Listing 6.3[em]How To Access the Value of a Calculated Field and How To Name the Field '******************************************** 'Set up the SELECT statement without the name '******************************************** Dim NewDyn As RecordSet SQL = "SELECT Lastname & ', ' & Firstname FROM Customers" '**************************************** 'Create a Dynaset from the SQL statement '**************************************** NewDyn = OldDb.OpenRecordset(SQL) '********************************** 'Get the value of the created field '********************************** Person = NewDyn.Recordset(0) '********************************************************** 'Set up the SELECT statement and assign a name to the field '********************************************************** SQL = "SELECT Lastname & ', ' & Firstname As Name FROM Customers" '**************************************** 'Create a Dynaset from the SQL statement '**************************************** NewDyn = OldDb.OpenRecordset(SQL) '********************************** 'Get the value of the created field '********************************** Person = NewDyn.Recordset("Name")