-------- FORTRESS -------- This one has AI built into the game. (also can be played Co-op!) Reports have been coming in that NOD has created an impentratable stronghold they call THE FORTRESS. This Fortress is in a valley separated by two rivers. NOD is planning on using this fortress as their final 'launching-point' for world domination. We have already sent two other combat units into the area - and both have failed. We think that the second combat unit may have joined up with other rebel forces in the area - to form their own alliance called YLS. The YLS are positioning themselves to take over ... they believe that the GDI and NOD are weak due to prolonged fighting. BEWARE! The YLS have kept the same GDI uniforms. Remember, you are the only authorized GDI in this area! All others, including this YLS must be destroyed! Your Mission: Carefully penetrate this valley, destroy the Fortress, and bring all YLS forces to justice! RECON: 1) Fortress troops wear silver uniforms. 2) NOD heavily patrols the river with their powerful gunboats. 3) Make sure your main construction site isn't too close to the river. 4) Don't send out small recon units to scout the area - they will surely perish! 5) Stay away from the FORTRESS until you have built up your unit strength. NOD has a new detection device called the "soniac", and will send out troops to check any disturbance within ten miles. 6) They also heavily patrol the area with choppers as well. Last briefing: Do not wear any of the NOD recon uniforms for this mission. Wear GDI and wear it proud! You are our last hope! Take all the funds you need as well as all troops you can muster. Good Luck, General Legion. ps. should you need to communicate with headquarters during this mission, leave e-mail for al@starlink.com. We will monitor all transmissions to this address!