Title : Clearing Out the Trash part 1 zip name : MA.zip file names : scg14ea.ini, savegame.map, savegame.400, mission.ini Author : Steven (The Shadow) Compuserve Address : 101602,124 Internet Address : 101602.124@compuserve.com Thanks to : The authors of mixman and ccmap and the people I got some mission ideas from (the new colours thanks) Description : The leader of the new Mafia Organisation have stepped in to monopolise the Tiberium fields, they must be stopped, we can not allow the forces of evil to control something as economically powerful as this. Destroy them and all who support them. Briefing : In this region there is a Maffia Base which must be destroyed at all costs. This is high-tech warfare at it's most dangerous and deadly!. There is also a Brotherhood of Nod base which survived the . obliteration of their faction which may be of minimal resistance. You must also destroy the Temple of Nod to make sure The Brotherhood of Nod does not Resurge and declare war on us. Intelligence : To get to the Maffia base you have to pass near what is known by the local citizens to be the circle of Death. You must pass this to in order to win this battle the Maffia forces are minimal, this should be an easy mission for a general of GDI ================================================================ * Play Information * Level and Map : Can't remember what I used to create Difficulty : Hard, very hard Chances of Survival : If you are a good General(Player) good, otherwise bleak. DESPAIR WHILST YOU CAN! * Construction * Editor used : CCMAP v1.2 Bulid Time : a while Known Bugs : None as of yet * Copyright / Permissions * You may edit this level with written consent only. You may distribute this level with this text file only. * Other Levels * All my levels can be found in the Gamers Forum Gamers Forum: Wargames (A-L), and these levels are as follows: RESURGE.ZIP : The Resurgence of Nod ONEPASS.ZIP : One passage of Destruction SIN.ZIP : Terrorist War SIN2.ZIP : Terrorist War part 2 (Rival Factions) SIN3.ZIP : Terrorist War part 3 (In Pursuit of Justice) Have fun a mission by The Shadow