3Com (R) Corporation EtherDisk (R) Diskette for the 3C90X Fast EtherLink XL/EtherLink XL Bus Master NIC Family Clarkson Packet Driver Installation Notes Fast EtherLink XL PCI Packet Driver ----------------------------------- The Fast EtherLink XL PCI NIC is completely configured through software. You can load the driver from the command line or in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. When the packet driver is loaded, the only required command line option is the software interrupt value (/I). The sofware interrupt is used to communicate between the driver and the protocol and should not be confused with the the NIC's hardware interrupt. In version 1.10 of the Packet Driver Specification, valid software interrupt values are in the range 0x20 to 0x80. In version 1.09, valid software interrupts are in the range 0x60 to 0x80. Loading the Driver from the AUTOEXEC.BAT File --------------------------------------------- To load the driver from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, you must copy the driver from the PKTDRV directory on the EtherDisk 2 diskette to your hard drive. You must either place the driver in your path or use the full pathname in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Loading the Driver from the Command Line ---------------------------------------- To load the driver from the command line, use the following syntax: 3C90XPD [switches] [options] Switches -------- The driver supports the following switches: -? = Show usage -u = Uninstall driver -n = Novell NetWare conversion -d = Delay initialization (for diskless booting) -t = Disable transmit Parallel Tasking (R) feature -r = Disable receive Parallel Tasking feature -m = Maximize PCI latency timer The -n switch is needed if the packet is in Ethernet encapsulated IPX format and it needs to be converted to 802.3 format. The default is 802.3 format. The -t switch disables the NIC's early transmit feature. The default is enabled. The -r switch disables the NIC's early receive indications feature. The default is enabled. Options ------- The driver supports the following options: /I = software interrupt (20h -FFh); default = 70h /S = slot number (0 - 31 for PCI) /K = bus number (0 - 7 for PCI) You must specify the bus type if the bus number and the slot number are used. The bus number is used specifically for PCI. Example ------- The following example shows a typical command line. If you want to load the driver at software interrupt 60h with receive Parallel Tasking feature disabled, a PCI bus type, slot number = 1, and PCI bus number = 0, the command line should look like this: 3C90XPD -r /S=1 /K=0 /I=60 For a complete summary of usage guidelines, type at the command line: pd -? Technical Support To obtain 3Com technical support for packet drivers, send e-mail to: Pkt_Support@3mail.3Com.com (%VER PACKET.TXT - Packet Driver Text File v1.0c)