Track 1: Drufin Music written & performed by Droo ©1998 Digital Droo. All rights reserved. web address: email: Track 2: Build a Fire Song written by Blue, taken from the CD "Blue - Blessed Naive", produced by Blueberry Boy. ©1997 Blueberry Records. All Rights Reserved. To find out more information, or to order the full-length CD, visit Blue's web site at: Track 3: A New Piano Track 4: Ms. Enlightenment Music composed, arranged, produced, and performed by Torley Wong. © MCMXCVIII TorleyTech Inc. All Rights and Wrongs Reserved. Alternative techno composer Torley Wong,17, has been using Macs since his late elementary school days. He firmly believes that the equation "elegance + efficiency = excellence" holds true for just about everything, particularly Macs and music. If you have something chirpy to say or have a musical opportunity for him, please e-mail him at and/or visit him on the web at: to find out about his critically-acclaimed full-length CD, TECHNO.