Orientation Property


Specifies whether the SpinButton or ScrollBar is oriented vertically or horizontally.


object.Orientation [= fmOrientation]

The Orientation property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object Required. A valid object.
fmOrientation Optional. Orientation of the control.


The settings for fmOrientation are:

Constant Value Description
fmOrientationAuto รป1 Automatically determines the orientation based upon the dimensions of the control (default).
FmOrientationVertical 0 Control is rendered vertically.
FmOrientationHorizontal 1 Control is rendered horizontally.


If you specify automatic orientation, the height and width of the control determine whether it appears horizontally or vertically. For example, if the control is wider than it is tall, it appears horizontally; if it is taller than it is wide, the control appears vertically.