The Database Analyzer is a utility program designed to allow you to print out the structure of your Jet databases. To run the program, you use the Open Database option of the File menu. This allows you to select your file from a dialog. After the file has been selected, you start the analysis by clicking on the Analyze Database menu. This will bring up a dialog that allows you to specify which tables and/or queries to include in the printout. You may also choose to have table relations printed out. If you are unclear about how to run parts of the program, on-line help is available. Two versions of the Database Analyzer are included. One is a 16-bit program for use with Windows 3.1 and Window for Workgroups. This program can examine any Jet database up to version 2.5. The executable file for this program is DBVIEWQ.EXE. The other version is a 32-bit program for use with Windows 95. This program can analyze any Jet database up to version 3.0. The executable file for this program is DBVW32Q.EXE. Both of these programs are written with Visual Basic 4.0. Therefore, you will need to have the appropriate version of Visual Basic 4.0 installed for your platform (i.e., no runtime files are included with this program). This version of the Database Analyzer is included FREE of charge with your Que book. There are NO registration fees required. However, if you would like a version that allows you more control over the printout of the Data Access Objects (along with the source code for the program) you may fill out the on-line order form and mail it to: McKelvy Software Systems P.O. Box 380125 Birmingham, AL 35238