Distinct has created a unique way to allow developers with only minimal knowledge of TCP/IP to write custom TCP/IP applications. Distinct's Custom Controls have been engineered to speed up the development cycle for developers using Visual Basic. By using these custom controls developers can write TCP/IP applications without ever making a DLL call. WHY USE CUSTOM CONTROLS ----------------------- Some environments such as Visual Basic are not designed to handle either upcalls or polling, which is how DLLs handle notification of errors and incoming data. Distinct's custom controls free the developer from handling upcalls or polling by using events to deliver incoming data, errors and status changes directly to the application. WINDOWS SOCKETS --------------- Distinct's support for Windows Sockets now extends to the non-TCP/IP programmer. Through this easy-to-use custom control, programmers can access Windows Sockets without actually making socket calls directly. FTP --- Distinct's FTP Custom Control is a highly sophisticated control that allows programmers to incorporate customized FTP based file transfer capabilities inside of their programs created with Visual Basic. TELNET ------ Custom Telnet programs can now be written hassle free. Opening and closing connections could not be made easier than this. This custom control allows you to include Telnet type login capabilities from within programs created with Visual Basic. SOURCE CODE SAMPLES ------------------- The package comes complete with sample programs for FTP, Telnet, Ping and a TCP client and server. ADDITIONAL PROGRAMMING SUPPORT ------------------------------ The Distinct TCP/IP Software Development Kit - Visual Edition is all you need to write your TCP/IP applications with Visual Basic. Lower level access to the Distinct DLLs and support for other languages are available in the Standard and Professional Editions of the Distinct TCP/IP Software Development Kit. SMALLEST AND FASTEST TCP/IP PROTOCOL STACK INCLUDED --------------------------------------------------- A copy of the Distinct TCP/IP 100% DLL Run Time is included. This is the smallest, fastest, and most robust TCP/IP for Windows. FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL CUSTOM CONTROL -------------------------------------- Property Summary ---------------- Account Optional account name used while connecting to server Action Connect, disconnect or abort an FTP session CurrentDir Current working directory on server DirAction Change, create, delete, list or rename directory on server FileAction Delete, get, put or rename file on server Host Name of server or dotted decimal internet address LastResult Result of last command executed by server ListType Select short or long directory listing LocalFile Path and name of local file to transfer NewName New file or directory name Password Password used while connecting to server Port FTP service port on server RemoteFile Name of remote file to transfer Target Target of next file or directory action TransferMode Select event or file based transfer TransferType Select ASCII or binary transfer User User name used while connecting to server Wildcards Directory wildcards used for directory listing Event Summary ------------- OnClose FTP connection has been closed OnConnect FTP connection has been established OnError Local error has occurred OnList Another line of the directory listing has been received OnReceive More data during event based transfer has been received OnSend More data during event based transfer can be sent WINDOWS SOCKETS CUSTOM CONTROL ------------------------------ Property Summary ---------------- Action Connect, listen, accept or disconnect on a socket HostAddress Resolved internet address of host HostConvert Convert host name to address or address to host name HostName Name of host or dotted decimal internet address IcmpCode Code for next lCMP packet to be sent IcmpType Type for next ICMP packet to be sent LocalPort Local port to be used for next connection Protocol Protocol to be used for next connection Receive Receive buffer ReceiveCount Number of bytes waiting in receive buffer ReceiveLen Maximum number of bytes to read from receive buffer ReceiveSize Size in bytes of receive buffer RemotePort Remote port to be used for next connection Send Send buffer SendSize Size in bytes of send buffer SourceAddress Source internet address of last received datagram or connection request SourceCode Source code of last ICMP packet received SourcePort Source port of last received datagram or connection request SourceType Source type of last ICMP packet received Event Summary ------------- OnAccept Connection request has been received and is ready to be accepted OnClose Connection has been closed OnConnect Connection has been established OnError Local error has occurred OnReceive More data has been added to the receive buffer TELNET SERVICES CUSTOM CONTROL ------------------------------ Property Summary ---------------- Action Connect, disconnect or abort a Telnet session Echo Set remote or local echo HostName Name of host or dotted decimal internet address Port Telnet service port on host Receive Receive buffer ReceiveCount Number of bytes waiting in receive buffer ReceiveLen Maximum number of bytes to read from receive buffer Send Send buffer TerminalType Type of terminal emulated by the application Event Summary ------------- OnClose Telnet connection has been closed OnConnect Telnet connection has been established OnError Local error has occurred OnReceive More data has been received ________________________________________________________________________ (C) Distinct Corporation 1993-1994. 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