on mousedown set mylevelchange = 0 if the optiondown then set mylevelchange = 1 end if set castigate = the number of cast "quitbox2" set the castnum of sprite the clickon = castigate set stime = the timer set tstep = 15 puppetsound "Ding1" repeat while the mousedown set ttime = (the timer-stime)/tstep if ttime < 4 then set the castnum of sprite the clickon = the number of cast ("quitbox"&(ttime+1)) updatestage end if end repeat set stime = the timer set ttime = 0 repeat while ttime < 4 set ttime = (the timer-stime)/tstep if ttime < 4 then set the castnum of sprite the clickon = the number of cast ("quitbox"&(4-ttime)) updatestage end if end repeat if mylevelchange then set wtop = the stagetop + 240 - 63 set wleft = the stageleft + 320 - 120 set trect = rect(wleft,wtop,wleft+240,wtop+126) set the rect of window "options" = trect set the windowType of window "options" = 2 open window "options" go "wait" else go movie "submenu" end if end