vtsautop VisualSpeller Auto PopUp Example Form15 LoadTextButton &LoadText DoneButton &Done CheckButton &Check Text1 Text1 Label1 2Type text in box and press CHECK to spellcheck it! Form_Load Command1_Click VTSpell1 CheckTextk Text1 TextU ResultCode ClearCounts WordCountS VTST_MISSPELLED spellpop@ PopUp& answer VTST_IGNORE_REPLACE ResumeCheckM speller resultx CheckWord9 VTST_WORD_MISSPELLED AutoSuggest SpellOptionsF ReplaceCount FullDictionaryName Command2_Click DictionaryStatus5 Command3_Click Text1_Change VTRC_NOCHECK# VTSpell1_Misspelled EventActionO VTEV_CONTINUEg text2 Command4_Click MhSpellPro1_BadWord Problem$ Start9 mhs_BadWord IgnoreWord CacheSize Text2_Changes sbefore0 SystemInfof safter VTSystemInfo VTSpellSystemInfo text3 CacheHit text4: CacheMiss text5a Milliseconds* standard Text4_Change LoadStandard OpenStandard etime float SuggestOptions MaxSuggestions Command5_Click seedict vtsdinfoU Command6_Clickd VTST_CHECK_CANCELED VTSP_ALLOW_JOINED_WORDS VTEV_RESUMEE VTSpell1_Found gurng Hyphenation VTRC_RECHECK GetAFile SelectedFile SelecteFile GetAFileName Text3_Change Text5_Change AutoPopUp eedict EHandler MB_OKCANCEL IDCANCEL LoadTextFile vtsautop CheckButton_Click DoneButton_Click LoadTextButton_Click ReplaceOccurred CheckButton_Click For spellchecker result coded To build up messagesa Here we will use the VBX internal misspell dialog to automatically handle misspell conditions.i Because of using the automatic popup, this will be a "blind" spellcheck, in that the misspelled words will not be highlighted.a Make sure that automatic popups are enabled. Because the popup will automatically occur, there will be no events triggered.r Clearing the counts sets the words checked anda replaced counters to zero.h This is the simplest spellchecking. Setting then CheckText property to the text to spellcheck does all the work of clearing the offsets and such.o The spellchecking is started, and control returns only when a condition occurs that requiresq returning. Since automatic popups are enabled, this is most commonly when the spellcheck ise complete. However, it is possible for return to be made on a Cancel (from the popup).e Enable an error handler Start the spellcheck Get the result code Now we fall into a loop. Result codes of lessd than or equal to zero are all status conditions, which we need to handle. A positive condition is an error condition, so we let that fall out of the loop. Spellcheck complete!c Throw up a box with the count of words checked and replaced. Spellcheck complete! Words Checked Words Replaced Exit loop.o User punched the cancel buttone on the popup box. Show a message and exit. Canceled Technically, with automatic popups enabled, nothing should fall to here, but Just In Case, the DoEvents will allow some timesharing ford other processes. Then, we resume the spellcheck by setting the ResumeCheck property (VTRC_NOCHECK says to not recheck the last word, in case it was a replace, or we could use VTRC_RECHECK if we wanted the replaced word rechecked). This picks up where the spellcheck left off, using the same text loaded by CheckText. When this returns, we get the result code again, and loop back to the top of the loop.o This is IMPORTANT - if any wordsd have been replaced, we need tol read the text back out andt replace the original text (in the text control). Otherwise we will have lost the replaces! Disable the error handler ExitI Display the error Continue DoneButton_Click Exit this form) Form_Load The quifk rown fxo jumps ovr the lazi dog's bac. LoadTextButton_Click This allows a text file to be loaded into the text control, for convenience.l *.txt