1 A newer version of the Novell Client Software is available. 2 Would you like to upgrade the Client to the newer version? 3 Novell Automatic Client Upgrade 4 You have the latest version of the Client. 5 Client Version: 6 Automatic Client Upgrade accepted. 7 Automatic Client Upgrade rejected. 8 Automatic Client Upgrade needed. 9 Automatic Client Upgrade not needed. 10 A newer version of the Novell Client Support Pack is available. 11 Would you like to upgrade the Support Pack to the newer version? 12 You have the latest version of the Support Pack. 13 Support Pack Version: 14 Support Pack upgrade accepted. 15 Support Pack upgrade rejected. 16 Support Pack upgrade needed. 17 Support Pack upgrade not needed. 18 Error: Unable to Launch - maximum command line length exceeded 19 ERROR 2 20 ERROR 3 21 Automatic Client Upgrade Usage 22 Acu /NL /NSP /D:yes/no /?\n /U[:]\n /SL[:]\n 23 \n/NL Do not launch the install\n 24 \n/NSP Do not check the Support Pack version\n 25 \n/D:yes/no\n Display the upgrade dialog\n 26 \n/? Display this usage information\n 27 \n/U Use the unattend.txt file in the launch directory\n\n/U:\n Use the in the launch directory\n\n/U:\\n Use the in the \n 28 Error: Unable to access the unattend file 29 Error: No unattend file specified after the colon 30 Error: No status log file specified after the colon 31 Error: Invalid display option specified 32 Error: No display option specified 33 \n/SL Log status to the status.log file in the launch directory\n\n/SL:\n Log status to the in the launch directory\n\n/SL:\\n Log status to the in the 34 There were not enough system resources to create an Automatic Client Upgrade event. Quit one or more programs and run the Automatic Client Upgrade again. 35 There were not enough system resources to create an Automatic Client Upgrade thread. Quit one or more programs and run the Automatic Client Upgrade again. 36 There were not enough system resources to create an Automatic Client Upgrade window. Quit one or more programs and run the Automatic Client Upgrade again. 37 Are you sure you want to cancel the Automatic Client Upgrade? 38 Currently installed: 39 New version: 40 Novell Client 41 SP 42 Build Number upgrade accepted. 43 Build Number upgrade rejected. 44 (no Novell Client currently installed)