***************************************************************************** ********************* The Militia. A mission by Sid ************************* ***************************************************************************** This is my sixth mission for C&C hope you like it. Any suggestions (is it too hard? easy? too big? etc.) would be gratefully received. Please mail me whatever you think. Or if you are having trouble with making levels, I can but try to help. * The other five levels I have released, Pickup, Village2, Islands, Backdoor * * and Alien should be around wherever you got this from. * * Please tell me if there's a Trigger or something that doesn't work. * Sid 101516,326 (Compuserve). or: 101516.326@COMPUSERVE.COM THANKS GO TO: Justin Haaga, for all your help and patience in dealing with my endless questions. -Cheers. Vladan Bato, for Mixman. Richard Heesbeen, Jeroen Rimeijer, for CCMAP v.2.1 (The best C&C editor). Westwood (sic.), for C&C (obviously). Midget, For his help and levels. Anyone else who I have forgotten (sorry). CONTENTS: 1. What the .zip file contains. 2. Mission info. 3. Instructions for use. 4. Disclaimer. WHAT THE .ZIP CONTAINS: This file, Mission.ini, Savegame.305, Militia.map, Militia.ini, MISSION INFO: Name of mission: The Militia. Released on: 31/03/96 (Which is my Birthday) Play as: GDI. Atmosphere: White Zombie or anything fast. Or Josh Winks' Don't Laugh. Strobe lighting. Level replaced: In the Savegame: 15a. Map size: Big as it gets. Difficulty: Fairly hard. Build Time: Ages. Briefing in full: ***** Read the .txt file from Alien for the story. What do you mean you ***** ***** haven't got it? Go and download it now. Go on. ***** Turns out that there was some unusual activity in the area. Although we don't think it was extra-terrestrial. We are continuing our research into the things you saw. We think that it may be some sort of mutation. Anyway, in the area surrounding the NOD base that you destroyed was an old, abandoned arms store. It turns out that a civilian militia has taken it over. They have some quite sophisticated weaponary and are performing some quite deadly attacks on some of our smaller installations in the area.They must be stopped. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF THESE FILES MISSION.INI - The briefing file. If you can be bothered put this file in your C&C directory to read the in-game briefing. (Don't forget to delete it when you're through with this level though). SAVEGAME.* - The simplest way to play. Copy this into your C&C directory, load the savegame and then go Abort mission...Restart. ALIEN.MAP - The map file. Use MIXMAN to put this into your C&C directory. ALIEN.INI - The ini file. See above. You only need use this and the .map file if you don't use the savegame. DISCLAIMER Use these files at your own risk. It's not my fault if something goes hideously wrong. Make backups of any files if you're worried. Please feel free to spread these files around but you *MUST* include this text file, in it's entirety. Oh, and drop us a line can you? You MAY build other levels from this one, provided you credit me, and send me a copy (or tell me where I can get one). You Must also include this file. You MAY NOT make a profit from the sale of this level, in whole or in part without written permission from me. I could do with the money though, so cut me in on the profit too.