SYD Function Example

This example uses the SYD function to return the depreciation of an asset for a specified period given the asset's initial cost (InitCost), the salvage value at the end of the asset's useful life (SalvageVal), and the total life of the asset in years (LifeTime). The period in years for which the depreciation is calculated is PDepr.

Dim Fmt, InitCost, SalvageVal, MonthLife, LifeTime, DepYear, PDepr
Const YEARMONTHS = 12    ' Number of months in a year.
Fmt = "###,##0.00"    ' Define money format.
InitCost = InputBox("What's the initial cost of the asset?")
SalvageVal = InputBox("What's the asset's value at the end of its life?")
MonthLife = InputBox("What's the asset's useful life in months?")
Do While MonthLife < YEARMONTHS    ' Ensure period is >= 1 year.
    MsgBox "Asset life must be a year or more."
    MonthLife = InputBox("What's the asset's useful life in months?")
LifeTime = MonthLife / YEARMONTHS    ' Convert months to years.
If LifeTime <> Int(MonthLife / YEARMONTHS) Then
    LifeTime = Int(LifeTime + 1)    ' Round up to nearest year.
End If 
DepYear = CInt(InputBox("For which year do you want depreciation?"))
Do While DepYear < 1 Or DepYear > LifeTime
    MsgBox "You must enter at least 1 but not more than " & LifeTime
    DepYear = CInt(InputBox("For what year do you want depreciation?"))
PDepr = SYD(InitCost, SalvageVal, LifeTime, DepYear)
MsgBox "The depreciation for year " & DepYear & " is " & Format(PDepr, Fmt) & "."