1 Microsoft Visual Studio Debugger 2 Do you want to stop debugging? 3 Disassembly Text 4 Disassembly 5 Disassembly File Name 6 An exception of type '%1' was thrown. 7 An exception of type '%1' was not handled. 8 %1 on %2 9 Pass exception on to program being debugged? 10 New Breakpoint 11 Disassembly Symbol 12 Find File: %1 13 Title 14 Process 15 ID 16 Machine 17 Debugger 18 Select machine: 19 ID 20 Debugger Properties on %1 21 Disassembly Source 22 IntelliSense could not find the specified location. Do you still want to set the breakpoint? 23 Some of the breakpoints cannot be set. %1 \n \nDo you want to set only the breakpoints that can be set? 24 Do you have a solution to use for Just-In-Time debugging? 25 (new breakpoint) 26 At %1 %2 27 At %1, when '%2' %3 %4 28 At %1, when hit count %2 %3%4 %5 29 At %1, when '%2' %3 and hit count %4 %5%6 %7 30 %1 %2 31 %1 and %2 '%3' %4 32 %1 and hit count %2 %3%4 %5 33 %1 and '%2' %3 and hit count %4 %5%6 %7 34 E,EndAddress: L,Length,C,Count: B,Bytes,CodeBytes: S,Source: N,Names,Symbols,SymbolNames: #,Numbers,LineNumbers: 35 is true 36 has changed 37 when '%1' %2 38 is equal to 39 is greater than or equal to 40 is a multiple of 41 (currently %1) 42 when hit count %1 %2%3 43 (%1 bytes) 44 line 45 character 46 line generated from %1 47 %1 (from %2) 48 address %1 49 When '%1' changes%2%3 50 in process '%1' 51 in thread '%1' 52 The breakpoint is not valid. 53 The breakpoint will not currently be hit. 54 The expression for the data breakpoint does not specify an address. 55 The program is currently stopped at an exception. In order to make edits the state of the program must be reverted to just before the exception was thrown. \n \n Edit: Unwind from the exception to allow edits to be made \n \n Stop: End the debugging session and go to Design mode \n \n Cancel: Exit without changing state 56 The symbol file %1 does not match the module. 57 SourceServer 58 New %1 59 %1 Properties 60 The following breakpoint cannot be set:\n\n%1\n\n%2 61 Unable to load one or more breakpoints. 62 Disassembly 63 Script Explorer 64 The following file was found:\n\n%1\n\nDo you want to open this file? 65 break always%1 66 Debug 67 Call Stack 68 Output 69 Name 70 Value 71 Type 72 Language 73 Location 74 Status 75 Suspend 76 77 An exception of type '%1' was not handled.\n\nWould you like to debug the application? 78 Priority 79 The breakpoint has been deleted. 80 Threads 81 Locals 82 Autos 83 Watch %1%2 84 Breakpoints 85 Function 86 File 87 Line 88 Character 89 Condition 90 Hit Count 91 Process 92 Thread 93 Type 94 Language 95 Address 96 Name 97 Data 98 Statement 99 Instruction 100 Line 101 Location 102 Data 103 Registers 104 Type 105 (Disassembly cannot be displayed in design mode.) 106 Script 107 SQL 108 C++ 109 Basic 110 Unknown 111 Breakpoints 112 Memory %1 113 New Group %1 114 break always 115 break when the hit count is equal to 116 break when the hit count is a multiple of 117 break when the hit count is greater than or equal to 118 %1, line %2 119 %1, line %2 character %3 120 Hide Toolbar 121 Just-In-Time debugging was canceled. 122 in '%1' 123 Debugging information for '%1' cannot be found or does not match. %2 \n \nDo you want to continue debugging? 124 F,Format:! H,Hex S,Signed D,Decimal,Unsigned A,ANSI U,Unicode B,BigEndian C,Count: 125 '%1', %2 126 No disassembly. 127 Cannot run to the following location:\n\n%1\n\n%2 128 Function 129 No programs are being debugged. 130 Loading symbols for %1... 131 D&elete Breakpoint 132 &Disable Breakpoint 133 &Continue 134 Source file: %1 \n \nThe source file is different from when the module was built. Would you like the debugger to use it anyway? 135 No threads. 136 Index 137 Id 138 Process 139 Program 140 Index 141 Id 142 Name 143 Location 144 State 145 Priority 146 No registers. 147 &Start Debugging 148 hex 149 hexadecimal 150 dec 151 Memory Data 152 Memory Changed 153 Memory Window 154 Auto 155 decimal 156 Memory Address 157 The radix is hexadecimal (16). \n 158 The radix is decimal (10). \n 159 File 160 Pending 161 Bound 162 Error 163 Warning 164 Group 165 This operation will set the next statement to a different function. Are you sure? 166 Port 167 OneByte 168 One 169 1 170 TwoBytes 171 Two 172 2 173 FourBytes 174 Four 175 4 176 EightBytes 177 Eight 178 8 179 Float 180 Double 181 Yes 182 Y 183 1 184 No 185 N 186 0 187 Address 188 The following breakpoint was hit:\n\n%1 189 Function 190 File 191 Address 192 Data 193 (Enter an address to view disassembly.) 194 Breakpoint (Enabled) 195 Breakpoint (Disabled) 196 Breakpoint (Error) 197 Breakpoint (Warning) 198 Call Return 199 Current Statement 200 Breakpoint - Mapped (Enabled) 201 Breakpoint - Mapped (Disabled) 202 Warn if no user code on launch 203 Find Symbols: %1 204 Select the folder containing symbols to load: 205 C,Count: T,ShowTypes: N,ShowNames: V,ShowValues: M,ShowModule: #,ShowLineOffset: B,ShowByteOffset: L,ShowLanguage: X,ShowExternalCode: I,IncludeCallsAcrossThreads: ~,Thread: *,AllThreads 206 Symbol Files (*.pdb, *.dbg)|*.pdb;*.dbg 207 This is the next statement that will be executed. 208 This code has called into another function. When that function is finished, this is the next statement that will be executed. 209 This is the next statement that will be executed. To change which statement is executed next, drag the arrow. This may have unintended consequences. 210 Disable All Breakpoints 211 (no condition) 212 The following breakpoint may cause the program to run very slowly while being debugged:\n\n%1\n\nIs this OK? 213 There is no source code or disassembly available for the current location. 214 No symbols are loaded for any call stack frame. The source code cannot be displayed. 215 There is no source code available for the current location. 216 Unable to go to the breakpoint. %1 217 There is no source code available for the current location. 218 Symbols loaded 219 Symbols not loaded 220 Loading symbols... 221 Please select a directory where symbol files can be copied. 222 Unable to set the current program. 223 A local cache directory is required. 224 Unable to set the current thread. 225 Do you want to delete all breakpoints? 226 Unable to set the current stack frame. 227 Filter 228 (none) 229 Unable to set symbol path. %1 230 No symbol path. 231 No modules. 232 This thread has called into a function that cannot be displayed. 233 Unmanaged debugging is not available. 234 Loads symbols for the specified module using the current symbol path, or lists the loaded modules. \nThe symbol path can be set using the .sympath command. \n \nUsage: .reload [flags] [module] \nFlags: /l List loaded modules 235 Unable to list modules. %1 236 Module 237 Module not found: %1 238 Address 239 The specified thread index is greater than the number of threads. 240 Function 241 Evaluating... 242 The next statement cannot be set from outside a finally block to within it. 243 Looking for source code in %1... 244 Name 245 &Thrown 246 &User-unhandled 247 Tracepoint (Enabled) 248 Tracepoint (Disabled) 249 Tracepoint (Error) 250 Tracepoint (Warning) 251 Breakpoint - Mapped (Warning) 252 Index 253 Breakpoint - Mapped (Error) 254 Function 255 Breakpoint - Advanced (Enabled) 256 Language 257 < More... (The first %1 of %2 items were displayed.) > 258 The next statement cannot be set from within a finally block to a statement outside of it. 259 The next statement cannot be set from outside a catch block to within it. 260 The next statement cannot be changed at this time. 261 Windows authentication is disabled in the Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor (MSVSMON). To connect, choose one of the following options.\n\n1. Enable Windows authentication in MSVSMON\n2. Reconfigure your project to disable Windows authentication\n3. Use the 'Remote (native with no authentication)' transport in the 'Attach to Process' dialog 262 The components for the 64-bit debugger are not registered. Please repair your Visual Studio 2005 Remote Debugger installation via 'Add or Remove Programs' in Control Panel. 263 Breakpoint - Advanced (Disabled) 264 Breakpoint - Advanced (Error) 265 Breakpoint - Advanced (Warning) 266 Tracepoint - Advanced (Disabled) 267 Tracepoint - Advanced (Enabled) 268 Tracepoint - Advanced (Error) 269 Tracepoint - Advanced (Warning) 270 Tracepoint - Mapped (Disabled) 271 Tracepoint - Mapped (Enabled) 272 Tracepoint - Mapped (Error) 273 Tracepoint - Mapped (Warning) 274 Output: print a message when an exception occurs 275 Output: print a message when a module is loaded 276 Output: print a message when a module is unloaded 277 Output: print a message when a process exits 278 Output: print a message when a thread exits 279 Output: print output from processes being debugged 280 Output: print messages from debugger 281 You do not need to use the "srv*" syntax when specifying a symbol server. Just enter the UNC path or URL instead. 282 You can restrict the breakpoint to only being set in certain processes and threads. Enter an expression to describe where the breakpoint should be set, or clear the expression to have the breakpoint set in all processes and threads. \n \n 283 Enter one or more of the following clauses. You can combine clauses using && (AND), || (OR), ! (NOT), and parentheses. \n \n MachineName = "machine" \n ProcessId = 123 \n ProcessName = "process" \n ThreadId = 123 \n ThreadName = "thread" \n 284 %1 285 Redirect all Output Window text to the Immediate Window 286 Break when exceptions cross AppDomain or managed/native boundaries (Managed only) 287 The breakpoint cannot be set. %1 288 %1 289 You can include the value of a variable or other expression in the message by placing it in curly braces, such as "The value of x is {x}." 290 To insert a curly brace, use "\{". To insert a backslash, use "\\". \n \n 291 The following special keywords will be replaced with their current values: \n$ADDRESS - Current Instruction, $CALLER - Previous Function Name, \n$CALLSTACK - Call Stack, $FUNCTION - Current Function Name, \n 292 $PID - Process Id, $PNAME - Process Name \n$TID - Thread Id, $TNAME - Thread Name 293 When Hit 294 Tracepoint hit in function $FUNCTION at $FILEPOS on thread $TID $TNAME 295 Enable source server support 296 Enable the exception assistant 297 Print source server diagnostic messages to the Output window 298 %1, line %2 299 %1, line %2 character %3 300 Debugging isn't possible due to an incompatability within the CLR implementation. 301 \nVisual Studio cannot debug managed applications because a kernel debugger is enabled on the system. \n \nPlease see Help for further information. 302 \nVisual Studio cannot debug managed applications because a kernel debugger is present on the system. \n \nPlease see Help for further information. 303 The maximum number of processes is already being debugged. 304 The debugger does not support debugging managed and native code at the same time on this platform. 305 Script debugging is disabled for the application you are debugging. Please uncheck the 'Disable script debugging' option on the Internet Options dialog box (Advanced page) for Internet Explorer and restart the process. 306 The correct version of pdm.dll is not registered. Repair your Visual Studio 2005 installation, or run 'regsvr32.exe "%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\VS7Debug\pdm.dll"'. 307 The .NET debugger has not been installed properly. The most probable cause is that mscordbi.dll is not properly registered. Click Help for more information on how to repair the .NET debugger. 308 There is no managed code running in the process. In order to attach to a process with the .NET debugger, managed code must be running in the process before attaching. 309 Unwind the call stack on unhandled exceptions 310 These settings control debugging-related behavior such as Edit and Continue, JIT debugging, and the Symbol Path. 311 Locating source for '%1'. %2 312 The web server has been locked down and is blocking the DEBUG verb, which is required to enable debugging. Please see Help for assistance. 313 Debugging failed because integrated Windows authentication is not enabled. Please see Help for assistance. 314 ASP debugging is disabled because the ASP process is running as a user that does not have debug permissions. Please see Help for assistance. 315 The remote computer does not have a CLR version which is compatible with the remote debugging components. To install a compatible CLR version, see the instructions in the 'Remote Components Setup' page on the Visual Studio CD. 316 The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor on the remote computer does not support debugging code running in the Common Language Runtime. 317 The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor on the remote computer does not support debugging code running in the Common Language Runtime on a 64-bit computer. 318 Symbols cannot be loaded because the symbol path is empty. \nUse the .sympath command to set the symbol path. \n 319 You do not have permissions to debug the web server process. You need to either be running as the same user account as the web server, or have administrator privilege. 320 This project is using a web site that is configured to use a specific IP address. Specify the machine name in the project URL. Please see Help for assistance. 321 The version of CLR being debugged does not support debugging managed and native code at the same time. 322 You cannot switch to a process that is currently running. 323 The file '%1' exists. 324 The file '%1' does not exist. 325 The file '%1' is a directory. 326 The file was found in a project: '%1'. 327 The file was not found in a project. 328 The Windows Firewall on this machine is currently blocking remote debugging. Remote debugging requires that the debugger be allowed to receive information from the network. Remote debugging also requires DCOM (TCP Port 135) and IPSEC (UDP 4500 / UDP 500) be unblocked. 329 WARNING: Unable to determine if the Windows Firewall is blocking remote debugging. %1 330 Could not configure the Windows Firewall. %1 331 Unable to connect to the web server. Verify that the web server is running and that incoming HTTP requests are not blocked by a firewall. 332 An authentication error occurred while communicating with the web server. Try disabling 'Digest authentication'. Please see Help for further assistance. 333 Windows file sharing has been configured so that you will connect to the remote computer using a different user name. This is incompatible with remote debugging. Please see Help for assistance. 334 Windows Firewall does not currently allow exceptions. Use Control Panel to change the Windows Firewall settings so that exceptions are allowed. 335 Cannot add an application to the Windows Firewall exception list. Use the Control Panel to manually configure the Windows Firewall. 336 Cannot add a port to the Windows Firewall exception list. Use the Control Panel to manually configure the Windows Firewall. 337 Cannot add 'File and Printer Sharing' to the Windows Firewall exception list. Use the Control Panel to manually configure the Windows Firewall. 338 An operating system DLL, oleaut32.dll, is not correctly installed. To repair, run 'regsvr32 oleaut32.dll'. 339 A Visual Studio DLL, coloader80.dll, is not correctly installed. Please repair your Visual Studio installation via 'Add or Remove Programs' in Control Panel.\n\nIf the problem persists, you can manually register coloader80.dll from the command prompt with 'regsvr32 "%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\VS7Debug\coloader80.dll"'. 340 A debugger dll, msdbg2.dll, is not correctly installed. Please repair your Visual Studio installation via 'Add or Remove Programs' in control panel.\n\nIf the problem persists, you can manually register msdbg2.dll from the command prompt with 'regsvr32 "%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\VS7Debug\msdbg.dll"'. 341 An error occurred that usually indicates a corrupt installation (code 0x%08x). If the problem persists, repair your Visual Studio installation via 'Add or Remove Programs' in Control Panel. 342 Remote debugging is not supported. 343 The remote debugger is not correctly installed. Please repair your Remote Debugger installation via 'Add or Remove Programs' in control panel.\n\nIf the problem persists, you can manually register msdbg2.dll from the command prompt with 'regsvr32 "%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\VS7Debug\msdbg.dll"'. 344 Source file: %1 \nModule: %2 \nProcess: %3 \n \nThe source file is different from when the module was built. Would you like the debugger to use it anyway? 345 Checksum matches. 346 Looking in directory '%1'... 347 Source was found at '%1'. 348 The network path does not exist: %1. 349 Looking for downloaded source in '%1'... 350 The debugger will not ask the user to find the file: %1. 351 The debugger will ask the user to find the file: %1. 352 The user found the source file: %1. 353 The user pressed Cancel in the Find Source dialog. In the future, the debugger will not ask the user to find the file '%1'. 354 The debugger found source in the following locations: 355 %1: %2 %3 356 The debugger will use the source at location %1. 357 The debugger could not locate the source file '%1'. 358 Looking in the projects for '%1'. 359 The SQL CLR source file was downloaded to '%1'. 360 Looking in script documents for '%1'... 361 Found script document with the URL: '%1'. 362 Found script document with the file path: '%1'. 363 The source was found at '%1'. 364 The source was downloaded to '%1'. 365 Checksum doesn't match but use anyway. 366 Checksum doesn't match. 367 Determining whether the checksum matches for the following locations: 368 %1: %2 %3 %4 369 checked 370 unchecked 371 checked and disabled 372 %1\n\nDo you want to continue anyway? 373 %1 - Security Warning 374 Looking for source using source server... 375 Source was found using source server: %1 376 This source file has changed. It no longer matches the version of the file used to build the application being debugged. 377 New Location... 378 Remove Location 379 Move Up 380 Move Down 500 501 Unable to update the breakpoint. 502 Execution has stopped at the beginning of the program because one or more breakpoints could not be set. 503 An exception containing the specified string was not found. 504 There are no more exceptions containing the specified string. 505 Unable to connect to the Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor named '%1'. %2 506 Unable to disable all the breakpoints. %1 507 Unable to attach to the process. %1 508 The debugger cannot display source code or disassembly for the current location. 509 Error 510 Enter a function name. 512 A previous expression evaluation is still in progress. 513 The macro '%1' could not be run. %2 516 A debugger is already attached. 517 The process does not have sufficient privileges to be debugged. 518 The desktop cannot be debugged. 519 The debugger is not properly installed. Run setup to install or repair the debugger. 520 Unable to break into the process '%1'. %2 521 Unable to break into the process. %1 522 Unable to detach from the process '%1'. %2 523 Unable to detach from the process. %1 524 Cannot run to the specified location. 525 Unable to evaluate the expression. %1 526 Unable to start program '%1'. \n \n%2 527 Unable to set the next statement to this location. %1 528 Unable to open input file '%1'. 529 Unable to open output file '%1'. 530 The exception name is not valid. 531 The file does not exist. 532 The debugger cannot retrieve source code using source server. The source server DLL could not be loaded. %1 533 Unable to debug the process at this time. 534 Unable to execute the statement because the current thread is not executing code. 535 Invalid expression. 536 Unable to restart debugging. %1 537 The specified hit count target is not valid. 538 Unable to set exceptions. 539 Unable to start debugging. A program to debug has not been specified. 540 Enter a valid file name. 541 Enter a breakpoint location. 542 Memory could not be displayed for the expression.\n%1 543 The file name must be an absolute path, such as 'c:\dir\file.ext' or '\\server\share\dir\file.ext' 544 Disassembly cannot be displayed for the source location. %1 545 The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor is either not running on the remote machine or is running in Windows authentication mode. 546 The process has been terminated. 547 The IP address for the remote machine is not valid. 548 The remote machine is not responding. 549 The remote machine name is not specified. 550 Other programs cannot be debugged while post-mortem debugging. 551 All of the threads are frozen. Use the Threads window to unfreeze at least one thread before attempting to step or continue the process. 552 The debugger transport DLL cannot be loaded. 553 MSPDB80.dll cannot be loaded. 554 MSDIS150.dll cannot be loaded. 555 NatDbgEE.dll cannot be loaded. 556 NatDbgDM.dll cannot be loaded. 557 Input or output cannot be redirected because the specified file is invalid. 558 Input or output cannot be redirected because the syntax is incorrect. 559 The remote debugger is not an acceptable version. 560 A breakpoint could not be inserted at this location. 561 Some breakpoints could not be deleted and have been disabled instead. 562 No source file 563 Unavailable when debuggee is running. 564 Unavailable when not debugging. 565 Please enter an expression. 566 The specified address cannot be displayed. %1 567 One or more breakpoints could not be deleted. 568 The call stack is not available at this time. 569 The call stack cannot be displayed. %1 570 The call stack is empty. 571 Unable to list programs. %1 572 Unable to list threads. %1 573 Unable to list memory. %1 574 Unable to list registers. %1 575 Unable to set radix. 576 Unable to list disassembly. %1 577 This operation is not supported when debugging dump files. 578 The source code cannot be displayed. %1 579 The specified radix is not recognized. 580 Specify an address. 581 The debugger cannot continue running the process. %1 582 The end address '%1' cannot be evaluated. %2 583 Could not write value to memory 584 The Visual Studio debugger proxy service was not running when debugging was started. 585 The expression evaluation took too long. 586 There is no executable code at this location in the source code. 587 The expression cannot be evaluated while in run mode. %1 588 Unable to step. %1 589 Unable to detach from one or more processes. %1 590 Unable to stop debugging. %1 591 The breakpoint could not be set. %1 592 %1 does not support breakpoint conditions. 593 %1 does not support breakpoint hit counts. 594 %1 does not support address breakpoints. 595 Unable to go to the source code location of the breakpoint. 596 The expression cannot be evaluated while in design mode. 597 %1 does not support call stack breakpoints. 598 %1 does not support function breakpoints. 599 %1 does not support data breakpoints. 600 Unable to go to the disassembly of this breakpoint. 601 The specified file is an unrecognized or unsupported binary format. 602 %1 does not support disassembly. 603 Disassembly cannot be displayed. %1 604 This is not a valid location for a breakpoint. 605 The type of code you are currently debugging does not support disassembly. 606 The specified count is too large. The maximum count is %1. 607 %1: %2 608 (Disassembly cannot be displayed in run mode.) 609 Unable to connect to '%1'. %2 610 The specified address does not exist in disassembly. 611 Cannot detach from one or more processes: \n \n%1 \n \nDo you want to terminate them instead? 612 Remote Procedure Call Step 613 Cannot run to the specified location. 614 Unable to start debugging. 615 The program has not yet finished initializing. Try again later. 616 Callstack for Thread %d (Thread Id: %d (0x%x)): \n 617 The debugger is not properly installed. Run setup to install or repair the debugger. 618 Cannot step to the specific location. %1 619 Unable to list source. %1 620 F,File: L,Line: C,Count: Current: N,ShowLineNumbers: 621 --- End of File --- 622 Source code is not available. 623 The 64-bit version of the Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor (MSVSMON.EXE) cannot debug 32-bit processes or 32-bit dumps. Please use the 32-bit version instead. 624 The 32-bit version of Visual Studio cannot debug 64-bit processes or 64-bit dumps. Please remote debug with the 64-bit version of Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor (MSVSMON.EXE) instead. 625 Access is denied. This seems to be because the 'Network access: Sharing and security model for local accounts' security policy does not allow users to authenticate as themselves. Please use the 'Local Security Settings' administration tool on the local computer to configure this option. 626 Debugging using the Default transport is not possible because the remote machine has 'Share-level access control' enabled. To enable debugging on the remote machine, go to Control Panel -> Network -> Access control, and set Access control to be 'User-level access control'. 627 XML Visualizer 628 HTML Visualizer 629 Text Visualizer 630 Could not load this custom viewer. 631 Unable to attach to application '%1' (PID: %3) using '%2'. %4 632 Unable to attach. %1 633 The file '%1' does not exist. 634 Symbols cannot be loaded because the symbol path is empty. \nUse the Debug.SymbolPath command to set the symbol path. \n 635 Unable to set the current process. %1 636 N,Name: I,Id,Pid: P,Path: T,Title: S,State: R,Transport: Q,TransportQualifier: 637 An expression evaluation is already in progress. 638 No processes are being debugged. 639 The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor has been closed on the remote machine. 640 There is no server by the specified name running on the remote computer. 641 The debugger cannot connect to the remote computer. This may be because the remote computer does not exist or a firewall may be preventing communication to the remote computer. Please see Help for assistance. 642 Access is denied. Can not connect to Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor on the remote computer. 643 The specified remote server name is not valid. 644 The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor (MSVSMON.EXE) does not appear to be running on the remote computer. Please see Help for assistance. 645 Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Remote Debugging Monitor (MSVSMON.EXE) failed to start. Verify that the remote debugger is properly installed. 646 Unable to connect to the Visual Studio 2005 Remote Debugger service. Access is denied. Run the Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor (MSVSMON.EXE) under your account, or be a member of the Administrators group on the remote computer. 647 The Visual Studio 2005 Remote Debugger service is unable to connect to this computer. Please see Help for assistance. 648 Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor (MSVSMON.EXE) is not running under your user account and MSVSMON could not be automatically started. MSVSMON must be manually started, or the Visual Studio remote debugging components must be installed on the remote computer. Please see Help for assistance. 649 An unexpected DCOM error occurred trying to contact the remote computer. Access is denied. 650 Quick Console 651 Processes 652 Name 653 ID 654 Path 655 Title 656 Machine 657 Transport 658 Transport Qualifier 659 State 660 Running 661 Break 662 The debugger cannot unwind to this frame. %1 663 Unable to attach the debugger to TSQL code. 664 Click Help for more information. 665 Click Help for more information. 666 Click Help for more information. 667 Click Help for more information. 668 Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password. See help for more information. 669 The debugger failed to stop in the server process. 670 Unable to determine a stopping location. Verify symbols are loaded. 671 A serious internal error occurred while processing this command. The debugger may be unstable now. It is recommended that you save all files and exit. 672 Settings for Just-In-Time debugging could not be applied. %1 673 Access is denied. Have an administrator enable Just-In-Time debugging, or repair your installation of Visual Studio. 674 The debugger was unable to automatically select an appropriate type of code. Please manually specify the type(s) of code to which the debugger should attach. 675 Specify the type(s) of code the debugger will attach to. 676 Error creating the Port Selector object for this transport. %1 677 Error displaying the Port Selector dialog for this transport. %1 678 MSDIA80.dll cannot be loaded. 679 The exception code is not valid. 680 Unable to attach to the crashing process. %1 681 The Visual Studio debugger cannot connect to the remote computer. Unable to initiate DCOM communication. Please see Help for assistance. 682 The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor on the remote computer cannot connect to the local computer. Unable to initiate DCOM communication. Please see Help for assistance. 683 The Visual Studio debugger cannot connect to the remote computer. An RPC policy is enabled on the local computer which prevents remote debugging. Please see Help for assistance. 684 The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor cannot logon to the local computer: unknown user name or bad password. Click help for more information. 685 The Visual Studio debugger cannot connect to the remote computer. A firewall may be preventing communication via DCOM to the remote computer. Please see Help for assistance. 686 The debugger is not registered on the web server computer. Visual Studio or the full remote debugger components must be installed on the web server. 687 An unexpected DCOM error occurred while trying to automatically attach to the remote web server. Try manually attaching to the remote web server using the 'Attach To Process' dialog. 688 The web server does not support automatic attaching. This is most likely because the web site is using ASP.NET version 1.0 or 1.1. Upgrade the web site to ASP.NET 2.0 or manually attach to the web server process using the 'Attach to Process' dialog. 689 The debugger cannot retrieve source code using source server. 690 SRCSRV: The module '%1' does not contain source server information. 691 The source file is not indexed by source server. 692 SRCSRV: Source server cannot retrieve the source code for file '%1' in module '%2'. %3 693 Operation not supported. Unknown error: %1. 700 Suppress JIT optimization on module load (Managed only) 701 A Microsoft .NET Framework component, diasymreader.dll, is not correctly installed. Please repair your Microsoft .NET Framework installation via 'Add or Remove Programs' in Control Panel. 702 &Make Object ID 703 De&lete Object ID 705 Unable to list processes. %1 706 Unable to list processes. %1 707 No processes are being debugged. 710 The default transport lets you select processes on this computer or a remote computer running the Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor (MSVSMON.EXE). 711 There is no additional information available for this transport. 712 Automatic: %1 713 Please select the types of code to debug. 714 %1 debugging is not compatible with %2.\nWould you like to uncheck %2? 715 Paused (event queued) 716 Downloading source code from %1... 717 Debugging 718 The expression could not be evaluated because a build error occurred. 719 Evaluation: Always allow function calls and expressions with side-effects. (Native Only) 721 Check for one of the following. \n \n1. The application you are trying to debug uses a version of the Microsoft .NET Framework that is not supported by the debugger. \n2. The debugger has made an incorrect assumption about the Microsoft .NET Framework version your application is going to use. \n3. The Microsoft .NET Framework version specified by you for debugging is incorrect. \n \nPlease see the Visual Studio .NET debugger documentation for correctly specifying the Microsoft .NET Framework version your application is going to use for debugging. 722 The value for this item is stale due to a problem that occurred while evaluating it.\nHover your cursor over the refresh button for details. 723 The value for this item is stale due to a problem that occurred while evaluating it.\nHover your cursor over the refresh button for details.\nOld Value: %1 724 This expression causes side-effects. Click this button to reevaluate now. 725 XML &View 726 HTML &View 727 Click Help for more information. 728 First 100 items, if treated as an array. Right-click and choose Add Watch to see more. 729 Select a local process to debug. 730 The next statement cannot be set into or out of a catch filter. 737 Unable to attach because process is running in fiber mode. 738 The thread has terminated. 739 Unable to modify thread state. %1 740 Unable to freeze thread. %1 741 Unable to thaw thread. %1 742 The debugger did not complete unwinding from the current exception. 743 The process cannot be detached while an expression is being evaluated. 758 You cannot unwind from an unhandled exception while doing managed and native code debugging at the same time. 759 The operation isn't supported for the Common Language Runtime version used by the process being debugged. 760 Unable to load the CLR. If a CLR version was specified for debugging, check that it was valid and installed on the machine. If the problem persists, please repair your Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 installation via 'Add or Remove Programs' in Control Panel. 761 Topmost tip highlighted text 762 Background tip highlighted text 763 Children could not be evaluated 764 Bypass prompt for source file: %1.\n 765 User Name 768 Ignoring attach security warning for process %1, owned by %2\n 769 Ignoring Source Server enable warning\n 771 This item contains more than %1 child items and will be limited to displaying that number of items when expanded.\n\nAre you sure you want to expand it? 772 Unknown user 773 Unknown process 800 Watch Windows 801 Autos Window 802 Locals Window 803 CallStack Window 804 Threads Window 805 DataTips 806 Watch, Locals, and Autos Tool Windows 817 (additional processes are not shown) 820 You do not have permission to debug the process. 821 You do not have permission to inspect the process's identity. 822 You do not have permission to inspect the process's identity. This is most likely due to your system's configuration. 823 Terminating this process is not allowed. 850 Text 852 Text 854 Text 856 Text 858 Text 860 Topmost tip text 862 Background tip text 864 Topmost tip fill 866 Background tip fill 867 Text 868 Changed value 869 Selected Text 870 Selected Text 871 Selected Text 872 Selected Text 873 Selected Text 874 Selected Text 877 Mixed mode debugging is not supported on Windows 64-bit platforms. 878 Debugging older format crashdumps is not supported. 1201 Hexadecimal display 1202 Allow hexadecimal input without prefix 1203 Show disassembly if source is not available 1204 Warn if no symbols on launch (Native only) 1205 Confirm correct file was found when finding source 1206 Break all processes when one process breaks 1207 Highlight entire source line for breakpoints and current statement 1208 Use IntelliSense to verify breakpoints 1209 Evaluation: Automatically evaluate properties 1210 Enable address-level debugging 1211 Step into when restarting 1212 Show non-printable characters using alternate glyphs instead of periods 1213 Insert breakpoints in Active Server Pages for breakpoints in client script 1214 Enable Just My Code (Managed only) 1215 Locate source using old code 1216 Require source files to exactly match the original version 1217 Enhanced Datatips 1218 Variable Window Icons 1219 Redirect all console output to the Quick Console window 1220 Ask before deleting all breakpoints 1221 Enable breakpoint filters 1222 Break 1223 Break and print message '%1' 1224 Break and run macro '%1' 1225 Break, print message '%1', and run macro '%2' 1226 Print message '%1' 1227 Run macro '%1' 1228 Print message '%1' and run macro '%2' 1237 %1 does not support debugging the code type specified by the project. 4958 No data available 4959 Register Data Changed 4960 Registers 4961 Modules 4962 Symbol File 4963 Name 4964 Address 4965 Path 4966 Order 4967 Version 4968 Symbol Status 4969 Process 4970 Executables (*.exe)|*.exe| 4971 Find Program to Debug 4972 Browse for Working Directory 4973 The program specified does not exist or is only a directory. Make sure to include the full path? 4974 The debug session could not be created. %1 4975 The working directory specified does not exist or is not a directory. 4976 Save Dump As 4978 Memory Edit 4979 The thread %1 has exited with code %2. 4980 The program '%1' has exited with code %2. 4981 Edit and Continue will not be supported while debugging. %1 4982 Memory Unreadable 4983 Unable to break execution. %1 4984 There is not a loaded project that can be launched. 4985 An initial stopping location was not found in the program. To stop during program execution, first set a breakpoint and then start running the program. 4986 Register Data 4987 No memory. 4988 Detach from this process 4989 Terminate this process 4990 Unable to terminate process '%1'. %2 4991 Unable to terminate process. %1 4992 Unable to start Just-In-Time debugging. %1 4993 Unknown Exception Type 4994 N,Name: S,Status,SymbolStatus: A,Address: O,Order: P,Path: V,Version: R,Process: T,Timestamp: F,SymbolFile: 4995 No expression. 4996 Cannot debug minidumps and processes at the same time. 4997 Applying Code Changes... 4998 Code changes were applied successfully. 4999 Unable to start debugging on the web server. %1 5000 Debugging 5001 General 5002 Find Source 5003 Edit and Continue 5004 Native 5005 Edit and Continue 5006 Stale Code 5009 5010 Na&me: 5011 Na&me: 5012 For the debugger to handle the current exception, '%1' code must be selected. 5013 You selected the file '%1'. Please select a file named '%2'. 5014 '%1' is not a valid working directory. 5015 Cannot find port. Check the remote machine name. 5016 The process has been soft broken. 5017 CPU\nEffective Address\nDevice Registers 5018 Minidump (*.dmp)|*.dmp|Minidump with Heap (*.dmp)|*.dmp| 5019 Old version of DBGHELP.DLL found, does not support minidumps. 5020 The Visual Studio debugger proxy service cannot be used in a Terminal Server session. 5021 The Visual Studio debugger proxy service failed to impersonate the current user. 5022 Unable to automatically attach to %1. \n%2 5023 Server side-error occurred on sending debug HTTP request. 5024 An authentication error occurred while communicating with the web server. Please see Help for assistance. 5025 Could not start ASP.NET or ATL Server debugging. 5026 The web server is not configured correctly. See help for common configuration errors. Running the web page outside of the debugger may provide further information. 5027 5028 Process '%1' is not running on '%2'. 5029 The expression has not yet been translated to native machine code. 5030 Register NAT 5031 In order to Set Next Statement, right-click on the active frame in the Call Stack window and select "Unwind To This Frame". 5032 The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor on the remote computer is running as a different user. 5033 The switch value '%1' should either be 'Yes' or 'No'. 5034 The switch value '%1' should be a number. 5035 Unable to run to the address '%1'. %2 5036 Just-In-Time 5037 Processes cannot be displayed. %1 5038 There is no code at the supplied location. 5039 Unable to stop debugging %1. \n%2 5040 The server does not support debugging of ASP.NET or ATL Server applications. Click Help for more information on how to enable debugging. 5041 Could not start ASP.NET or ATL Server debugging. 5042 The next statement cannot be set to another function. 5043 Unable to start debugging. \n \n%1 5044 Session 5045 The file cannot be opened. 5046 This operation will first switch to the top frame of the call stack and then set the next statement to a different function. Are you sure? 5047 The debugger is not properly installed on machine '%1'. 5048 5049 Timestamp 5050 RPC debugging failed to initialize. RPC debugging can only be enabled in Design mode. 5051 Symbols 5052 Stepping to or from system code on a machine running Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows ME is not allowed. 5053 Debug Source Files 5054 Find Source: %1 5055 Directories containing &source code: 5057 Process: %1\n%2\n\nSuccessfully attached these type(s) of code:\n%3\nFailed to attach to these type(s) of code:\n%4 5058 The requested attach was not completely successful. 5059 Automatically attaching to support this behavior was not completely successful. 5060 Transport 5061 Machine/Port 5062 Click Help for more information. 5063 Can not terminate all processes. 5064 The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor on the remote computer cannot connect to the local computer. A firewall may be preventing communication via DCOM to the local computer. Please see Help for assistance. 5065 The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor on the remote computer does not have permission to connect to this computer. Please see Help for assistance. 5066 The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor on the remote computer could not connect to this computer because there was no available authentication service. 5067 Mini-Dumps cannot be read on this system. Please use a Windows NT based system 5068 Attaching to a process in a different terminal server session is not supported on this computer. Try remote debugging to the machine and running the Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor in the process's session. 5069 The current thread cannot continue while an expression is being evaluated on another thread. 5070 The attempt to unwind the callstack failed. \n \nUnwinding is not possible in the following scenarios: \n1. Debugging was started via Just-In-Time debugging. \n2. An unwind is in progress. \n3. A System.StackOverflowException or System.Threading.ThreadAbortException exception has been thrown. 5071 You can only unwind to the function that caused the exception. 5072 Unwinding from the current exception is not supported. 5073 The specified working directory does not exist or is not a full path. 5074 The remote procedure could not be debugged. This usually indicates that debugging has not been enabled on the server. See help for more information. 5075 Could not find Visual Studio or the Visual Studio remote debugger on the remote computer. 5076 Save Dump on Remote Machine As 5077 Please wait until Edit and Continue is complete before exiting, or select Stop Applying Code Changes from the Debug menu. 5078 \nTo attach the debugger from the command line, use: \n VsJITDebugger.exe -p \n 5079 User Profile 5080 The module did not load at the default load address. 5081 The module was loaded at the default load address. 5082 Edits were made to the code which cannot be applied while debugging. \n \nClick Restart to stop debugging, rebuild the code, and restart debugging. \nClick Edit to make changes to the code. \nClick Ignore to continue without applying the edits. 5083 Edits were made to the code which cannot be applied while debugging. \n \nClick Restart to stop debugging, rebuild the code, and restart debugging. \nClick Edit to make changes to the code. 5084 You do not have privileges to debug the server process. 5085 Unable to map the debug start page URL to a machine name. 5086 D,Display: L,List: W,Watch: U,Unwatch: 5087 all 5088 Incompatible switches are specified. 5089 An invalid range of registers is specified. 5090 All groups: 5091 Available groups: 5092 The web server could not find the requested resource. 5093 Edits were made which cannot be compiled. Execution cannot continue until the compile errors are fixed. 5094 Edits were made which cannot be compiled. \n \nClick Edit to fix the code. \nClick Stop to stop debugging. \nClick Ignore to continue without applying the edits. 5095 Automatic 5096 The debug request could not be processed by the server due to invalid syntax. 5097 Enhanced DataTip 5098 Treegrid Accessibility 5099 Multiple Values 5100 [Click to edit this value] 5101 [Double-click to edit this value] 5102 User Code 5103 N/A 5104 The value could not be set. Please check your entry. 5106 Click this button to evaluate now. 5107 The next statement cannot be changed until the current statement has completed. 5108 Just-In-Time debugging registration errors detected. To repair, enable Just-In-Time debugging or run Visual Studio repair. 5109 Another debugger has registered itself as the Just-In-Time debugger. To repair, enable Just-In-Time debugging or run Visual Studio repair. 5110 Just-In-Time debugging registration errors detected. Run Visual Studio repair, or run 'vsjitdebugger.exe /regserver'. 5111 %1 code 5112 The debugger is not properly installed. Cannot debug the requested type of code. Run setup to install or repair the debugger. 5113 Changes are not allowed when unmanaged debugging is enabled. 5114 Changes are not allowed to code running in SQL Server. 5115 Changes are not allowed when debugging a dump file. 5116 Changes are not allowed to code running on the .Net Compact Framework. 5117 Changes are not allowed when the debugger has been attached to an already running process or the code being debugged is optimized. 5118 5119 Changes to 64-bit applications are not allowed. 5120 The value of this expression may be incorrect. It could not be evaluated because: \n'%1'\nClick this button to attempt reevaluation now. 5121 Enable property evaluation and other implicit function calls 5122 &Wrap 5123 You have made edits to the source code that cannot be applied. %1 If you continue to debug, your source code and application will not match. 5125 Call ToString() on objects in variables windows (C# only) 5126 Show raw structure of objects in variables windows 5127 Show all members for non-user objects in variables windows (Visual Basic only) 5128 Optimized 5129 Refresh the process list 5131 Watch 5132 Changes are not allowed while code is running or if the option 'Break all processes when one process breaks' is disabled. The option can be enabled in Tools, Options, Debugging. 5133 Changes are not allowed if the assembly has not been loaded. 5134 Changes are not allowed if you reload an assembly that has been modified during debugging. 5135 The dump file you opened is corrupted. 5136 The remote tools are not signed correctly. 5137 Attach is not enabled for this process with this debug type. 5138 The connection has been broken. 5139 The threads in the process cannot be suspended at this time. This may be a temporary condition. 5140 The remote connection to the device has been lost. Verify the device connection and restart debugging. 5141 Access denied. Try again, then check your device for a prompt. 5142 Access denied. Unspecified error during device load, possibly due to security policy. Ensure the device security policy permits running in debug mode, then try again. 5143 Changes are not allowed if the source code on disk does not match the code running in the process. Files in this project can be edited while you are debugging if Edit and Continue is turned off. 5144 Unable to load the CLR. The target device does not have a compatible version of the CLR installed for the application you are attempting to debug. Verify that your device supports the appropriate CLR version and has that CLR installed. Some devices do not support automatic CLR upgrade. 5145 Changes are not allowed to code running on a remote computer. 5146 The web server did not respond in a timely manner. This may be because another debugger is already attached to the web server. 5147 IIS does not list a web site that matches the launched URL. 5148 IIS does not list an application that matches the launched URL. 5149 Debugging requires the IIS Management Console. To install, go to Control Panel->Programs->Turn Windows features on or off. Check Internet Information Services->Web Management Tools->IIS Management Console. 5150 The IIS worker process for the launched URL is not currently running. 6001 Debugging session on %s 6002 Auto-attach to process '[%1] %2' on machine '%3' succeeded. \n 6003 Auto-attach to process '[%1] %2' on machine '%3' failed. %%1 \n 6004 Attaching the %1 debugger to process '[%2] %3' on machine '%4' failed. %%1 6005 unknown process 6006 unknown machine 6007 T-SQL 6008 Native 6009 x86 6010 x64 6011 IA64 6012 Managed 6013 Managed/Native 6014 Default 6015 Microsoft SQL Server 6016 ----- Transition from Client to Server ----- 6017 Process '[%1] %2 (thread %3)' on machine '%4' is in run mode 6018 Process '%1 (thread %3)' on machine '%4' is not being debugged 6019 Process '[%1] %2 (thread %3)' on machine '%4' 6020 Unable to automatically step into the server. %1 6021 Unable to automatically step out and return to the client. %1 6022 Unable to automatically step into the server. Attaching to the server process failed. %1 6023 Unable to automatically step into the server. Connecting to the server machine '%s' failed. %%1 6024 Unable to automatically step into the server. Unable to determine a stopping location. Verify symbols are loaded. %s 6025 Cannot debug some of the code in process %1 [%2]. See below for status.\n\n%3\nClick OK to continue debugging the remaining code. To disable debugging the failed type(s) of code in the future, change the corresponding setting in the project properties dialog. 6026 %1 code failed. %2\n 6027 %1 code failed. Debugger is not registered.\n 6028 %1 code failed (0x%2).\n 6029 %1 code succeeded.\n 6030 The breakpoint has a filter and the filter conditions have not been satisfied 6031 Unable to debug .NET code. Could not attach to SQL Server process on '%s'. %%1 6032 Unable to debug .NET code. Could not connect to computer '%s'. %%1 6033 Unable to start T-SQL Debugging. Could not attach to SQL Server process on '%s'. %%1 6034 Unable to start T-SQL Debugging. Could not connect to computer '%s'. %%1 6035 The network connection to %s has been lost. Debugging will be aborted. 6036 the remote computer 6037 Auto-attach to process '[%1] %2' on machine '%3' was canceled. \n 6500 Unable to parse the breakpoint filter expression. 6501 Unable to parse the breakpoint filter expression. A digit is expected. 6502 Unable to parse the breakpoint filter expression. An identifier is expected. 6503 Unable to parse the breakpoint filter expression. A matching " was not found before the end of string. 6504 Unable to parse the breakpoint filter expression. A matching ) is missing. 6505 Unable to parse the breakpoint filter expression. Expected == or != comparison operator. 6506 Unable to parse the breakpoint filter expression. Expected one of the following: MachineName, ProcessName, ProcessId, ThreadName, or ThreadId. 12000 The dbgproxy service can be started from a command prompt by entering 'net start dbgproxy'. 12001 Refresh the process list before attempting another attach. 12002 You may also want to refer to the ASP.NET and ATL Server debugging topic in the online documentation. 12004 Make sure the server is operating correctly. Verify there are no syntax errors in web.config by doing a Debug.Start Without Debugging. You may also want to refer to the ASP.NET and ATL Server debugging topic in the online documentation. \n 12005 Verify that ASP.NET or ATL Server is correctly installed on the server. 12007 Verify that Visual Studio remote debugger components have been installed on the server. To work around this issue, start without debugging and then attach to the process. 12008 Verify your Just-In-Time Debugging settings. They are accessible under Tools, Options, Debugging, Just-In-Time. 12009 Contact an Administrator to get the debug privileges on the server. You may also want to refer to the ASP.NET and ATL Server debugging topic in the online documentation. 13000 Could not initialize debugger automation. 13001 Could not create object. 13002 No location specified for new breakpoint. Supply a function name, file location, data expression, or address. 13003 Multiple locations specified for new breakpoint. 13004 Object no longer valid. 13005 Expression was valid but could not be evaluated. 13006 No valid context in which to evaluate the expression. 13007 Unable to execute method at this time. 13008 A macro called a debugger action which is not allowed while responding to an event or while being run because a breakpoint was hit. 13009 No solution opened. 13010 Invalid expression. 13011 Invalid statement. 13012 Function name not valid for new breakpoint. 13013 File position not valid for new breakpoint. 13014 Address not valid for new breakpoint. 13015 Hit count values not valid for new breakpoint. 13016 Data expression not valid for new breakpoint. 13017 Language not valid for new breakpoint. 13018 Count must be supplied when specifying a data expression. 13019 Line and column information must be supplied when specifying a filename. 13020 Condition type must be supplied when specifying a condition. 13021 Hit count type must be supplied when specifying a hit count. 13022 The debugger is still attaching to the process. 13023 This process is not currently executing the type of code that you selected to debug. 13024 Can not evaluate script expressions while thread is stopped in the CLR. 13025 A stepping breakpoint could not be set 13026 NatDbgDM.dll being loaded has an incorrect version. 13027 The debugger transport DLL being loaded has an incorrect version. 13028 Data breakpoints can only be added in break mode. 13029 Timeout occurred. 13030 Address breakpoints cannot be added. 13031 Error saving dump. %1 13032 Process is already being debugged. 13033 Unrecognized or invalid debugging engine. 13034 This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Review the manifest file for possible errors. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. For more details, please see the application event log. 13036 Text