Instructions for the use of single-player missions contained on this CD. - To play a scenario *NOW* all you have to do is copy the savegame from the directory of the level you want to play into your C&C directory and then in C&C load the savegame. But make sure you read the mission's .TXT file. That way you'll know what's going on. - However to permanently overwrite the level in the game you will have to use Han Brunger's (I hope I spelt that correctly. if not, sorry Han) excellent MIXMAN program. Which should be available at your nearest C&C website or BBS. - If you are wondering what the .MAP .INI and other files are for then they are for use with MIXMAN. - If you have a problem getting the levels to work on an old version of C&C (V1.15 or less) then you can get an update patch from Westwood's website. Have Fun, -Sid