Visual Basic for Applications functions
ADO 2.5

Visual Basic for Applications Functions

The following Visual Basic for Applications functions can be used in data shaping CALC expressions:

Abs Asc Atn CBool CByte CCur
CDate CDbl Chr ChrB ChrW Chr$
ChrB$ CInt CLng Cos CSng CStr
Cvar CVDate CVErr Date Date$ DateAdd
DateDiff DatePart DateSerial DateValue Day DDB
Error Error$ Exp Fix Format Format$
FV Hex Hex$ Hour IIF InStr
Int IPmt IRR IsDate IsEmpty IsError
IsNull IsNumeric IsObject LCase LCase$ Left
LeftB Left$ LeftB$ Len Log LTrim
LTrim$ Mid Mid$ Minute MIRR Month
Now NPer NPV Oct Oct$ Pmt
PPmt PV QBColor Rate RGB Right
RightB Right$ RightB$ Rnd RTrim RTrim$
Second Sgn Sin SLN Space Space$
Sqr Str Str$ StrComp StrConv String
String$ SYD Tan Time Time$ Timer
TimeSerial TimeValue Trim Trim$ TypeName UCase
UCase$ Val VarType Weekday Year  

See Also

Accessing Rows in a Hierarchical Recordset | Data Shaping Summary | Formal Shape Grammar | Required Providers for Data Shaping | Shape APPEND Clause | Shape Commands in General | Shape COMPUTE Clause

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