1002 RGB Color Map 1003 RGB Color Ramps 1004 RGB Dithered Ramps 1005 CMY Color Map 1006 CMY Color Ramps 1007 CMY Dithered Ramps 1008 Color Bars @ 75% 1009 Solid Black 10010 Solid Red @ 75% 10011 Solid Red @ 100% 10012 Solid Green @ 75% 10013 Solid Green @ 100% 10014 Solid Blue @ 75% 10015 Solid Blue @ 100% 10016 Solid Gray @ 75% 10017 Solid White @ 100% 10018 Solid Cyan @ 75% 10019 Solid Cyan @ 100% 10020 Solid Magenta @ 75% 10021 Solid Magenta @ 100% 10022 Solid Yellow @ 75% 10023 Solid Yellow @ 100% 10024 Red 10025 Green 10026 Blue 10027 Cyan 10028 Magenta 10029 Yellow 10030 Hue 10031 Saturation 10032 Value 10033 Gamma Correction 10034 (No Scheme Selected) 10035 You have entered an invalid name. 10037 Select the desired test pattern and adjust the color controls if necessary. 10038 Select RGB or CMY for your color space. 10040 Adjust the brightness, contrast and gamma controls for the selected color if necessary. 10043 Select each of the three colors and adjust the slider controls if necessary. 10046 Select the desired color scheme. 10047 Create a new color scheme. 10048 Delete selected color scheme. 10049 Adjust your color controls for the selected color space. 10051 Adjust your color controls for the selected test pattern. 10055 Reset color controls to the default factory settings. 10059 3D Color Map 10060 Please wait while 3D scene loads...