: %s 41 Registry Key \n 42 Key: %s \n 43 Registry value: %s 44 Registry Value \n 45 Registry data: %s 46 Registry Data \n 47 Data: %s \n 48 Data: %ld (0x%08X) \n 49 Application dependency: %s 50 Application Dependency \n 51 Application: %s \n 52 Operator: %s \n 53 Size: %ld MB \n 54 Installed 55 Not Installed 56 Exists 57 Not Exists 58 Contains 59 Not contain 60 Equals 61 Not equal 62 Before 63 Less than 64 On or before 65 Less than or equal 66 After 67 Greater than 68 On or after 69 Greater than or equal 71 72 73 74 On 75 Application Launcher 76 Your computer has been updated with a new version of the Application Launcher. Press OK to reboot your computer. 77 Your computer has been updated with a new version of the Application Launcher. You must reboot for the changes to take effect. Do you want to reboot now? 78 The Application Explorer failed to load. 79 %s scheduled to be copied 80 Unable to copy %s 81 %s was copied. 82 %s is current. 83 %s must be present. 84 %s failed to be moved (%ld) 85 ZenAppws Loop %ld 86 AddHelperToScheduler failed (%ld) 87 Load ZENAPP32.DLL failed (%ld) 88 Stop WS Helper success 89 Stop WS Helper failed %ld 90 Load ZENAPP32.DLL failed (%ld) 91 Remove WS Helper success 92 Remove WS Helper failed %ld 93 System memory: %ld MB 94 NWCallsInit Failed, Closing program 95 Registry Settings 96 INI Settings 97 Application Files 98 Application Object Properties 99 Text Files 100 System Requirements 102 Processing entries... 103 Copying install files... 104 Copying application information... 105 Preparing to cache application... 106 Copying folder information... 107 Icons/Shortcuts 108 Uninstall Application %s? 109 Uninstall Application 110 %s has not been used for %d day(s). Do you wish to uninstall this application? 111 Uninstall Application %s? 112 The MSI service is required to perform this operation. Please run NALEXPLD.EXE to install this service. 113 Error: Database could not be opened. 114 Error: Database Export failed. 115 Error: Database Primary Key not found. 116 Error: Property Not Found. 117 Error: Get Field failed. 118 Error: Get Product Language Failed. 119 \n\nNW Call error: (%X). Contact your network administrator. 120 \n\nDirectory Services error: (%X). Contact your network administrator. 121 \n\nUnknown error: (%X). Contact your network administrator. 122 File size: %s 123 File Size \n 124 Size: %ld \n 125 Removing Files... 126 Removing Directories... 127 Removing Registry Entries... 128 Removing Shortcuts... 129 Removing INI Entries... 130 Finalizing Uninstall... 131 Windows needs to reboot to complete uninstall. Do you wish to reboot now? 132 Application needs to be terminated prior to uninstall. Do you wish to terminate the application now? \n\n NOTE: This will terminate the application immediately. Any unsaved data will be lost. 133 Uninstall 10112 Unable to initialize NetWare Directory Services support. 10113 Initialization Status 10114 Incompatible operating system. Unable to load the Application Explorer for Windows NT. 10115 Incompatible operating system. Unable to load the Application Explorer for Windows 95. 10116 Incompatible operating system. Unable to load the Application Explorer for Win32. 10117 A Novell NetWare Client that supports NetWare Directory Services is not running on this workstation. The Application Explorer is only supported with Novell NetWare Clients that support NetWare Directory Services. 10118 Could not get needed resources for application [%s] to be launched (id=%ld). 10119 Unknown error occurred for application %s (id=%ld, %ld) 10120 Could not launch %s (using %s) (id=%ld) 10121 Unable to get attributes for application object [%s](id=%d) 10122 File [%s] is not available. 10123 The help file [%s] could not be found.\nMake sure the file is in the same directory as NAL.EXE, in the NLS\ directory or in your PATH. 10124 Invalid version of the language resource file %s. The version of the language resources file is [%s]. You must use version [%s] with this version of the executable.\n\nThe program will run normally using the default ENGLISH messages. 10125 Unable to allocate memory. 10126 Folder already exists. 10127 Setup Resources Status 10128 Display Properties Status 10129 Application Explorer Status 10130 Exit Windows 10131 Debug -- Application Resources 10132 Confirm Delete 10133 Create Folder 10134 Create Folder Failed 10135 Rename Folder 10136 Rename Folder Failed 10137 \n\nProblem: Unable to connect to server [%s] 10138 \n\nProblem: Unable to map drive [%s] 10139 \n\nProblem: Unable to capture port [%s] 10140 \n\nProblem: Invalid capture parameter [%s] 10141 \n\nProblem: Setting capture settings [%s] 10142 \n\nProblem: Invalid drive path [%s] 10143 \n\nProblem: Invalid queue path [%s] 10144 \n\nProblem: Script execution failed (%s) 10145 \n\nProblem: Script processing library (%s) could not be found. 10146 \n\nProblem: Drive requested is already in use. Unable to map drive [%s] 10147 Configure Workstation Status 10148 \n\nProblem: File was not found or DLLs required to run are missing. 10149 \n\nProblem: Path specified is invalid. 10150 \n\nProblem: Not enough memory to run application. 10151 \n\nProblem: One of the library files needed to run this application is damaged. 10152 \n\nProblem: The specified program requires Microsoft Windows 32-bit extensions. 10153 \n\nProblem: Search drives are not available for mapping [%s] 10154 \n\nProblem: Scripts cannot be run without a newer [%s] file. Contact your system administrator for newer script processing files. 10155 Application was not launched due to a terminate command in the pre-launch script. 10156 Could not configure workstation for application [%s] (id=%ld). 10157 \n\nProblem: Invalid registry settings. (%lX) 10158 \n\nProblem: Invalid INI settings. (%lX) 10159 \n\nProblem: Unable to create rollback files. (%lX) 10160 \n\nProblem: Unable to process registry setting [%s]. (%lX) 10161 \n\nProblem: Unable to process INI setting [%s]. (%lX) 10162 \n\nProblem: Unable to copy file [%s]. (%lX) 10163 \n\nProblem: Unable to delete file [%s]. (%lX) 10164 \n\nProblem: Unable to process text file setting [%s]. (%lX) 10165 \n\nProblem: Unable to process Group/Shortcut setting [%s]. (%lX)\n 10166 Ole initialization failed 10222 \n\nProblem: Search drives are not available for mapping [%s]\n 10223 \n\nProblem: Invalid distribution settings in [%s]. (%lX)\n 10224 \n\nProblem: Unable to access needed network resource [%s]. (%lX)\n 10416 The following problems need to be fixed: 10417 The version of %s installed on your system is out of date. Please install version %s or better. 10418 Unable to load %s. 10419 Your version of Windows is outdated. You need to apply the Shell32 update which is available in the Windows 95 Service Pack 1 from Microsoft. Please contact your system administrator for more help 10420 Errors. 10421 Unable to find NALEXP32.DLL 10422 The version of NALEXP32.DLL installed on your system is out of date. Please install version %s. 10423 The version of the NT service you have loaded is out of date. Please install version %s. 10443 System Settings Change 10445 You must restart your computer before the new settings will take effect.\n\nDo you want to restart your computer now? 10489 \n\nProblem: Novell Licensing Services are not available for [%s]. (%lX) 10490 \n\nProblem: There are no licenses available for [%s]. (%lX) 10491 \n\nProblem: Novell Licensing Services are not installed on this workstation for [%s]. (%lX) 10603 Could not launch %s (id=%ld) 10604 Unable to communicate with workstation process for %s (id=%ld) 10605 \n\nProblem: Application Launcher NT Service was not found to run the application as system user. 10606 \n\nProblem: Application Launcher NT Service was not functioning to run the application as system user. 10607 Unknown 10608 The cached application %s will expire in %d day(s). Please insert your removable media (CD, Removable Disk, etc.) containing this application. On the next Application Launcher/Explorer refresh the application expiration period will be reset. 10609 Cache Notification 10610 \n\nAnother MSI process is running. Please wait for that process to end and try again. 10640 Uninstall the selected application. 10641 Auto start NAL from the Start Menu whil disconnected 10642 Caching Application: %s 10643 Processing: %s 10644 The Application Explorer is unable to connect to Directory Services 10645 &Work Offline 10646 Look on the network and local drive for applications 10647 Look on the local drive for applications 10648 Can't create cache install directory 10649 Can't open or create cache destination file 10650 Can't open or create cache source file 10651 A newer version of %s is available\nwould you like to update this application? 10652 The Administrator has prevented this application from being removed from the cache 10653 Can't Open File 10654 A critical component is missing, cannot continue 10655 Can't Uninstall Application 10656 \n\nProblem: Install Failed. MSI returned error code: %d 10657 \n\nProblem: Unable to apply customization 10658 \n\nProblem: Source is unavailable 10659 Current (Connected) 10660 Current (Disconnected) 10661 Not Current (Connected) 10662 Not Current (Disconnected) 10663 The NAL NT/2000 Service is not loaded, NAL may not be able to perform all functions 10664 Preparing to Uninstall... 10665 Uninstalling Application 10666 There is not enough disk space on the destination drive.