Novell Client Multiple Client Install Login Script 06/25/04 Important: Read this sample script in Notepad or WordPad to accommodate the log line lengths. Purpose If you plan to install the Novell Client software on multiple workstations, you can install from the network by copying files to the server and modifying the login script. Even if your network has workstations on multiple platforms, you can install and upgrade the client software on all platforms when users log in. The process requires five tasks: 1. Create a folder on the NetWare server. 2. Copy Novell Client files and other required files to this folder (workstations can then read the files during login). 3. Grant rights to the new folder. 4. Create or update the appropriate configuration file (install.cfg, setup.ini, nwsetup.ini, or unattended.txt file) for each platform-specific client. 5. Create or modify the appropriate login script. A sample script is included in this file. Login Script Note: In this sample, the information that is necessary to the script is represented in all capital letters. The information you should customize for your network is in lowercase letters REM ***** Windows 2000/XP ***** IF OS = "WINNT" WRITE "Updating Novell Client for Windows 2000/XP." #\\server1\sys\public\client\winnt\i386\acu.exe IF "%ERROR_LEVEL" = "1" THEN EXIT END END