Scenario -------- On your way to the Shores of Hell your transport ship is hit by heavy blaster fire, rendering the shields and hyperdrive inoperable. With the ship going down somewhere between the now destroyed UAC moon base and the Shores of Hell you rapidly invoke the power of your last Soul Sphere, strap on a Mega-Armor vest, and buckle your chin strap. The on-board navigation computer coldly announces the ETI (Estimated Time 'til Impact.) 9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1.. B L A M ! ! ! The sound of crunching metal and smashing rock thunders across the country side of OMEGA-X. A company of Former Humans from the nearby maximum security prison are ordered to investigate the crash site. You wake up with your head pounding and after opening your eyes you realize you are hanging upside down with your feet chained to the ceiling. You are in a small cell with bloody floors and an intensely hot red light in the ceiling, making an oven-type cell. Guards carrying bludgeons and shotguns are walking around the cell. There are other cells around you and some of the prisoners are still alive. You whisper to a prisoner in the cell caddy-corner to your own: YOU: Hey, you, where the hell are we!? HIM: Huh? No! I don't know anything else, don't beat me! YOU: HEY! Snap out of it...Where are we? HIM: Oh... Sorry *gasp* I was interogated this morning. We're somewhere on OMEGA-X, it's a planet 12 parsecs away from Earth. The Demon Lord uses it as a prison and a training facility for it's bloody armies. Shhh!!! (A guard walks by carrying a shotgun and grunting "Uhuh, huh, this is cool.") YOU: I take it this is the prison... Is there any way out of here? HIM: No one has ever escaped from these walls. I've been here for two years, and I had my "trial" just this morning. YOU: Let me guess, guilty? HIM: Yeah... I go to the "Tower" at dusk. YOU: What's the "Tower?" HIM: It's one of the two twin towers in the middle of the prison yard. The guards chain you on the *gasp* top of the tower. Then they release a Demon to feed *gasp* on your body and your soul... YOU: Fuck that! I'm getting out of here tonight! HIM: Good lu-Uuuhhhhggggg... GUARD: Shut up or I'll kill both you sorry-ass humans... HIM: Fuck you sonofabitch! GUARD: That's gonna cost you, boy. Get 'em out of there, his sentence is fixin' to be carried out... HIM: No! Get away from me! (As the guards remove him from the cell and hog tie him) YOU: Wait! Leave him alone... GUARD: You shut the hell up or you'll be next! (The guard unlocks a closet and pulls out what appears to be a chaingun except the barrels have been sawed-off.) GUARD: I've been wanting to try this new gun out anyway... * Ratatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatat * (The guard fires several rounds from the wicked looking chaigun into the prisoner's stomach and legs, to prolong his suffering.) GUARD: Whew!! That's nice, very nice... HIM: *gasp* *gurgle* Uuhhhh...... (The guards laugh and leave the room.) (Your fellow inmate looks at you with blood coming out of his mouth and gasps these words to you in his final breath) HIM: On the "Tower"...a swit....left of the UAC. waterfall....way out. There are secr...all've got to escape....escape....escape..... *one final gasp and then silence in the cell block* As you sway from side to side, hanging by your feet in the oven-like cell the stench of blood fills the room. Watching the life's blood of your fallen comrade ooze into the cracks of the cold stone floor, tears of hatred and anger burn your eyes. You've seen so many of your comrades brutally slaughtered at the hands of the demonic hordes and now maybe your time has come to die, too... The next morning two guards armed with shotguns remove you from your cell, chain your hands behind your back, blindfold you, and march you up and down several flights of stairs. Huge doors open and close behind you and finally your ears pop as you walk through a final door. From the noise level you are able to detect the presence of numerous creatures about you in a very large room, you decide it's the prison yard your comrade told you about. The guards hit you with a stun stick to bring you to a halt. A minute or two goes by as you and the guards appear to wait for something... You decide that if you are to survive then now is the time to act.. the time to escape... you let your memories flood your brain, overcoming yourself with anger, hate, and revenge. You feel the adrenalin surging through your veins and finally you feel as if your whole body is on fire from the inside out. You harness the power and let yourself fly into a rage, effortlessly snapping the iron shackles around your wrists, snatching the blind fold off your eyes, and a second later snapping the necks of your escort... The crumpled forms of the guards are at your feet, as well as their shotguns and body armor... One thought races through your mind...ESCAPE...