3Com (R) Corporation EtherDisk (R) Diskette for the 3C90x Fast EtherLink XL/EtherLink XL PCI Bus Master NIC Family Windows 98 Automated Network Installations This document describes the procedures for performing an automated installation of Windows 98 over the network using a 3Com Fast EtherLink XL/EtherLink XL (3C90x) NIC. The procedures use the 3Com EtherDisk diskettes version 4.x. Requirements ============ 1) Server with enough hard drive space for the Windows 98 source files and any extra drivers that may be required for the installation. 2) DOS client PC that can access the server. (These instructions assume that you are installing Windows 98 onto a clean DOS system. With slight modifications, these directions can be applied to several environments). 3) Windows 98 source files. 4) Windows 98 Answer File. (This file is created with the BATCH 98 utility. The Answer File varies according to your environment. This document only covers the portion involving the software from the EtherDisk diskettes version 4.x). 5) EtherDisk diskettes version 4.x for the 3Com Fast EtherLink XL/EtherLink XL (3C90x) NICs. Procedures for Unattended Installations of Windows 98 ====================================================== The drivers for the 3C90x NICs are not native to Windows 98 and require steps to integrate them into the installation source files. This is done with a utility called INFINST.EXE, and it is documented in the section "Running the INFINST.EXE Utility" later in this document. The INFINST.EXE utility only runs on PCs with Windows 98 or Windows NT 4.0 or later. It does NOT run on PCs with Windows 95. After running the INFINST.EXE utility, you must create a file that automates the installation process. This file is called the Answer File (often named MSBATCH.INF). The complete version of Windows 98 contains the utility (Batch 98) needed to create the Answer File. The Batch 98 utility only runs on PCs with Windows 98 or Windows NT 4.0 or later. It does NOT run on PCs with Windows 95. After the Answer File is created, you begin the installation process. The installation process is started by executing the SETUP.EXE program for Windows 98, which is contained in the source location of the Windows 98 files and can be accessed across the network. (The installation process assumes that the installation is being done on a clean DOS system.) Preparing the Server ------------------- To prepare the server for automated installations, over the network, of Windows 98: 1) Make sure that the server is operational. 2) Copy the Windows 98 source files to a shared directory on the server. 3) Make sure that you have write access to the server. 4) Create a user account on the server, if necessary. 5) For NetWare networks, make sure that you have a Windows 98 or Windows NT 4.0 or later PC that can access the shared location of the Windows 98 source files. (For Windows NT 4.0 or later, these steps can be done at the file server, the only difference is the drive mappings.) Running the INFINST.EXE Utility ------------------------------- The INFINST.EXE utility is used to integrate OEM drivers into the Windows 98 source files. This utility must be run for the installation to be successful. The INFINST.EXE utility can be found in the TOOLS\RESKIT\INFINST directory on the Windows 98 source media. To install the software from the EtherDisk 4.x diskettes, the INFINST.EXE utility must be executed against two INF files: W95EL90X.INF and TCAATDI.INF. 1) Start the INFINST.EXE utility. 2) Execute the INF installer against W95EL90X.INF on Disk 1 of the EtherDisk v4.x driver set for the 3C90X family of NICs. A warning message appears, stating that the TCAATDI.INF file has been copied, but may need to be run with the INFINST utility. Click OK to this message. 3) Click OK. A warning message appears, stating that the EL90XND5.SYS file could not be found. 4) Insert EtherDisk diskette 2 in the PC, and then click Yes. 5) When the INFINST Copy File Search dialogue box appears, highlight the EL90XND5.SY_ file, and then click Open. 6) After the installation of W95EL90X.INF is complete, insert disk 1 of v4.x EtherDiskette driver set in your PC and run the INFINST utility against TCAATDI.INF. A warning message appears, stating that Windows 98 setup already contains an INF file called TCAATDI.INF. 7) Click Yes. A warning message appears, stating that the specified TCAATDI.VXD file could not be found. 8) When the INFINST Copy File Search dialogue box appears, highlight the TCAATDI.VX_ file, and then click Open. A warning message appears, stating that the MSBATCH.INF must be updated to include any additional clients. (This is done in the next section, "Creating the Answer File.") 9) Click OK. Creating the Answer File ------------------------ The Answer File contains all the information needed to automate the installation. This file is created with the Batch 98 utility that comes with the Windows 98 source installation media (located in the TOOLS\RESKIT\BATCH directory). The Batch 98 utility has a SETUP program. It can only be installed on PCs with Windows 98 or Windows NT 4.0 or later. This document provides information on installing the EtherDisk 4.x driver set using the Batch 98 utility only. For more information on the Batch 98 utility, refer to the Windows 98 resource kit. An example Answer File is included at the end of this document and can be used as a reference. However, this file varies depending on your requirements. The Answer File is normally saved as MSBATCH.INF, and it is referred to as such in these instructions. The following steps describe the portion necessary to automate the installation of software from the EtherDisk diskettes version 4.x: 1) Install the Batch 98 utility from the Windows 98 source media. (The Batch 98 SETUP program can be found in the TOOLS\RESKIT\BATCH directory.) 2) Run the Batch 98 utility. 3) Make the appropriate selections for protocols, clients, services, and so on. To install the software from the EtherDisk diskettes version 4.x, an additional setting must be made under the Additional Clients tab in the Network Options portion of the Batch 98 utility. Enter TCAATDI in the Other Clients field. If multiple items are specified in Other Clients, they are separated by a comma. 4) After making the necessary settings, save the file. (By default, the file is saved as MSBATCH.INF.) 5) After saving the settings, make the following changes to the [network] section of the Answer File (MSBATCH.INF): [network] . . . IgnoreDetectedNetCards=1 NetCards="PCI\VEN_10b7&DEV_9055" ; 3C905B-TX The above example is for the 3C905B-TX NIC. For other 3C90x NICs, enter the correct PCI device ID, as described below: NetCards="PCI\VEN_10b7&DEV_9050" ; 3C905-TX NetCards="PCI\VEN_10b7&DEV_9058" ; 3C905B-Combo NetCards="PCI\VEN_10b7&DEV_905A" ; 3C905B-FX NetCards="PCI\VEN_10b7&DEV_9051" ; 3C905-T4 NetCards="PCI\VEN_10b7&DEV_9004" ; 3C900B-TPO NetCards="PCI\VEN_10b7&DEV_9005" ; 3C900B-Combo NetCards="PCI\VEN_10b7&DEV_9006" ; 3C900B-TPC NetCards="PCI\VEN_10b7&DEV_900A" ; 3C900B-FL NetCards="PCI\VEN_10b7&DEV_9000" ; 3C900-TPO NetCards="PCI\VEN_10b7&DEV_9001" ; 3C900-Combo Initiating the Installation --------------------------- To start the installation, a network connection is required to the shared directory of the Windows 98 source files on the server. When initiating the SETUP, you must specify the location of the Answer File. For example: J:>setup j:\msbatch.inf Example Answer File (MSBATCH.INF) ================================= ; MSBATCH.INF ; [BatchSetup] Version=3.0 (32-bit) SaveDate=09/20/98 [Version] Signature = "$CHICAGO$" LayoutFile=layout.inf [Setup] Express=1 InstallDir="c:\windows" InstallType=3 ProductKey="xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx" EBD=0 ShowEula=0 ChangeDir=0 OptionalComponents=1 Network=1 System=0 CCP=0 CleanBoot=0 Display=0 DevicePath=0 NoDirWarn=1 TimeZone="Pacific" Uninstall=0 NoPrompt2Boot=1 [System] Locale=L0409 SelectedKeyboard=KEYBOARD_00000409 [NameAndOrg] Name="YOUR NAME" Org="YOUR COMPANY" Display=0 [Network] ComputerName="AZTEC" Workgroup="WORKGROUP" Description="UNATTEND 98" Display=0 PrimaryLogon=VREDIR Clients=VREDIR, NWREDIR Protocols=NETBEUI, NWLINK, MSTCP, TCAATDI DefaultProtocol=NetBEUI Services=VSERVER Security=SHARE IgnoreDetectedNetCards=1 NetCards="PCI\VEN_10b7&DEV_9055" ; 3C905B-TX [NWLINK] Frame_Type=4 [MSTCP] LMHOSTS=0 DHCP=1 DNS=0 WINS=D [NWREDIR] FirstNetDrive=H: ProcessLoginScript=1 [VREDIR] LogonDomain="WORKGROUP" ValidatedLogon=0 [VSERVER] LMAnnounce=0 MaintainServerList=2 [OptionalComponents] "Accessibility Options"=1 "Accessibility Tools"=0 "Briefcase"=0 "Calculator"=1 "Desktop Wallpaper"=0 "Document Templates"=1 "Games"=1 "Imaging"=1 "Mouse Pointers"=0 "Paint"=1 "Quick View"=0 "Windows Scripting Host"=1 "WordPad"=1 "Dial-Up Networking"=0 "Dial-Up Server"=0 "Direct Cable Connection"=0 "HyperTerminal"=0 "Microsoft Chat 2.1"=0 "Microsoft NetMeeting"=1 "Phone Dialer"=1 "Virtual Private Networking"=0 "Baseball"=0 "Dangerous Creatures"=0 "Inside your Computer"=0 "Jungle"=0 "Leonardo da Vinci"=0 "More Windows"=0 "Mystery"=0 "Nature"=0 "Science"=0 "Space"=0 "Sports"=0 "The 60's USA"=0 "The Golden Era"=0 "Travel"=0 "Underwater"=0 "Windows 98"=0 "Desktop Themes Support"=0 "Microsoft FrontPage Express"=1 "Microsoft VRML 2.0 Viewer"=0 "Microsoft Wallet"=0 "Personal Web Server"=1 "Real Audio Player 4.0"=0 "Web Publishing Wizard"=0 "Web-Based Enterprise Mgmt"=0 "Microsoft Outlook Express"=1 "Baltic"=0 "Central European"=0 "Cyrillic"=0 "Greek"=0 "Turkish"=0 "Audio Compression"=1 "CD Player"=1 "Macromedia Shockwave Director"=1 "Macromedia Shockwave Flash"=1 "Media Player"=1 "Microsoft NetShow Player 2.0"=0 "Multimedia Sound Schemes"=0 "Sample Sounds"=0 "Sound Recorder"=1 "Video Compression"=1 "Volume Control"=1 "America Online"=1 "AT&T WorldNet Service"=1 "CompuServe"=1 "Prodigy Internet"=1 "The Microsoft Network"=1 "Additional Screen Savers"=0 "Flying Windows"=1 "OpenGL Screen Savers"=0 "Backup"=0 "Character Map"=0 "Clipboard Viewer"=0 "Disk compression tools"=1 "Drive Converter (FAT32)"=1 "Group policies"=0 "Net Watcher"=0 "System Monitor"=0 "System Resource Meter"=0 "Web TV for Windows"=0 "WaveTop Data Broadcasting"=0 [Printers] [InstallLocationsMRU] [Install] AddReg=Run.Installed.Components,Registry.WinUpdate [Run.Installed.Components] HKLM,%KEY_INSTALLEDCOMPS%\>BatchSetupx,,,">Batch 98 - General Settings" HKLM,%KEY_INSTALLEDCOMPS%\>BatchSetupx,IsInstalled,1,01,00,00,00 HKLM,%KEY_INSTALLEDCOMPS%\>BatchSetupx,Version,,"3,0,0,0" HKLM,%KEY_INSTALLEDCOMPS%\>BatchSetupx,StubPath,,"%25%\rundll.exe setupx.dll,InstallHinfSection Installed.Components.General 4 %10%\msbatch.inf" HKLM,%KEY_INSTALLEDCOMPS%\>Batchwu,,,">Batch 98 - Windows Update" HKLM,%KEY_INSTALLEDCOMPS%\>Batchwu,IsInstalled,1,01,00,00,00 HKLM,%KEY_INSTALLEDCOMPS%\>Batchwu,Version,,"3,0,0,0" HKLM,%KEY_INSTALLEDCOMPS%\>Batchwu,StubPath,,"wupdmgr.exe -shortcut" [Registry.WinUpdate] HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoDevMgrUpdate,0x10001,0 HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoWindowsUpdate,0x10001,0 [Strings] KEY_INSTALLEDCOMPS="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components" ; (%VER UNT_W98.TXT - v4.0.0)