PUBLISHER & EDITORJames E. FawcetteASSOCIATE PUBLISHERADVERTISING DIRECTOREllen GouldLetters to Visual Basic Programmer’s Journaldon’t have accounts there. We’ll try to uploadEXECUTIVE EDITORare welcome. To be considered for publication,files to both places when possible and we nowFrank Moncriefletters must include your name, address, andhave an in-house number to send e-mail to onMANAGING EDITORdaytime telephone number. Letters may beboth CompuServe and America Online to serveChristine Strehloedited for form, fit, and style. Please send themnon-CompuServe subscribers better.ASSOCIATE EDITORto: Letters to the Editor,If you are an Internet user you can send e-Robert W. Scoblec/o Fawcette Technical Publications, 280 Sec-mail to us at 71732.3233@compuserve .com.ond Street, Suite 200, Los Altos, CA, USA,or —Ed.CONTRIBUTING EDITORSDaniel Appleman, Mark Novisoff,94022-3603. Or send them electronically to:Mitchell Waite, Ethan WinerFax: 415-948-7332; America Online:PUT OLE INTO CODE EDITORSRobertVBPJ; CompuServe: 71732,3233;Thanks for your recent article on Microsoft’sCONTRIBUTORSChris Barlow, Jesse Berst, Visual Basic for Applications.George Defenbaugh, Tony Elliott,Microsoft has done a terrific job of makingCarl Franklin, Roger Jennings,TOO MUCH TRUTHWindows apps easier to write and control withTed Kahn, Craig Leach, Keith PleasFirst Jim Fawcette said unkind things about CVisual Basic and with OLE 2.0. It’s too bad,CIRCULATION MANAGERprogramming a few issues ago, and now hehowever, that there are no programming lan-Tena Bindingexposes the Pentium hype with a few hardguages or environments that incorporate OLESALES & SEMINARS MANAGERtruths (VBPJ, December /January 1993/94).capabilities into code generation windows.Elaine KatoWhat’s next? That Unix isn’t the universalWhat’s been missing from programmingADVERTISING SALESdesktop business operating system that we’relanguages and editors is the ability to incorpo-Carolyn Lighty, Sales Representativeall supposed to be waiting for? That everyonerate non-textual objects into the code itself. MyBeth Rasmussen, Sales Representativewho owns both a PC and TV isn’t destined tocompany is the developer of a CAD system for800-685-2405Gwen Rambis, Sales Associatebecome a multimedia millionaire?civil engineers. Many times I wanted to put aIt’s not nice to poke at the little fictions thatdrawing into a comment in the code to explainCUSTOMER SERVICEcomprise the common wisdom of the computerwhat was going on. That one picture wouldChristie UhrowczikShirley Modricestablishment. It leads to a bad end. If Fawcettehave been worth a thousand words. With thedoesn’t watch this truth business he may end upability to link a graphic object into the code, itDESIGN TEAMEnigma Inc.wandering the streets of Silicon Valley in hiswould have instantly become much clearer.“What We Do is Our Business.”old age, holding up an LED and looking for anWe have begun to see the ability to select(apologies to Andrew Layman)honest computer entrepreneur.fonts in our editors and to distinguish com-Michael Carr, Cynthia Engler,Kate Paddock, Lynn SanfordDale Flanagan, Los Angelesments from code through the use of colors. Thisis helpful but it is only the beginning. What isFILES WANTED ON AMERICAneeded here is the ability to set font sizes andFAWCETTE TECHNICALPUBLICATIONSONLINEmaybe even styles to distinguish sections of theI just started receiving the magazine and amprogram. For example, I might want to code theJames. E. FawcettePresidentquite pleased with the quality of the articles. Icalls to the main subroutines in a larger typeuse Visual Basic for Windows for all of myfont than calls to functions that diagnose errorWilson, Sonsini, Goodrich & RosatiWindows applications development with thecodes returned by the subroutines. Or, I mightCorporate Counselexception of some DLL’s, for which I mustwant to minimize the importance of housekeep-Visual Basic Programmer’s Journal (ISSN: 1066-5978) isrevert to C. I hope the publication will continueing details done in a subroutine while empha-published bimonthly with two additional special issuespublished in February and April for $34.97 per year byto focus primarily on VB/Windows as that issizing the main processing. Currently, everyFawcette Technical Publications, 280 Second St., Suite200, Los Altos, CA, USA 94022-3603. Tel: 415-917-7650;definitely where the market is. I have alreadyline of code gets equal importance visuallyFax: 415-948-7332; MCI: JFawcette. Application to mail atfound a few useful solutions to carry over intowhether it is:second class rates is pending at Los Altos, CA andadditional mailing own Windows apps.Postmaster: Send address changes to Visual BasicOne question: Is there any place on AmericaProgrammer’s Journal, P.O. Box 5887, Boulder, CO 80322-I = I + 18872.Online where I can find the source code whichorCustomer Service: For subscription orders, inquiries oraccompanies the articles. I notice the articlesaddress changes, call 303-541-0610 or write to VisualGOSUB SaveAllFilesBasic Programmer’s Journal, P.O. Box 58872, Boulder, COusually mention the source being on80322-8872. Foreign and Canadian orders must be payablein U.S. dollars plus postage. The surface rate to CanadaCompuServe, but haven’t found any aroundI predict that the first language vendor thatand Mexico is $43.97: and for all other countries the air-here.offers an environment with abilities like thesemail rate is $59.97.© 1994 Fawcette Technical Publications, all rightsJeff Hewett, received on America Onlinewill get a lot of attention. Anybody listening?reserved. “Visual Basic” is a registered trademark ofDavid Salahi, Irvine, CaliforniaMicrosoft Corporation and is used by Fawcette TechnicalPublications under license from the owner. Visual BasicUsually if an author or the magazine posts filesProgrammer’s Journal is an independent publication notaffiliated with Microsoft Corporation. Microsoftthey get uploaded to the MSBASIC forum onCorporation is not responsible in any way for the editorialCompuServe, since that is where most of ourpolicy or other contents of the publication. All contentsof Visual Basic Programmer’s Journal are copyright © 1994readers and authors meet. Some Access-spe-by Fawcette Technical Publications, unless otherwisenoted. “Visual Basic Programmer’s Journal,” “Visual Basiccific code would be posted to the MSACCESSInsiders’ Technical Summit,” “VBITS,” and “Windowsforum. We’ll always try to list where you canProgramming” are trademarks of Fawcette TechnicalPublications, a California Corporation, James E. Fawcette,find the code you need.President. Rather than put a trademark symbol in everyoccurrence of other trademarked names, we state that weWe urge our authors to post their code to theare using the names only in an editorial fashion with noAmerica Online forum too, but many authorsintention of infringement of the trademark. Although allreasonable attempts are made to ensure accuracy thepublisher does not assume any liability for errors oromissions anywhere in the publication.6 FEBRUARY/MARCH 1994 Visual Basic Programmer’s JournalPRINTED IN USA