Invasion UK, Supply Line (E2) - Readme file Command & Conquer Level Series: Invasion UK Episode 2 Level Name: Supply Line Created By: Giles "Jeek" Young CompuServe Address 100126.1120 Internet Address Player: GDI Difficulty: You Tell Me Filename: File Contents: scg15ea.ini,, savegame.845, mission.ini, Supply.txt Play Tested By: Paul "Yog" Mellor Tested on C&C v1.18 (English) NOTE ---- This level is the second in a series the first "The Landing" should be available where ever you got this one. This level can be played on its own but playing them in order would make more sense ! Level Replacement: ------------------ This zip file replaces level 15 of C&C. Mission Description: -------------------- The mines have been cleared around the estuary and the beach head is secured. Well done. Unfortunately civilian's in the area suffered considerable collateral damage. This combined with an aggressive NOD dis-information campaign means that while not actually hostile, local inhabitants are more sympathetic to NOD aims. Kane has recognized this fact and his units are under orders to avoid civilian casualties. Despite this the same applies to you commander. NOD's southern forces are already on their way and we expect them to arrive in force within two days. The remnants of the 5th Air-Mobile have joined forces with NOD units at a base guarding the junction of the main A12 and A14 trunk roads. The A12 is NOD's primary supply line into the area and provides the most obvious route for any NOD Counter attack. It is vital we gain control of this junction, it will not only slow NOD's counter attack it will also cut supply lines to their forces to the north severely limiting their ability to lay siege to the beach head. The NOD base sits astride the junction and is extremely well defended including tactical nuclear, and air assault capability, so take precautions. Colonel Ash still appears to be in command, having defeated him twice should give you a psychological advantage. The destruction of his main power complex during the landing has left him short of power and his infantry units are still well under strength. Your column is to capture the village of Brantham to the east, establish a base, and then move to secure the road junction. All NOD forces are to be eradicated. Lets bury Ash and the 5th Air-mobile once and for all. Good Luck. Commander Usage: ------ A savegame is included for people that want to play right away. For a more complete scenario (using mixman.exe) the .map & .ini files have been included. Please be sure to copy the mission.ini file to your C&C root directory, otherwise the original mission briefing will show up. Disclaimer ---------- As far as I can tell there are no bugs (Famous last words.) Please remember you use this software at your OWN RISK. I cannot be held responsible for damage of ANY kind that it causes. Additional Credits ------------------ Thanks to: Westwood Studios (Of course.) Richard Heesbeen & Jeroen Ritmeijer For CCMAP. Vladen Bato for MIXMAN. Han Brunger for the best level-building guide. (ccmanu20.txt) Jeff 'Midget' Fehric and Sid for the best 'home grown' levels around. Paul 'Yog' Mellor for play testing. YOU MAY DISTRIBUTE THIS LEVEL PROVIDED THIS TEXT FILE IS INCLUDED INTACT. BUT YOU MAY NOT DO SO FOR PROFIT. Please feel free to use this level as a basis for others. This is the second in series of missions based on the liberation of the UK. Please let me know what you think of it, good or bad. Giles "JEEK" Young. 100126.1120 CompuServe.