In order to make a rectangular selection in this document, you must first turn off the “Soft Wrap Text” setting. Not Found The search cannot proceed, because of a syntax error in the Grep pattern: %@. %s startup: The plug-in "%s" cannot run on Mac OS X. It cannot be used with this version of %s. Please remove the plug-in and contact its developer for assistance. Plug-in location: %s %s startup: The plug-in "%s" does not support Unicode. It cannot be used with this version of %s. Please remove the plug-in and contact its developer for assistance. Plug-in location: %s This window cannot handle this event, because it contains multiple open documents. This document contains one or more characters that could not be interpreted using the encoding “%@.” Cannot Reopen using “%@.” This document contains one or more characters that could not be represented in the document’s encoding. You can save the document as UTF-8, or cancel the save and try a different encoding. Unmappable character(s) detected. This copy of @ appears to be running from its installation disk image or CD-ROM. Please install @ by dragging it to the Applications folder on your hard disk. @ was not installed correctly. This version of @ requires Mac OS @ or later. Please refer to the installation instructions for more information. You need to tell Zap Gremlins what to zap! There are no plug-ins installed.