Function Statement Example

This example uses the Function statement to declare the name, arguments, and code that form the body of a Function procedure. The last example uses hard-typed, initialized Optional arguments.

' The following user-defined function returns the square root of the
' argument passed to it.
Function CalculateSquareRoot(NumberArg As Double) As Double
    If NumberArg < 0 Then    ' Evaluate argument.
        Exit Function    ' Exit to calling procedure.
        CalculateSquareRoot = Sqr(NumberArg)    ' Return square root.
    End If
End Function

Using the ParamArray keyword enables a function to accept a variable number of arguments. In the following definition, FirstArg is passed by value.

Function CalcSum(ByVal FirstArg As Integer, ParamArray OtherArgs())
Dim ReturnValue 
' If the function is invoked as follows:
ReturnValue = CalcSum(4, 3 ,2 ,1)
' Local variables are assigned the following values: FirstArg = 4,
' OtherArgs(1) = 3, OtherArgs(2) = 2, and so on, assuming default
' lower bound for arrays = 1.

Optional arguments can have default values and types other than Variant.

' If a function's arguments are defined as follows:
Function MyFunc(MyStr As String, Optional MyArg1 As _ Integer = 5, Optional MyArg2 = "Dolly") 
Dim RetVal
' The function can be invoked as follows:
RetVal = MyFunc("Hello", 2, "World")    ' All 3 arguments supplied.
RetVal = MyFunc("Test", , 5)    ' Second argument omitted.
' Arguments one and three using named-arguments.
RetVal = MyFunc(MyStr:="Hello ", MyArg1:=7)