+ KDS Monitors + + Copyright 1999 KDS + + Windows 95/98 Driver Installation + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ================================================================== i. Windows 95 Installation ii. Windows 98 Installation iii. Support Information ================================================================== i. Windows 95 Installation process for Windows 95. The self extractor will extract KDS monitor drivers to C:\KDS folder. Follow the procedure below: 1. Close all open applications. 2. From Windows the Windows desktop, click; START Settings Controll Panel 3. Click Display Properties 4. Click the Settings tab 5. Click Change Display Type or Advanced Properties At this point you will need to know if you have Windows 95 REV A or REV B. If you Revision A you will have a Tab called Change Display Type if you have Revision B you will have Advanced Properties. For Revision A ********************************** Click Change Display Type Click Change on the MONITOR PART OF THE SCREEN (The lower Section) Click on the Show all Devices button Click Have Disk Click Browse Double Click on C: Click c:\KDS Click OK Highlight KDS under Manufacturers from the List Click on the Monitor that you have Click OK Click Close to exit display Properties Click START Click SHUTDOWN Click RESTART For Revision B ********************************** Click on Advanced Properties Click on the Monitor Tab Click on Change Click on the Show all Devices button Clck Have Disk Click Browse Double Click on C: Click c:\KDS Click OK Highlight KDS under Manufacturers from the List Click on the Monitor that you have Click Apply You will get a message "Windows will now Adjust the Refresh Rate. If the screen becomes garbled wait 10 seconds and your original setting will return. Do You want to Keep these settings Say "YES" Click OK ii. Windows 98 ================================================================== Installation process for Windows 98. The self extractor will extract KDS monitor drivers to C:\KDS folder. Follow the procedure below: 1. Close all open applications. 2. From Windows the Windows desktop, click; START Settings Controll Panel 3. Click Display Properties 4. Click the Settings tab 5. Click Advanced Properties 6. Click on the Monitor Tab NOTE:If you don't have a MONITOR tab, refer to ii.a. section below. 7. Click on Change 8. Click on the Show all Hardware button 9. Click Have Disk 10. Click Browse 11. Double Click on C: 12. Click c:\KDS 13. Click OK 14. Highlight KDS under Manufacturers from the List 15. Click on the Monitor that you have 16. Click Apply You will get a message "Windows will now Adjust the Refresh Rate. If the screen becomes garbled wait 10 seconds and your original setting will return. 17. Do You want to Keep these settings Say "YES" 18. Click OK 19. Close 20. Done ii.a NO MONITOR TAB in DIsplay Properties ================================================== 1. Close all programs 2. Click START 3. Click SETTINGS 4. Click CONTROL PANEL 5. Click SYSTEM 6. CLick DEVICE MANAGER 7. Double click MONITOR. Current device will be displayed. 8. Highlite the device 9. Double-click device 10. You will get two tabs; GENERAL and DRIVER 11. Click on DRIVER 12. Click UPDATE DRIVER 13. Click NEXT 14. Click DISPLAY LIST OF ALL DRIVERS IN A SPECIFIC LOCATION SO YOU CAN SELECT THE DRIVERS YOU WANT. 15. Click NEXT 16. Click HAVE DISK 17. Type C:\KDS over the default A:\ 18. Click OK 19. Click OK 20. Click NEXT 21. Click NEXT 22. Click FINISH iii. SUPPORT INFORMATION If you require additional support, call 1-800-283-1311