Linksys LNE100TX Fast Ethernet Adapter (LNE100TX v4) NetWare 32-bit ODI Driver Installation ======================================= Copyright (C) 2000 by Linksys All rights reserved. NetWare DOS ODI Server Driver Installation (NetWare 4.11) ========================================================= Requirements: ------------- Linksys (LNE100TX v4) Driver Diskette (LNE100TX.LAN) Installation Procedure: ----------------------- 1. Insert the Linksys (LNE100TX v4) Driver Diskette into drive A and check the contents of subdirectory \NETWARE\SERVER\NW411 It should contain the following file: LNE100TX.LAN - Novell NetWare V4.11 Server Driver for Linksys LNE100TX Fast Ethernet Adapter(LNE100TX v4) LNE100TX.LDI - Novell NetWare V4.11 Server Driver Installation Information File. LNE100TX.INF - Windows 95 ODI driver installation information file 2. At the NetWare prompt (indicated by the Server name), run the INSTALL.NLM program by typing: server name: LOAD INSTALL 3. Select "Maintenance/Selective Install" and press . 4. Select "LAN Driver Options (Configure/Load/...)" and press . 5. Press the key to specify other drivers to install. 6. Press and specify the driver path (A:\NETWARE\SERVER\NW411) and press . 7. The LNE100TX.LAN driver should appear in your choice list for the 'Select a LAN Driver' field. Choose this driver to start the driver loading and binding procedure. This will allow you to load and bind all 4 frame types supported by NetWare. 8. Next time you start up your system, simply follow steps 2 to 4 to complete the installation.