6:17 PM 8/17/95 Please note, --The source code for the example projects are contained in their respective subdirectories in the following format: CD:\CODE\CHAPTER# Also, any text listings from the book chapters that were more than 6 lines long, and in our opinion, the reader might wish to work with, were inluded as a text file in the following format: CD:\CODE\CHAPTER#\LISTINGS as "XXLISTxx.TXT", where XX is chapter no. and xx is the listing no. in that chapter. This should save any slow typists (like myself) from having to key in long code listings. --A Database Analyzer utility was included by author Mike McKelvey. It's in CD:\CODE\DB_ALYZR directory. You may find it to be a valuable tool. --Our World Wide Web site (www.mcp.com) may be worth a visit for those looking for the very latest updates that did not make it on this CD along with other utilities and shareware you may find useful. Enjoy! Que