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…since 1981

Kermit and MIME Character-Set Names

Frank da Cruz
Fri Apr 2 17:42:49 2010
See Using C-Kermit, Chapter 16, for an explanation of the terminology. MIME character-set names were added to C-Kermit in version 9.0. These are simply synonyms for the Kermit names (which predate MIME); wherever you see a MIME name in this table, it can be used in place of the corresponding Kermit name.

F Can Be a File Character-Set and/or an FTP Server-Character-Set
T Can Be a Transfer Character-Set
L Can Be a Terminal Local-Character-Set
R Can Be a Terminal Remote-Character-Set
7 Other 7-bit character set such as ISO 646 national sets
S A standard 8-bit character set with US ASCII in the left half
8 A proprietary 8-bit character set that follows standard format
P A PC Code page, ASCII in left half, graphics in C0 and C1
W A Windows code page, like an ISO 8859 character set with graphics in C1
B A special set for Box and Line drawing or technical symbols, etc.
M A multibyte character set
U The Universal character set (Unicode, ISO 10646)
PC Personal Computer
CP PC Code Page
NRC National Replacement Character-Set used on DEC VT terminals

Character Sets:
F T L R Type Kermit Name MIME Name Description
      X S ARABIC-ISO ISO-8859-6 ISO 8859-6 Latin/Arabic
X     X 7 BRITISH ISO646-GB ISO 646 British version
X   X X P BULGARIA-PC   Bulgaria Cyrillic Code Page
X     X 7 CANADIAN-FRENCH ISO646-CA Canadian French NRC
X   X X P CP437 IBM437 Original PC Code Page
    X X S CP813   PC CP 813 (ISO Latin/Greek)
    X X S CP819 ISO-8859-1 PC CP 819 (ISO Latin 1)
X   X X P CP850 IBM850 PC CP 850 (PC "Multilingual")
X   X X P CP852   PC CP 852 (PC Latin 2)
X   X X P CP855   PC CP 855 (PC Cyrillic)
    X X P CP857 ISO-8859-5 PC CP 857 (PC Latin 5)
X   X X P CP858   PC CP 858 (= CP850 with Euro)
X   X X P CP862 IBM862 PC CP 862 (PC Hebrew)
    X X P CP864   PC CP 864 (PC Arabic)
X   X X P CP866 IBM866 PC CP 866 (PC Russian)
X   X X P CP869 IBM869 PC CP 869 (PC Greek)
    X X S CP912 ISO-8859-2 PC CP 912 (ISO Latin 2)
    X X S CP913 ISO-8859-3 PC CP 913 (ISO Latin 3)
    X X S CP914 ISO-8859-4 PC CP 914 (ISO Latin 4)
    X X S CP915 ISO-8859-5 PC CP 915 (ISO Latin/Cyrillic)
    X X S CP916 ISO-8859-8 PC CP 916 (ISO Latin/Hebrew)
    X X S CP920 ISO-8859-9 PC CP 920 (ISO Latin 5)
    X X S CP923   PC CP 923 (ISO 8859-15 Latin 9)
    X X W CP1051   Windows HP Roman8
    X X W CP1089   Windows Latin/Arabic
X   X X W CP1250 WINDOWS-1250 Windows Latin 2
X   X X W CP1251 WINDOWS-1251 Windows Latin/Cyrillic
X   X X W CP1252 WINDOWS-1252 Windows Latin 1
    X X W CP1253   Windows Latin/Greek
    X X W CP1254   Windows Turkish
    X X W CP1255   Windows Latin/Hebrew
    X X W CP1256   Windows Arabic
    X X W CP1257   Windows Latin 4
    X X W CP1258   Windows Viet Nam
    X X 8 CP10000   Windows Macintosh
X X   X S CYRILLIC-ISO ISO 8859-5 ISO 8859-5 Latin/Cryillic
X     X 7 DANISH ISO646-DK ISO 646 Danish Version
X       M DEC-KANJI   DEC Kanji (Japanese)
X     X 8 DEC-MCS DEC-MCS DEC Multinational
      X B DEC-SPECIAL   DEC Special
      X B DEC-TECHNICAL   DEC Technical
X     X 8 DG-INTERNATIONAL   Data General International
      X B DG-LINEDRAWING   Data General Line Drawing
      X B DG-SPECIALGRAPHICS   Data General Special Graphics
      X B DG-WORDPROCESSING   Data General Word Processing
X     X 7 DUTCH   Dutch NRC
X     X 7 ELOT927-GREEK   Uppercase-only Roman/Greek
X X   X S ELOT928-GREEK ISO-8859-7 Same as ISO Latin/Greek
X X     M EUC-JP EUC-JP JIS X 0208 + JIS X 0201
X     X 7 FINNISH ISO646-FI Finnish NRC
X     X 7 FRENCH ISO646-FR ISO 646 French Version
X     X 7 GERMAN ISO646-DE ISO 646 German Version
X X   X S GREEK-ISO ISO-8859-7 ISO 8859-7 Latin/Greek
X     X 7 HEBREW-7   VT100 7-bit Hebrew
X X   X S HEBREW-ISO ISO-8859-8 ISO 8859-8 Latin/Hebrew
      X B HP-LINE-DRAWING   Hewlett Packard Line Drawing
      X B HP-MATH-TECHNICAL   Hewlett Packard Math / Technical
X     X 8 HP-ROMAN8   Hewlett Packard Roman8
X     X 7 HUNGARIAN ISO646-HU ISO 646 Hungarian Version
X       M ISO2022JP   (Equivalent to JIS7)
X     X 7 ITALIAN ISO646-IT ISO 646 Italian Version
      X 7 JAPANESE-ROMAN ISO646-JP JIS X 201 Roman
X       M JIS7-KANJI   JIS X 0208 7-bit encoding
      X 7 KATAKANA   JIS X 201 Katakana
X     X 8 KOI8-CRYILLIC KOI8-E GOST 19768-74 Roman / Cyrillic
X     X 8 KOI8R KOI8-R KOI8-Russia (RFC1489)
X     X 8 KOI8U KOI8-U KOI8-Ukraine (RFC2319)
X X   X S LATIN1-ISO ISO-8859-1 ISO 8859-1 Latin Alphabet 1
X X   X S LATIN2-ISO ISO-8859-2 ISO 8859-2 Latin Alphabet 2
      X S LATIN3-ISO ISO-8859-3 ISO 8859-3 Latin Alphabet 3
      X S LATIN4-ISO ISO 8859-4 ISO 8859-4 Latin Alphabet 4
      X S LATIN5-ISO ISO-8859-9 ISO 8859-9 Latin Alphabet 5
      X S LATIN6-ISO ISO-8859-10 ISO 8859-10 Latin Alphabet 6
X X   X S LATIN9-ISO ISO-8859-15 ISO 8859-15 Latin Alphabet 9
X     X 8 MACINTOSH-LATIN   Similar to Icelandic Quickdraw
X     X 8 MAZOVIA   Polish PC code page
X     X 8 NEXTSTEP   The NeXTSTEP character set
X     X 7 NORWEGIAN ISO646-NO ISO 646 Norwegian Version
X     X 7 PORTUGUESE ISO646-PT ISO 646 Portuguese Version
      X S QNX-CONSOLE   Similar to CP437
X       M,P SHIFT-JIS-KANJI SHIFT_JIS PC Code 982 (Japanese)
X     X 7 SHORT-KOI   Uppercase-Only Roman/Cyrillic
      X B SNI-BRACKETS   Siemens Nixdorf Brackets
      X 8 SNI-EURO   Siemens Nixdorf European
      X B SNI-FACET   Siemens Nixdorf Facet
      X B SNI-IBM   Siemens Nixdorf Code Page characters
X     X 7 SPANISH ISO646-ES ISO 646 Spanish Version
X     X 7 SWEDISH ISO646-SE ISO 646 Swedish Version
X     X 7 SWISS   Switzerland NRC
  X     N/A TRANSPARENT   (No translation)
X X   X U UCS2 UCS-2 Unicode (ISO 10646) UCS-2
X X     U UTF8 UTF-8 Unicode (ISO 10646) UTF-8

Kermit Character-Set Names / The Kermit Project / Columbia University /