Invasion UK, The Landing (E1) - Readme file Command & Conquer Level Series: Invasion UK Episode 1 Level Name: The Landing Created By: Giles "Jeek" Young CompuServe Address 100126.1120 Internet Address Player: GDI Difficulty: You Tell Me Filename: File Contents: scg15ea.ini,, savegame.844, mission.ini, Landing.txt Play Tested by: Paul "Yog" Mellor Tested on C&C v1.18 (English) Level Replacement: ------------------ This zip file replaces level 15 of C&C. Mission Description: -------------------- As you are aware a few weeks ago, NOD, employing a combination of military force and political double dealing, successfully captured mainland Britain. NOD forces are now in striking range of all our European facilities. I'm sure I don't need to spell out just how dangerous this situation could become Commander. NOD are not, as yet, in full control of the island but their grip strengthens with every passing day. It is vital that the UK is liberated as quickly as possible. We have concentrated a large seabourne force in northern France forcing Kane's generals to respond by massing forces on the English south coast. Consequently there are weaknesses elsewhere, we intend to exploit one such weakness. The English east coast is currently protected by a massive curtain of coastal mines making access by ship or hovercraft impossible. The coastal batteries, however are not yet in place. It is here that we have decided to attack. The NOD area Commander is Colonel James Ash. You have met before, you gave him quite a mauling in the Polish campaign. He now commands elements of NODS 5th Air-Mobile Division known as the Mantis Division. His forces are somewhat depleted and he has restocked from captured GDI equipment from our East Anglian Garrisons. We do know he has ample air transport and armour but his infantry units are severely under strength, try to exploit this. Knowing Kanes tolerance of failure if you defeat Ash he may be removed from the chain of command permanently. An hour ago an elite force of Dutch and British Commandos landed on the Essex coast at the mouth of the Stour estuary to establish your landing site. your units will be air-dropped into the battle zone. Establish a base and remove the NOD presence from the area. Kane has threatened to execute all civilians in any landing site, so do your best to protect the local inhabitants, but remember, eradication of NOD forces is the prime mission objective. Intelligence has reported a large power complex to the west of the drop zone its capture may hamper NOD's defences. Once the estuary is under our control we can clear the mines and begin full scale landings The Chinooks are loaded and ready to go. Good Luck. Commander Usage: ------ A savegame is included for people that want to play right away. For a more complete scenario (using mixman.exe) the .map & .ini files have been included. Please be sure to copy the mission.ini file to your C&C root directory, otherwise the original mission briefing will show up. Disclaimer ---------- As far as I can tell there are no bugs (Famous last words.) Please remember you use this software at your OWN RISK. I cannot be held responsible for damage of ANY kind that it causes. Additional Credits ------------------ Thanks to: Westwood Studios (Of course.) Richard Heesbeen & Jeroen Ritmeijer For CCMAP. Vladen Bato for MIXMAN. Han Brunger for the best level-building guide around. (ccmanu20.txt) Jeff 'Midget' Fehric and Sid for the best 'home grown' levels around. YOG for the play testing. YOU MAY DISTRIBUTE THIS LEVEL PROVIDED THIS TEXT FILE IS INCLUDED INTACT. BUT YOU MAY NOT DO SO FOR PROFIT. Please feel free to use this level as a basis for others. This is my first attempt at a C&C level please let me know what you think. This is the first in series of missions. I hope to create a campaign based on the liberation of the UK. If you feel bad about bombing Essex, don't worry, I live there. Giles "JEEK" Young. 100126.1120 CompuServe.