SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS To upgrade HP JetDirect print servers over the IPX/SPX protocol in a Microsoft Windows environment: 386/20 MHz or better processor 4 Mbytes of disk space MS-DOS 5.0 or greater Microsoft Windows 3.1 using Enhanced Mode or Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11 or Microsoft Windows NT 3.5x or Microsoft Windows 95 Ethernet or Token Ring network topology Novell NetWare v2.15c, 2.2, 3.11, 4.x (IPX/SPX) IPX LSL.COM version 2.12 or later IPX.COM version 3.10 or later NETX.EXE version 3.26 or later ODI/NETX LSL.COM version 2.12 or later IPXODI.COM version 3.00 or later NETX.EXE version 3.26 or later VLM LSL.COM version 2.12 or later IPXODI.COM version 3.00 or later VLM.EXE version 1.10 or later VIPX.386 version 1.14 or later optional - JetAdmin for Novell (Windows 3.1) A.01.11 or greater (NOVUT1.EXE and NOVUT2.EXE) optional - JetAdmin for Windows 95 (JA95UP.EXE). To upgrade HP JetDirect print servers over IP protocol in a Microsoft Windows environment: -You must have the set-community-name configured on each print server that is to be upgraded. Check the TCP/IP section of each self test page. If the set-community-name is "SPECIFIED" you can use IP to upgrade your JetDirect products. -386/20 MHz or better processor -4 Mbytes of disk space -MS-DOS 5.0 or greater -Microsoft Windows 3.1 using Enhanced Mode or Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11 or Microsoft Windows NT 3.5x or Microsoft Windows 95 -Ethernet or Token Ring network topology -A properly configured IP stack such as -Novell Lan Workplace for Windows IP -FTP OnNet 1.0 IP Windows VxD stack -FTP IP -Netmanage Winsock IP Newt Stack -Wollongong Winsock IP stack -WFWG 3.11 TCP/IP -FTP 2.3 IP DOS/Windows 3.1 To upgrade HP JetDirect print servers over IP protocol from a HP-UX 9.x workstation: -Ethernet or Token Ring network topology -Configure the set-community-name on the print server. This can be done with HP JetAdmin for UNIX software. -Optional - JetAdmin for HP-UX 9.x. For HP 9000 series 700 or 800, obtain the file HPNPFPKG.700.d0036. For HP 9000 series 300 and 400 systems obtain the file HPNPFPKG.300.d0036. OBTAINING THE FILES REQUIRED FOR UPGRADING JETDIRECT FIRMWARE To use the HP Download Manager in a Microsoft Windows environment, you need to obtain the following files: -HPDL0205.EXE (HP Download Manager) -Appropriate upgrade file (for instance, A0406EN.EXE for an HP J2552A card) -For IPX upgrades, HP JetAdmin for Novell software, NOVUT1.EXE and NOVUT2.EXE (if you don't have version A.01.11 or greater) or HP JetAdmin for Windows 95, JD95UP.EXE. To use the Download Manager with HP-UX 9.x, you need to obtain the following files: -hpdl0200.tar (HP Download Manager) -Appropriate upgrade file (for instance, a0406en.tar for an HP J2552A card) -Optional - HP JetAdmin for HP-UX 9.x software, version D.00.36 or greater. For HP 9000 series 700 or 800, obtain the file HPNPFPKG.700.d0036. For HP 9000 series 300 and 400 systems obtain the file HPNPFPKG.300.d0036. You can obtain the software mentioned above from any of the following services: (See HP First Document #9020 for more information on using these services) CompuServe Membership information - (800) 524-3388, ask for representative 51 Type GO HPPER which puts you in the HP Peripherals Forum. Hewlett-Packard Internet-FTP Library Service Internet address - Name - anonymous; Password - Go to the /pub/networking/software subdirectory Hewlett-Packard World Wide Web Internet-FTP Library Service Download Manager and firmware files: JetAdmin for Novell: JetAdmin for Windows 95: JetAdmin for HP-UX 9.x: Hewlett-Packard Bulletin Board Service - (208) 344-1691 Modem settings: 14,400 Baud max, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit Go to the network printer library (1J) INSTALLING THE HP DOWNLOAD MANAGER AND UPGRADE FILES In a Microsoft Windows environment: 1.Obtain the necessary files and place them in a temporary directory on your PC. 2.For IPX upgrades only, extract HP JetAdmin for Novell NetWare by running the self-extracting archive files NOVUT1.EXE AND NOVUT2.EXE in the temporary directory (you only need to do this if you do not have a version of JetAdmin A.01.11 or greater.) 3.Install HP JetAdmin. 4.Extract the HPDL0205.EXE file. The necessary files will be extracted to the \HPDLINST directory. 5.Run \HPDLINST\SETUP.EXE from Windows. This will install the HP Download Manager in the directory of your choice and create a Windows program group for the HP Download Manager. 6.Extract the firmware file (for example, A0406EN.EXE file). The necessary files will be extracted to the current directory. You should extract these files in a different directory then was created for the HPDL0205.EXE files since some of the file names are the same. 7.Run the upgrade file, ..\SETUP.EXE, from Windows. This will install the upgrade files in a subdirectory named ..\UPGRADES\JETDIREC beneath the directory you specified when installing the HP Download Manager. This is why the HP Download Manager needs to be installed first! In a HP-UX 9.x environment: 1.Log in as ROOT. 2.Obtain the necessary files and place them in a temporary directory on your UNIX workstation. 3.If using HP JetAdmin for HP-UX 9.x software, you also need to install these files. 4.Type tar xvf hpdl0200.tar (this will create the file hpdwnld.updt.Z and a readme.txt file) 5.Type tar xvf .tar (this will create the file .updt.Z and an .txt file) 6.Type uncompress hpdwnld.updt.Z to decompress the Download Manager files. 7.Type uncompress image.updt.Z (for example a0406en.updt.Z) to decompress the image file. 8.Run /etc/update -s "*" (This will put the Download Manager program files in /usr/lib/hpnp/bin/ directory). The HP Download Manager needs to be installed before the image is installed! 9.Run /etc/update -s "*" (This will put the image files in /usr/tftpdir/upgrades/jetdirec directory). GETTING STARTED WITH THE HP DOWNLOAD MANAGER Once you have installed the program files you are ready to use the HP Download Manager. To invoke the HP Download Manager from JetAdmin for Novell in a Microsoft Windows* environment: 1.Run HP JetAdmin. 2.From the JetAdmin menu select File, then select JetDirect Firmware Upgrade... 3.Choose ..\HPDWNLD.EXE from the dialog box. Click on the "OK" button. To run the Download Manager directly from a Microsoft Windows* environment: 1.Open the HP Download Manager Program Group. 2.Start the HP Download Manager Configurator Application. 3.Set the appropriate configurator parameters using the online help as needed. 4.Start the HP Download Manager Application and use the online help for instructions on upgrading your print servers. *If you are running Microsoft Windows NT, Microsoft Windows for Workgroups, or Windows 95 over TCP/IP and a Novell file server is not present, refer to these additional instructions before running the Download Manager: Microsoft Windows NT 1.Look at the self test page under the Novell section to verify the JetDirect print server does not have a network number for Novell. If it does, then you can disregard the rest of these instructions. 2.Go into the Control Panel. 3.Double click on the Network icon. To get the Auto Discovery mode of the Download Manager to work we need to check that the following services are loaded in NT: -For the Server version of NT: Gateway Service for Netware -For the Workstation version of NT: Client Services for NetWare. Load these services by doing the following: -Click on Add Software. -Choose the right choice for your setup (Server or Workstation). -Click OK to add the service. 4.Select NW Link IPX/SPX Compatible Transport. (This should be loaded by default.) 5.Select Configure for NW Link IPX/SPX compatible transport. 6.Select any frame type except "Auto Detected". 7.Click Advanced... button 8.Enter an the internal network "55555555". 9.Click OK, then restart the machine to save the changes. 10.After restarting, a screen will come up asking you to choose a Novell server. Click Cancel. On the next box that comes up click "yes". 11.Run the HP Download Manager. 12.Choose Auto Discovery. 13.Click on Add Network button. 14.Add a new network of "00000000". 15.When Auto Discovery is finished, click OK. When prompted, save the file. 16.Select "Use Autodiscovery File". Select the file you just created. 17.Go to the current Subnet and choose the subnet of "55555555". The JetDirect products should appear in the window. Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 1.Look at the self test page under the Novell section to verify the JetDirect print server does not have a network number for Novell. If it does, then you can disregard the rest of these instructions. 2.Select the Network group. 3.Double click the Network Setup icon. 4.Click on the Drivers... button. 5.Select IPX/SPX Compatible Transport. If it is not installed, Click the Add Protocol... button. 6.Click on the Setup... button. 7.Select any frame type except "Not present". 8.Save the changes on each screen and exit Network. At the prompt, restart the machine. 9.Run the HP Download Manager*. 10.Click on Specific Device button. 11.Enter 00000000:080009xxxxxx. xxxxxx is the last 6 digits of the JetDirect hardware address. This can be found on the self test page. Click Add button. Repeat this step for each JetDirect that needs to be upgraded. 12.Refer to the Download Manager Help screen for additional instructions. NOTE: Since AutoDiscovery does not work in this environment, you can simulate the AutoDiscovery process by creating an ASCII file that contains each JetDirect hardware address that you need to upgrade. Each line in the file must have the following format "0:080009xxxxxx". Launch the HP Download Manager by running "hpdwnld ". Also, the ASCII file must be stored in the same directory as the hpdwnld.exe file. Microsoft Windows 95 1.Look at the self test page under the Novell section to verify the JetDirect print server does not have a network number for Novell. If it does, then you can disregard the rest of these instructions. 2.Go into the Control Panel. 3.Select the Network group. 4.Double click on the Network icon. Make sure Client Services for NetWare is loaded. 5.Select IPX/SPX compatible protocol. 6.Click on Properties... button. 7.Click on the Advanced tab. 8.Select Frame Type from the Property box. Select any frame type except "Auto". 9.Save the changes on each screen and exit Network. At the prompt, restart the machine. 10.Run the HP Download Manager*. 11.Click on Specific Device button. 12.Enter 00000000:080009xxxxxx. xxxxxx is the last 6 digits of the JetDirect hardware address. This can be found on the self test page. Click Add button. Repeat this step for each JetDirect that needs to be upgraded. 13.Refer to the Download Manager Help screen for additional instructions. NOTE: Since AutoDiscovery does not work in this environment, you can simulate the AutoDiscovery process by creating an ASCII file that contains each JetDirect hardware address that you need to upgrade. Each line in the file must have the following format "0:080009xxxxxx". Launch the HP Download Manager by running "hpdwnld ". Also, the ASCII file must be stored in the same directory as the hpdwnld.exe file. To invoke the HP Download Manager from JetAdmin for UNIX on a HP-UX 9.x workstation: 1.Type jetadmin to run HP JetAdmin. 2.Configure any printers that need a set-community-name. 3.To run the Download Manager, choose option 4 from the main menu of JetAdmin. 4.Then choose option 3 to run the Download Manager Configurator or option 4 to run the Download Manager. To run the Download Manager directly from a HP-UX 9.x workstation: 1.Change to /usr/lib/hpnp/bin directory. 2.Type dwnldcfg to start the HP Download Manager Configurator Application. 3.Set the appropriate configuration parameters using the online help as needed. 4.Type hpdwnld to start the Download Manager. 5.Use the online help for instructions on upgrading your print servers. TROUBLESHOOTING -Did you use a binary transfer (if your download software requires it) when you downloaded the software? -Does your environment meet the requirements specified in the beginning of this document? -Are you trying to do anything other than upgrade a JetDirect print server that is listed in the table in the beginning of the document? If you are still having problems installing or running the HP Download Manager, please call your local HP service provider; in the US call the HP Customer Support Center at (208) 323-2551.