***************************************************************************** ********************* The Village V2. A mission by Sid ********************** ***************************************************************************** SORRY everyone who downloaded the last version of this mission. It was very, very crap. This sorts out all the bugs that have been reported to me. If you know of one that hasn't been corrected, tough. You should have reported it to me. The enemy should now fight back and not just sit there and be slaughtered. Please (please,please,please ad infinitum) mail me with your opinions etc. Or, if you are having trouble with making levels, I can but try to help. * I hope that there will be a second and third episode. Look out for them! * * Check out Justin Haaga's web page : ftp://users.aol.com/jjh375 for more * * of the same. * Sid 101516,326 (Compuserve). or: 101516.326@COMPUSERVE.COM THANKS GO TO: Justin Haaga, for all your help and patience in dealing with my endless questions. -Cheers. Vladan Bato, for Mixman. Richard Heesbeen, Jeroen Rimeijer, for CCMAP v.2.1 (The best C&C editor). Westwood (sic.), for C&C. And for being so cool about us all hacking it to bits. Han Brunger, for the How to... FAQ. Anyone else who I have forgotten (sorry). CONTENTS: 1. What the .zip file contains. 2. Mission info. 3. Instructions for use. 4. Disclaimer. WHAT VILLAGE2.ZIP CONTAINS: This file, Mission.ini, Savegame.300, Village.map, Village.ini. MISSION INFO: Name of mission: The Village V2. Released on: 06/03/96 Play as: GDI. Level replaced: In the Savegame: 15a. Map size: Big as it gets. 61x61 (?) Difficulty: You tell me. Pretty hard I think. Briefing in full: You were sent to give assistance to a village on an island off the coast of Alaska that had reprted NOD troops in the area. As you arrived on the island over the only bridge, you received another message: ****** help, we are bei*g ov*r*n. We c*nn*ot h*l* o*t muc* l*n**r. You mu*t **t here as s*on a* you can. >MESSAGE ENDS..... No sooner had the message been received than the bridge you came over on was blown up. NOD have setup SAM sites all over the island. So we cannot help you. You must wipe these out to stand a chance of us getting help to you. Get to the village and stop the slaughter. The village lies to the west of your current position. Setup a base and destroy all NOD presence on the island. Save the villagers any way you can. Oh, yeah. Try and find a way off the island while you're at it. Then maybe we can get to you. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF THESE FILES MISSION.INI - The briefing file. If you can be bothered put this file in your C&C directory to read the in-game briefing. (Don't forget to delete it when you're through with this level though). SAVEGAME.* - The simplest way to play. Copy this into your C&C directory and load the savegame. VILLAGE.MAP - The map file. Use MIXMAN to put this into your C&C directory. VILLAGE.INI - The ini file. See above. You only need use this and the .map file if you don't use the savegame. DISCLAIMER You can do whatever you want with these files. Provided you don't make a profit out of it (mail me if you want to sell it). However, you must include this file in it's entirety if you use, distribute, modify or otherwise change the files in this zip. Use this level at your own risk. It's not my fault if something goes hideously wrong. Make backups of any files if you're worried.