Serial number: @ Site License and quantity pricing is still available. Multiple copies of @ with this serial number are in use on your network. Please ask your colleagues to quit their copies, or quit your copy of @. You have previously run a newer build of @. Are you sure you wanted to launch this one? Thu, 17 Nov 2005 @ Help Printed by @ Demo Open Selection Open File by Name… @•Quit @•Preferences Clear Menu Clear Menu Recent Folders & Favorites Recent Files & Favorites @Shutdown @Startup @ Progress @ requires your attention. Please bring it to the front. Monaco (access denied) (none selected) Clear untitled @ @ untitled @ untitled Installed Plug-Ins About @ Save “@” as: Plug-In Info Replace Save Show Palettes Hide Palettes @ Serial Number Document State.plist @ Prefs Data @ Preferences @.PreferenceData