Text Factory Results %lu Apply Text Factory “%@” Apply Text Factory , matching words , case sensitive , grep Searching for “%@”, replacing with “%@”%@%@%@ Changing text encoding to %@ %@ %@, using encoding “%@” Unicode DOS Unix Macintosh Converting line endings to %@ %d spaces per tab with “%@” , case sensitive containing matching not Remove lines %@%@ “%@”%@ suffix “%@” prefix “%@” Removing Adding %@ %@ %@ Removing line numbers ; justifying ; space after Adding line numbers, starting at %d, increment %d%@%@ Capitalizing lines Forming sentences Forming words Lowering case Raising case Converting 8-bit Mac Roman characters (values 128-255) to 7-bit equivalents Converting typographer’s quotes (‘ ’ and “ ”) to straight quotes (' and ") Converting straight quotes (' and ") to typographer’s quotes (‘ ’ and “ ”) Use the “Options” button to configure this operation. Apply Choose… Options…