Close This window has %d documents open. Do you want to close it, and all of its documents? Close %d Documents? You must close the Preferences window to save this grep pattern. Are you sure you want to remove the selected grep patterns? This cannot be undone. Remove selected grep patterns? Are you sure you want to reset the syntax colors to the factory defaults? This cannot be undone. Reset all colors? Are you sure you want to remove the selected source control configuration? This cannot be undone. Remove selected configuration? Are you sure you want to remove the selected language mappings? This cannot be undone. Remove selected language mappings? Are you sure you want to forget the selected web browsers? This cannot be undone. Forget selected web browsers? Are you sure you want to remove the selected bookmarks? This cannot be undone. Remove selected bookmarks? Are you sure you want to remove the selected search paths? This cannot be undone. Remove selected search paths? Are you sure you want to remove the selected file filters? This cannot be undone. Remove selected file filters? Are you sure you want to remove the selected web sites? This cannot be undone. Remove selected web sites? Forget Reset Remove Preview Open from FTP/SFTP Server New FTP/SFTP Browser Save to FTP/SFTP Server Open from FTP/SFTP Server Preview in %@ Preview: %@ Language @ Language: @ CodeWarrior IDE (@) CodeWarrior IDE /usr/bin/ The installed copy of the “twdiff” command line tool is up to date. The installed copy of the @ command line tool is up to date. Running a Unix Script In order to save “%@”, In order to open “%@”, In order to install the command line tools, Sorry, you entered an invalid password. Choose a Shell: Shell Worksheet (@) (automatic) (not available) (none) access paths (no symbol selected) (no symbols defined) Unknown application (%s) definition of “@” Definitions Other… Enter Password for “@” on “@”: MultiFileSearch Disk Browser %hu Computer Look for Templates & Includes in: Select the Site Root: ©BBEditLanguagePlugIn BBEditLanguagePlugIn The CodeWarrior debugger reported an error: ^1 Save Precompiled Header as: Compile Errors Set Key… Edit Apply the text factory “%@” the unix filter “%@” the unix script “%@”