ShowDropButtonWhen Property


Specifies when to show the drop-down button for a ComboBox or TextBox.


object.ShowDropButtonWhen [= fmShowDropButtonWhen]

The ShowDropButtonWhen property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object Required. A valid object.
fmShowDropButtonWhen Optional. The circumstances under which the drop-down button will be visible.


The settings for fmShowDropButtonWhen are:

Constant Value Description
fmShowDropButtonWhenNever 0 Do not show the drop-down button under any circumstances.
fmShowDropButtonWhenFocus 1 Show the drop-down button when the control has the focus.
fmShowDropButtonWhenAlways 2 Always show the drop-down button.

For a ComboBox, the default value is fmShowDropButtonWhenAlways; for a TextBox, the default value is fmShowDropButtonWhenNever.